
GtkFrame — A bin with a decorative frame and optional label


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct              GtkFrame;
GtkWidget *         gtk_frame_new                       (const gchar *label);
void                gtk_frame_set_label                 (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         const gchar *label);
void                gtk_frame_set_label_widget          (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         GtkWidget *label_widget);
void                gtk_frame_set_label_align           (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         gfloat xalign,
                                                         gfloat yalign);
void                gtk_frame_set_shadow_type           (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         GtkShadowType type);
const gchar *       gtk_frame_get_label                 (GtkFrame *frame);
void                gtk_frame_get_label_align           (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         gfloat *xalign,
                                                         gfloat *yalign);
GtkWidget *         gtk_frame_get_label_widget          (GtkFrame *frame);
GtkShadowType       gtk_frame_get_shadow_type           (GtkFrame *frame);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GtkFrame implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


  "label"                    gchar*                : Read / Write
  "label-widget"             GtkWidget*            : Read / Write
  "label-xalign"             gfloat                : Read / Write
  "label-yalign"             gfloat                : Read / Write
  "shadow"                   GtkShadowType         : Read / Write
  "shadow-type"              GtkShadowType         : Read / Write


The frame widget is a Bin that surrounds its child with a decorative frame and an optional label. If present, the label is drawn in a gap in the top side of the frame. The position of the label can be controlled with gtk_frame_set_label_align().

GtkFrame as GtkBuildable

The GtkFrame implementation of the GtkBuildable interface supports placing a child in the label position by specifying "label" as the "type" attribute of a <child> element. A normal content child can be specified without specifying a <child> type attribute.

Example 48. A UI definition fragment with GtkFrame

<object class="GtkFrame">
  <child type="label">
    <object class="GtkLabel" id="frame-label"/>
    <object class="GtkEntry" id="frame-content"/>


struct GtkFrame

struct GtkFrame;

gtk_frame_new ()

GtkWidget *         gtk_frame_new                       (const gchar *label);

Creates a new GtkFrame, with optional label label. If label is NULL, the label is omitted.

label :

the text to use as the label of the frame

Returns :

a new GtkFrame widget

gtk_frame_set_label ()

void                gtk_frame_set_label                 (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         const gchar *label);

Sets the text of the label. If label is NULL, the current label is removed.

frame :

a GtkFrame

label :

the text to use as the label of the frame. [allow-none]

gtk_frame_set_label_widget ()

void                gtk_frame_set_label_widget          (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         GtkWidget *label_widget);

Sets the label widget for the frame. This is the widget that will appear embedded in the top edge of the frame as a title.

frame :

a GtkFrame

label_widget :

the new label widget

gtk_frame_set_label_align ()

void                gtk_frame_set_label_align           (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         gfloat xalign,
                                                         gfloat yalign);

Sets the alignment of the frame widget's label. The default values for a newly created frame are 0.0 and 0.5.

frame :

a GtkFrame

xalign :

The position of the label along the top edge of the widget. A value of 0.0 represents left alignment; 1.0 represents right alignment.

yalign :

The y alignment of the label. A value of 0.0 aligns under the frame; 1.0 aligns above the frame. If the values are exactly 0.0 or 1.0 the gap in the frame won't be painted because the label will be completely above or below the frame.

gtk_frame_set_shadow_type ()

void                gtk_frame_set_shadow_type           (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         GtkShadowType type);

Sets the shadow type for frame.

frame :

a GtkFrame

type :

the new GtkShadowType

gtk_frame_get_label ()

const gchar *       gtk_frame_get_label                 (GtkFrame *frame);

If the frame's label widget is a GtkLabel, returns the text in the label widget. (The frame will have a GtkLabel for the label widget if a non-NULL argument was passed to gtk_frame_new().)

frame :

a GtkFrame

Returns :

the text in the label, or NULL if there was no label widget or the lable widget was not a GtkLabel. This string is owned by GTK+ and must not be modified or freed.

gtk_frame_get_label_align ()

void                gtk_frame_get_label_align           (GtkFrame *frame,
                                                         gfloat *xalign,
                                                         gfloat *yalign);

Retrieves the X and Y alignment of the frame's label. See gtk_frame_set_label_align().

frame :

a GtkFrame

xalign :

location to store X alignment of frame's label, or NULL. [allow-none]

yalign :

location to store X alignment of frame's label, or NULL. [allow-none]

gtk_frame_get_label_widget ()

GtkWidget *         gtk_frame_get_label_widget          (GtkFrame *frame);

Retrieves the label widget for the frame. See gtk_frame_set_label_widget().

frame :

a GtkFrame

Returns :

the label widget, or NULL if there is none. [transfer none]

gtk_frame_get_shadow_type ()

GtkShadowType       gtk_frame_get_shadow_type           (GtkFrame *frame);

Retrieves the shadow type of the frame. See gtk_frame_set_shadow_type().

frame :

a GtkFrame

Returns :

the current shadow type of the frame.

Property Details

The "label" property

  "label"                    gchar*                : Read / Write

Text of the frame's label.

Default value: NULL

The "label-widget" property

  "label-widget"             GtkWidget*            : Read / Write

A widget to display in place of the usual frame label.

The "label-xalign" property

  "label-xalign"             gfloat                : Read / Write

The horizontal alignment of the label.

Allowed values: [0,1]

Default value: 0

The "label-yalign" property

  "label-yalign"             gfloat                : Read / Write

The vertical alignment of the label.

Allowed values: [0,1]

Default value: 0.5

The "shadow" property

  "shadow"                   GtkShadowType         : Read / Write

Deprecated property, use shadow_type instead.


The "shadow-type" property

  "shadow-type"              GtkShadowType         : Read / Write

Appearance of the frame border.