module Hashie module Extensions module Dash module IndifferentAccess def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.send :include, Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess end def self.maybe_extend(base) return unless requires_class_methods?(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end def self.requires_class_methods?(klass) klass <= Hashie::Dash && !klass.singleton_class.included_modules.include?(ClassMethods) end private_class_method :requires_class_methods? module ClassMethods # Check to see if the specified property has already been # defined. def property?(name) name = translations[name.to_sym] if translation_for?(name) name = name.to_s !!properties.find { |property| property.to_s == name } end def translation_exists?(name) name = name.to_s !!translations.keys.find { |key| key.to_s == name } end def transformed_property(property_name, value) transform = transforms[property_name] || transforms[property_name.to_sym] end def transformation_exists?(name) name = name.to_s !!transforms.keys.find { |key| key.to_s == name } end private def translation_for?(name) included_modules.include?(Hashie::Extensions::Dash::PropertyTranslation) && translation_exists?(name) end end end end end end