require 'spec_helper' module WrapDeprecationCallSite def expect_deprecation_with_call_site(file, line) actual_call_site = nil allow(RSpec.configuration.reporter).to receive(:deprecation) do |options| actual_call_site = options[:call_site] end yield expect(actual_call_site).to match([file, line].join(':')) end end describe "expect { ... }.to raise_error" do it_behaves_like("an RSpec matcher", :valid_value => lambda { raise "boom" }, :invalid_value => lambda { }) do let(:matcher) { raise_error(/boom/) } end it "passes if anything is raised" do expect {raise}.to raise_error end it "passes if an error instance is expected" do s = expect {raise s}.to raise_error(s) end it "fails if a different error instance is thrown from the one that is expected" do s ="Error 1") to_raise ="Error 2") expect do expect {raise to_raise}.to raise_error(s) fail_with("expected #{s.inspect}, got #{to_raise.inspect} with backtrace")) end it "passes if an error class is expected and an instance of that class is thrown" do s = :bees expect { raise s }.to raise_error(StandardError) end it "fails if nothing is raised" do expect { expect {}.to raise_error }.to fail_with("expected Exception but nothing was raised") end end describe "raise_exception aliased to raise_error" do it "passes if anything is raised" do expect {raise}.to raise_exception end end describe "expect { ... }.to raise_error {|err| ... }" do it "passes if there is an error" do ran = false expect { non_existent_method }.to raise_error {|e| ran = true } expect(ran).to be_true end it "passes the error to the block" do error = nil expect { non_existent_method }.to raise_error {|e| error = e } expect(error).to be_kind_of(NameError) end end describe "expect { ... }.not_to raise_error" do context "with a specific error class" do it "is deprecated" do RSpec.should_receive :deprecate expect {"bees"}.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "with no specific error class" do it "is not deprecated" do run = nil allow(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate) { run = true } expect {"bees"}.not_to raise_error expect(run).to be_nil end it "passes if nothing is raised" do expect {}.not_to raise_error end it "fails if anything is raised" do expect { expect { raise RuntimeError, "example message" }.not_to raise_error }.to fail_with(/expected no Exception, got #/) end it 'includes the backtrace of the error that was raised in the error message' do expect { expect { raise "boom" }.not_to raise_error }.to raise_error { |e| backtrace_line = "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__ - 2}" expect(e.message).to include("with backtrace", backtrace_line) } end it 'formats the backtrace using the configured backtrace formatter' do RSpec::Matchers.configuration.backtrace_formatter. stub(:format_backtrace). and_return("formatted-backtrace") expect { expect { raise "boom" }.not_to raise_error }.to raise_error { |e| expect(e.message).to include("with backtrace", "formatted-backtrace") } end end end describe "expect { ... }.to raise_error(message)" do it "passes if RuntimeError is raised with the right message" do expect {raise 'blah'}.to raise_error('blah') end it "passes if RuntimeError is raised with a matching message" do expect {raise 'blah'}.to raise_error(/blah/) end it "passes if any other error is raised with the right message" do expect {raise'blah')}.to raise_error('blah') end it "fails if RuntimeError error is raised with the wrong message" do expect do expect {raise 'blarg'}.to raise_error('blah') fail_with(/expected Exception with \"blah\", got #/) end it "fails if any other error is raised with the wrong message" do expect do expect {raise'blarg')}.to raise_error('blah') fail_with(/expected Exception with \"blah\", got #/) end it 'includes the backtrace of any other error in the failure message' do expect { expect { raise "boom" }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) }.to raise_error { |e| backtrace_line = "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__ - 2}" expect(e.message).to include("with backtrace", backtrace_line) } end end describe "expect { ... }.not_to raise_error(message)" do include WrapDeprecationCallSite before do allow(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate) end it "is deprecated" do expect(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate).with( /not_to raise_error\(message\)/, :replacement =>"`expect { }.not_to raise_error` (with no args)" ) expect {raise 'blarg'}.not_to raise_error('blah') end it 'reports the line number of the deprecated syntax' do allow(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate).and_call_original expect_deprecation_with_call_site(__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) do expect {raise 'blarg'}.not_to raise_error('blah') end end it "passes if RuntimeError error is raised with the different message" do expect {raise 'blarg'}.not_to raise_error('blah') end it "passes if any other error is raised with the wrong message" do expect {raise'blarg')}.not_to raise_error('blah') end it "fails if RuntimeError is raised with message" do expect do expect {raise 'blah'}.not_to raise_error('blah') fail_with(/expected no Exception with "blah", got #/) end it "fails if any other error is raised with message" do expect do expect {raise'blah')}.not_to raise_error('blah') fail_with(/expected no Exception with "blah", got #/) end end describe "expect { ... }.to raise_error(NamedError)" do it "passes if named error is raised" do expect { non_existent_method }.to raise_error(NameError) end it "fails if nothing is raised" do expect { expect { }.to raise_error(NameError) }.to fail_with(/expected NameError but nothing was raised/) end it "fails if another error is raised (NameError)" do expect { expect { raise RuntimeError, "example message" }.to raise_error(NameError) }.to fail_with(/expected NameError, got #/) end it "fails if another error is raised (NameError)" do expect { expect { load "non/existent/file" }.to raise_error(NameError) }.to fail_with(/expected NameError, got #"`expect { }.not_to raise_error` (with no args)" ) expect { }.not_to raise_error(NameError) end it 'reports the line number of the deprecated syntax' do allow(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate).and_call_original expect_deprecation_with_call_site(__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) do expect { }.not_to raise_error(NameError) end end it "passes if nothing is raised" do expect { }.not_to raise_error(NameError) end it "passes if another error is raised" do expect { raise }.not_to raise_error(NameError) end it "fails if named error is raised" do expect { expect { 1 + 'b' }.not_to raise_error(TypeError) }.to fail_with(/expected no TypeError, got #/) end it "fails if correct error is raised with incorrect message" do expect { expect { raise"not the example message") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") }.to fail_with(/expected RuntimeError with \"example message\", got #"`expect { }.not_to raise_error` (with no args)" ) expect {}.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") end it 'reports the line number of the deprecated syntax' do allow(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate).and_call_original expect_deprecation_with_call_site(__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) do expect {}.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") end end it "passes if nothing is raised" do expect {}.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") end it "passes if a different error is raised" do expect { raise }.not_to raise_error(NameError, "example message") end it "passes if same error is raised with different message" do expect { raise"not the example message") }.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") end it "fails if named error is raised with same message" do expect { expect { raise "example message" }.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") }.to fail_with(/expected no RuntimeError with \"example message\", got #/) end end describe "expect { ... }.to raise_error(NamedError, error_message) with Regexp" do it "passes if named error is raised with matching message" do expect { raise "example message" }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /ample mess/) end it "fails if nothing is raised" do expect { expect {}.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /ample mess/) }.to fail_with(/expected RuntimeError with message matching \/ample mess\/ but nothing was raised/) end it "fails if incorrect error is raised" do expect { expect { raise RuntimeError, "example message" }.to raise_error(NameError, /ample mess/) }.to fail_with(/expected NameError with message matching \/ample mess\/, got #/) end it "fails if correct error is raised with incorrect message" do expect { expect { raise"not the example message") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /less than ample mess/) }.to fail_with(/expected RuntimeError with message matching \/less than ample mess\/, got #/) end end describe "expect { ... }.not_to raise_error(NamedError, error_message) with Regexp" do before do allow(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate) end it "is deprecated" do expect(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate) expect {}.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, /ample mess/) end it "passes if nothing is raised" do expect {}.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, /ample mess/) end it "passes if a different error is raised" do expect { raise }.not_to raise_error(NameError, /ample mess/) end it "passes if same error is raised with non-matching message" do expect { raise"non matching message") }.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, /ample mess/) end it "fails if named error is raised with matching message" do expect { expect { raise "example message" }.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, /ample mess/) }.to fail_with(/expected no RuntimeError with message matching \/ample mess\/, got #/) end end describe "expect { ... }.to raise_error(NamedError, error_message) { |err| ... }" do it "yields exception if named error is raised with same message" do ran = false expect { raise "example message" }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") { |err| ran = true expect(err.class).to eq RuntimeError expect(err.message).to eq "example message" } expect(ran).to be(true) end it "yielded block fails on it's own right" do ran, passed = false, false expect { expect { raise "example message" }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") { |err| ran = true expect(5).to eq 4 passed = true } }.to fail_with(/expected: 4/m) expect(ran).to be_true expect(passed).to be_false end it "does NOT yield exception if no error was thrown" do ran = false expect { expect {}.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") { |err| ran = true } }.to fail_with(/expected RuntimeError with \"example message\" but nothing was raised/) expect(ran).to eq false end it "does not yield exception if error class is not matched" do ran = false expect { expect { raise "example message" }.to raise_error(SyntaxError, "example message") { |err| ran = true } }.to fail_with(/expected SyntaxError with \"example message\", got #/) expect(ran).to eq false end it "does NOT yield exception if error message is not matched" do ran = false expect { expect { raise "example message" }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "different message") { |err| ran = true } }.to fail_with(/expected RuntimeError with \"different message\", got #/) expect(ran).to eq false end end describe "expect { ... }.not_to raise_error(NamedError, error_message) { |err| ... }" do before do allow(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate) end it "is deprecated" do expect(RSpec).to receive(:deprecate) expect {}.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") { |err| } end it "passes if nothing is raised" do ran = false expect {}.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") { |err| ran = true } expect(ran).to eq false end it "passes if a different error is raised" do ran = false expect { raise }.not_to raise_error(NameError, "example message") { |err| ran = true } expect(ran).to eq false end it "passes if same error is raised with different message" do ran = false expect { raise"not the example message") }.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") { |err| ran = true } expect(ran).to eq false end it "fails if named error is raised with same message" do ran = false expect { expect { raise "example message" }.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") { |err| ran = true } }.to fail_with(/expected no RuntimeError with \"example message\", got #/) expect(ran).to eq false end it 'skips the error verification block when using the expect {...}.to syntax' do ran = false expect { expect { raise "example message" }.not_to raise_error(RuntimeError, "example message") { |err| ran = true } }.to fail_with(/expected no RuntimeError with \"example message\", got #/) expect(ran).to eq false end end describe "misuse of raise_error, with (), not {}" do it "fails with warning" do ::Kernel.should_receive(:warn).with(/`raise_error` was called with non-proc object 1\.7/) expect { expect(Math.sqrt(3)).to raise_error }.to fail_with(/nothing was raised/) end end