Command-line compiler turning Twee-like files into Twine2-like output. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: twee2 build [input.tw2] [output.html] [[--format=story_format]] Compiles the specified twee-like file into an output file. optionally specify the format (Harlowe, Paperthin, Snowman, SugarCube, etc.). twee2 watch [input.tw2] [output.html] [[--format=story_format]] Syntax is the same as build, but twee2 will automatically watch for changes to your input file and recompile dynamically. twee2 formats Lists the output formats that are understood. twee2 decompile [URL] [output.tw2] Decompiles a Twee2/Twine 2 HTML output file at a specified URL into a Twee2 source file. twee2 help Displays this message.