Class | User |
In: |
Parent: | ActiveRecord::Base |
# File app/models/user.rb, line 29 29: def self.current=(user) 30: Thread.current[:cms_user] = user 31: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 33 33: def self.guest(options = {}) 34: 35: end
Expects a list of names of Permissions true if the user has any of the permissions
# File app/models/user.rb, line 111 111: def able_to?(*required_permissions) 112: perms = 113: permissions.any? do |p| 114: perms.include?( 115: end 116: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 165 165: def able_to_edit_or_publish_content? 166: able_to?(:edit_content, :publish_content) 167: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 139 139: def able_to_modify?(object) 140: case object 141: when Section 142: modifiable_sections.include?(object) 143: when Page, Link 144: modifiable_sections.include?(object.section) 145: else 146: if object.class.respond_to?(:connectable?) && object.class.connectable? 147: object.connected_pages.all? { |page| able_to_modify?(page) } 148: else 149: true 150: end 151: end 152: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 161 161: def able_to_publish?(object) 162: able_to?(:publish_content) && able_to_modify?(object) 163: end
Determine if this user has permission to view the specific object. Permissions
are always tied to a specific section. This method can take different input parameters and will attempt to determine the relevant section to check.
Expects object to be of type:
1. Section - Will check the user's groups to see if any of those groups can view this section. 2. Path - Will look up the section based on the path, then check it. (Note that section paths are not currently unique, so this will check the first one it finds). 3. Other - Assumes it has a section attribute and will call that and check the return value.
Returns: true if the user can view this object, false otherwise. Raises: ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound if a path to a not existent section is passed in.
# File app/models/user.rb, line 128 128: def able_to_view?(object) 129: section = object 130: if object.is_a?(String) 131: section = Section.find_by_path(object) 132: raise"Could not find section with path = '#{object}'") unless section 133: elsif !object.is_a?(Section) 134: section = object.section 135: end 136: viewable_sections.include?(section) || cms_access? 137: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 47 47: def disable 48: if self.class.count(:conditions => ["expires_at is null and id != ?", id]) > 0 49: self.expires_at = - 1.minutes 50: else 51: false 52: end 53: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 55 55: def disable! 56: unless disable 57: raise "You must have at least 1 enabled user" 58: end 59: save! 60: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 62 62: def expired? 63: expires_at && expires_at <= 64: end
This is to show a formated date on the input form. I‘m unsure that this is the best way to solve this, but it works.
# File app/models/user.rb, line 93 93: def expires_at_formatted 94: expires_at ? (expires_at.strftime '%m/%d/%Y' ): nil 95: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 75 75: def full_name 76: [first_name, last_name].reject{|e| e.nil?}.join(" ") 77: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 83 83: def full_name_or_login 84: if full_name.strip.blank? 85: login 86: else 87: full_name 88: end 89: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 79 79: def full_name_with_login 80: "#{full_name} (#{login})" 81: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 105 105: def modifiable_sections 106: @modifiable_sections ||= Section.find(:all, :include => {:groups => [:group_type, :users]}, :conditions => [" = ? and group_types.cms_access = ?", id, true]) 107: end
# File app/models/user.rb, line 97 97: def permissions 98: @permissions ||= Permission.find(:all, :include => {:groups => :users}, :conditions => [" = ?", id]) 99: end