module Rubyvis::SvgScene class PathBasis #:nodoc: def initialize(p0,p1,p2,p3) @p0=p0 @p1=p1 @p2=p2 @p3=p3 end attr_accessor :p0,:p1,:p2,:p3 # # Matrix to transform basis (b-spline) control points to bezier control # points. Derived from FvD 11.2.8. # def basis [ [ 1/6.0, 2/3.0, 1/6.0, 0 ], [ 0, 2/3.0, 1/3.0, 0 ], [ 0, 1/3.0, 2/3.0, 0 ], [ 0, 1/6.0, 2/3.0, 1/6.0 ] ] end # Returns the point that is the weighted sum of the specified control points, # using the specified weights. This method requires that there are four # weights and four control points. def weight(w){ :x=> w[0] * p0.left + w[1] * p1.left + w[2] * p2.left + w[3] * p3.left, :y=> w[0] * + w[1] * + w[2] * + w[3] * }) end def convert b1 = weight(basis[1]) b2 = weight(basis[2]) b3 = weight(basis[3]) "C#{b1.x},#{b1.y},#{b2.x},#{b2.y },#{b3.x},#{b3.y}" end def to_s convert end def segment b0 = weight(basis[0]) b1 = weight(basis[1]) b2 = weight(basis[2]) b3 = weight(basis[3]) "M#{b0.x},#{b0.y}C#{b1.x},#{b1.y},#{b2.x},#{b2.y},#{b3.x},#{b3.y}" end end # Converts the specified b-spline curve segment to a bezier curve # compatible with SVG "C". # * @param p0 the first control point. # * @param p1 the second control point. # * @param p2 the third control point. # * @param p3 the fourth control point. def self.path_basis(p0,p1,p2,p3),p1,p2,p3) end # Interpolates the given points using the basis spline interpolation. # Returns an SVG path without the leading M instruction to allow path # appending. def self.curve_basis(points) return "" if (points.size <= 2) path = "" p0 = points[0] p1 = p0 p2 = p0 p3 = points[1] path += self.path_basis(p0, p1, p2, p3).to_s 2.upto(points.size-1) {|i| p0 = p1 p1 = p2 p2 = p3 p3 = points[i] path += self.path_basis(p0, p1, p2, p3).to_s } # Cycle through to get the last point. path += self.path_basis(p1, p2, p3, p3).to_s path += self.path_basis(p2, p3, p3, p3).to_s path; end # Interpolates the given points using the basis spline interpolation. # If points.length == tangents.length then a regular Hermite interpolation is # performed, if points.length == tangents.length + 2 then the first and last # segments are filled in with cubic bazier segments. Returns an array of path # strings. def self.curve_basis_segments(points) return "" if (points.size <= 2) paths = [] p0 = points[0] p1 = p0 p2 = p0 p3 = points[1] firstPath = self.path_basis(p0, p1, p2, p3).segment p0 = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = p3; p3 = points[2]; paths.push(firstPath + self.path_basis(p0, p1, p2, p3).to_s) # merge first & second path 3.upto(points.size-1) {|i| p0 = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = p3; p3 = points[i]; paths.push(path_basis(p0, p1, p2, p3).segment); } # merge last & second-to-last path paths.push(path_basis(p1, p2, p3, p3).segment + path_basis(p2, p3, p3, p3).to_s) paths end # Interpolates the given points with respective tangents using the cubic # Hermite spline interpolation. If points.length == tangents.length then a regular # Hermite interpolation is performed, if points.length == tangents.length + 2 then # the first and last segments are filled in with cubic bazier segments. # Returns an SVG path without the leading M instruction to allow path appending. # # * @param points the array of points. # * @param tangents the array of tangent vectors. #/ def self.curve_hermite(points, tangents) return "" if (tangents.size < 1 or (points.size != tangents.size and points.size != tangents.size + 2)) quad = points.size != tangents.size path = "" p0 = points[0] p = points[1] t0 = tangents[0] t = t0 pi = 1 if (quad) path += "Q#{(p.left - t0.x * 2 / 3)},#{( - t0.y * 2 / 3)},#{p.left},#{}" p0 = points[1]; pi = 2; end if (tangents.length > 1) t = tangents[1] p = points[pi] pi+=1 path += "C#{(p0.left + t0.x)},#{( + t0.y) },#{(p.left - t.x) },#{( - t.y)},#{p.left},#{}" 2.upto(tangents.size-1) {|i| p = points[pi]; t = tangents[i]; path += "S#{(p.left - t.x)},#{( - t.y)},#{p.left},#{}" pi+=1 } end if (quad) lp = points[pi]; path += "Q#{(p.left + t.x * 2 / 3)},#{( + t.y * 2 / 3)},#{lp.left},#{}" end path; end # Interpolates the given points with respective tangents using the # cubic Hermite spline interpolation. Returns an array of path strings. # # * @param points the array of points. # * @param tangents the array of tangent vectors. def self.curve_hermite_segments(points, tangents) return [] if (tangents.size < 1 or (points.size != tangents.size and points.size != tangents.size + 2)) quad = points.size != tangents.size paths = [] p0 = points[0] p = p0 t0 = tangents[0] t = t0 pi = 1 if (quad) p = points[1] paths.push("M#{p0.left},#{ }Q#{(p.left - t.x * 2 / 3.0 )},#{( - t.y * 2 / 3)},#{p.left},#{}") pi = 2 end 1.upto(tangents.size-1) {|i| p0 = p; t0 = t; p = points[pi] t = tangents[i] paths.push("M#{p0.left },#{ }C#{(p0.left + t0.x) },#{( + t0.y) },#{(p.left - t.x) },#{( - t.y) },#{p.left },#{}") pi+=1 } if (quad) lp = points[pi]; paths.push("M#{p.left },#{ }Q#{(p.left + t.x * 2 / 3) },#{( + t.y * 2 / 3) },#{lp.left },#{}") end paths end # Computes the tangents for the given points needed for cardinal # spline interpolation. Returns an array of tangent vectors. Note: that for n # points only the n-2 well defined tangents are returned. # # * @param points the array of points. # * @param tension the tension of hte cardinal spline. def self.cardinal_tangents(points, tension) tangents = [] a = (1 - tension) / 2.0 p0 = points[0] p1 = points[1] p2 = points[2] 3.upto(points.size-1) {|i| tangents.push({:x=> a * (p2.left - p0.left), :y=> a * ( -})) p0 = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = points[i]; } tangents.push({:x=> a * (p2.left - p0.left), :y=> a * ( -})) return tangents; end # Interpolates the given points using cardinal spline interpolation. # Returns an SVG path without the leading M instruction to allow path # appending. # # * @param points the array of points. # * @param tension the tension of hte cardinal spline. def self.curve_cardinal(points, tension) return "" if (points.size <= 2) self.curve_hermite(points, self.cardinal_tangents(points, tension)) end # Interpolates the given points using cardinal spline interpolation. # Returns an array of path strings. # # @param points the array of points. # @param tension the tension of hte cardinal spline. def self.curve_cardinal_segments(points, tension) return "" if (points.size <= 2) self.curve_hermite_segments(points, self.cardinal_tangents(points, tension)) end # Interpolates the given points using Fritsch-Carlson Monotone cubic # Hermite interpolation. Returns an array of tangent vectors. # # *@param points the array of points. def self.monotone_tangents(points) tangents = [] d = [] m = [] dx = [] k=0 #/* Compute the slopes of the secant lines between successive points. */ while(k < points.size-1) do d[k] = (points[k+1].top - points[k].top) / (points[k+1].left - points[k].left).to_f k+=1 end #/* Initialize the tangents at every point as the average of the secants. */ m[0] = d[0] dx[0] = points[1].left - points[0].left 1.upto(points.size-2) {|k| m[k] = (d[k-1]+d[k]) / 2.0 dx[k] = (points[k+1].left - points[k-1].left) / 2.0 } m[k] = d[k-1]; dx[k] = (points[k].left - points[k-1].left); # /* Step 3. Very important, step 3. Yep. Wouldn't miss it. */ (points.size-1).times {|k| if d[k] == 0 m[ k ] = 0; m[k+1] = 0; end } # /* Step 4 + 5. Out of 5 or more steps. */ (points.size-1).times {|k| next if ((m[k].abs < 1e-5) or (m[k+1].abs < 1e-5)) ak = m[k] / d[k].to_f bk = m[k + 1] / d[k].to_f s = ak * ak + bk * bk; # monotone constant (?) if (s > 9) tk = 3.0 / Math.sqrt(s) m[k] = tk * ak * d[k] m[k + 1] = tk * bk * d[k] end } len=nil; points.size.times {|i| len = 1 + m[i] * m[i]; #// pv.vector(1, m[i]).norm().times(dx[i]/3) tangents.push({:x=> dx[i] / 3.0 / len, :y=> m[i] * dx[i] / 3.0 / len})) } tangents; end # Interpolates the given points using Fritsch-Carlson Monotone cubic # Hermite interpolation. Returns an SVG path without the leading M instruction # to allow path appending. # # * @param points the array of points. def self.curve_monotone(points) return "" if (points.length <= 2) return self.curve_hermite(points, self.monotone_tangents(points)) end # Interpolates the given points using Fritsch-Carlson Monotone cubic # Hermite interpolation. # Returns an array of path strings. # # * @param points the array of points. #/ def self.curve_monotone_segments(points) return "" if (points.size <= 2) self.curve_hermite_segments(points, self.monotone_tangents(points)) end end