require 'spec_helper' describe Mist::Post do it "preview" do subject.content = "# This is a header and stuff\r\nHere's a paragraph, or it would be if I had anything much to talk about, but it's really not right now because I'm busy. Go away.\r\n\r\nHere's some sample code to keep you sated:\r\n\r\n file: test.rb\r\n \ one = :one\r\n\r\n## and this is another header" proc { subject.content_as_html_preview }.should_not raise_error end it "should call observer" do subject.title = subject.content = "title" Mist::PostSweeper.instance.should_receive(:after_save) end describe "Mist::Post#matching_tags" do before do Mist::Post.create!(attributes_for(:post).merge(:title => 'one', :tags => 'one')) Mist::Post.create!(attributes_for(:post).merge(:title => 'two', :tags => 'two')) Mist::Post.create!(attributes_for(:post).merge(:title => 'four', :tags => nil)) end it "should return empty array if given nil" do Mist::Post.matching_tags(nil).should be_empty end it "should return empty array if given empty string" do Mist::Post.matching_tags([""]).should be_empty end it "should handle a single matching" do Mist::Post.matching_tags(["one"]).should have(1).post end it "should handle a single not matching" do Mist::Post.matching_tags(["three"]).should be_empty end it "should handle multiple matching" do Mist::Post.matching_tags(['one', 'two']).should have(2).posts end it "should handle multiple matching and not matching" do Mist::Post.matching_tags(['one', 'three']).should have(1).post end end describe "tags" do it "should save them" do id = Mist::Post.create!(attributes_for(:post).merge(:tags => ['one', 'two', 'three'])).id Mist::Post.find(id).tags.should == ['one', 'two', 'three'] end it "should split them out of a string" do p = p.tags = 'one, two three,four' p.tags.should == ['one', 'two three', 'four'] end end describe "recent posts" do before do @order = [, 2.days.ago, 3.days.ago, 4.days.ago, 5.days.ago ] Mist::Post.create!(:title => "title0", :content => "content", :published_at => @order[0]) Mist::Post.create!(:title => "title2", :content => "content", :published_at => @order[2]) Mist::Post.create!(:title => "title4", :content => "content", :published_at => @order[4]) Mist::Post.create!(:title => "title1", :content => "content", :published_at => @order[1]) Mist::Post.create!(:title => "title3", :content => "content", :published_at => @order[3]) end it "should order by published_at descending" do Mist::Post.recently_published(5)[0].published_at.should == @order[0] Mist::Post.recently_published(5)[1].published_at.should == @order[1] Mist::Post.recently_published(5)[2].published_at.should == @order[2] Mist::Post.recently_published(5)[3].published_at.should == @order[3] Mist::Post.recently_published(5)[4].published_at.should == @order[4] end end describe "popularity" do before do subject.title = "post title" subject.content = "content" end it "should start at 0" do subject.popularity.should == 0 end it "should not affect equality" do # a post is equal if its ID matches, nothing else matters.! other = Mist::Post.last subject.popularity = 1! subject.should == other end it "should order by descending popularity" do 5.times { |i| Mist::Post.create!(:title => "title#{i}", :content => "content", :popularity => i) } popular = Mist::Post.most_popular(5) popular[0].popularity.should == 4 popular[1].popularity.should == 3 popular[2].popularity.should == 2 popular[3].popularity.should == 1 popular[4].popularity.should == 0 end describe "after saving" do before {! } it "should be included in popular posts" do Mist::Post.most_popular(5).should include(subject) end describe "and then deleting" do before { subject.destroy } it "should omit subject from popular posts" do Mist::Post.most_popular(5).should be_empty end end describe "after popularity has changed" do before { subject.popularity = 5;! } it "should load the popularity" do Mist::Post.find( == 5 end it "should return the post as among the most popular" do Mist::Post.most_popular(5).should include(subject) end end end end it "should omit cr's" do subject.content = "a\r\nb" subject.content.should == "a\nb" end it "should default to draft" do subject.should_not be_published subject.should be_draft end it "should be published if publish date set" do subject.published_at = subject.should be_published subject.should_not be_draft end it "should be published now" do time = Time.stub!(:now).and_return(time) # to account for microseconds subject.published = true subject.published_at.should == time end describe "after publication" do before { subject.published = true } it "should nil out publication date" do subject.published = false subject.published_at.should be_blank end it "should not modify publication date" do time = subject.published_at subject.published = true subject.published_at.should == time end end describe "with 1 code example" do before do FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, '', :response => fixture('gist_with_1_code_example')) end describe "reloading the post later" do before do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, '', :response => fixture('gist_with_1_code_example')) Mist::Post.create!(:title => 'Code Example', :content => "# Test Content\n\n file: test.rb\n def one\n 1\n end\n\n# Moar test content") end subject { Mist::Post.find('code-example') } describe "changing its title" do before { subject.title = "new title" } it "should not change its id" do == "code-example" end describe "and then saving the post" do before do subject.gist.should_receive(:save).and_return(true)! end it "should update the gist's description" do subject.gist.description.should =~ /new title/ end it "should change its id" do == "new-title" end end end describe "and then adding a new code example" do before { subject.content << "\n file: moar-file.rb\n moar = :more\n\nDone" } it "should find 2 code examples" do subject.code_examples.should have(2).examples end it "should create a new gist file" do subject.gist.should_receive(:save).and_return(true) subject.gist.files.should have_key('moar-file.rb') subject.gist.files['moar-file.rb'].should have_key(:content) subject.gist.files['moar-file.rb'][:content].should == "moar = :more\n" end describe "saving and then removing one code example" do before do subject.gist.should_receive(:save).twice.and_return(true) subject.content["\n file: moar-file.rb\n moar = :more\n"] = "\n" end it "should mark moar-file.rb for deletion" do subject.gist.files.should have_key('moar-file.rb') subject.gist.files['moar-file.rb'].should be_nil end it "should not mark test.rb for deletion" do subject.gist.files.should have_key('test.rb') subject.gist.files['test.rb'].should_not be_nil end end end describe "and then removing the code example" do before { subject.content = "no code examples here" } it "should find 0 code examples" do subject.code_examples.should be_empty end it "should delete the gist" do subject.gist.should_receive(:destroy).and_return(true) end end describe "with the gist now missing" do before do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, '', :response => fixture('gist_404')) end it "should not raise an error" do proc { subject }.should_not raise_error end it "should embed code using regular markdown" do subject.content_as_html.should_not =~ / end describe "when saving the record" do it "should create a new gist" do! subject.gist.should be_persisted end end end it "should ensure a blank line before and after gist embeds" do # otherwise not having the blanks will cause markdown to not handle headers properly content = subject.content_with_embedded_gists content.should =~ /\n\n\n\n/ end it "should still have the gist" do subject.gist.should be_persisted end it "should contain gist code" do # so the blogger can later edit the gist. # Also, if the gist is externally upated, it should be reflected # when blog post is updated. This test shows as much because in # the fakeweb response, 1 is switched with :one. subject.content.should == "# Test Content\n\n file: test.rb\n def one\n :one\n end\n\n# Moar test content" end end describe "constructing a new post" do before do subject.title = "Code Example" subject.content = "# Test Content\n\n file: test.rb\n def one\n 1\n end\n\n# Moar test content" end describe "after saving" do before do subject.gist.should_receive(:save).and_return(true) end it "should know its own url" do subject.url.should == "" end describe "the gist description" do let(:desc) { subject.gist.description } it "include link to post" do desc.should =~ /\/posts\/code-example/ end it "should not include code example filename" do subject.gist.description.should_not =~ /test.rb/ end end end it { should have_code_examples } it "should embed the gist in html" do! embed = '' subject.content_as_html.should =~ /#{Regexp::escape embed}/ end it "should not embed the gist in html preview" do! subject.content_as_html_preview.should_not =~ / end it "should not embed code in html preview" do! subject.content_as_html_preview.should_not =~ /file: test.rb/ subject.content_as_html_preview.should_not =~ /def one/ end it "should include the first line in html preview" do! subject.content_as_html_preview.should =~ /Test Content/ end it "should not include moar content in the html preview" do! subject.content_as_html_preview.should_not =~ /Moar test content/ end it "should not embed gist info if there are no code examples" do subject.content = "No code"! subject.content_as_html.should_not =~ / end it "should use the example's filename" do # we don't want the fake response to modify the gist this time subject.gist.stub(:save).and_return(true)! subject.gist.files.should have_key('test.rb') end it "should identify 1 code example" do subject.code_examples.length.should == 1 subject.code_examples.first.should == "def one\n 1\nend\n" end it "should not have saved a gist yet" do subject.gist.should_not be_persisted end describe "saving" do it "should save a gist" do! subject.gist.should be_persisted end end end end describe "with no code examples" do before do subject.title = "No Code Example" subject.content = "# Test Content" end it { should_not have_code_examples } it "should not have a gist at all" do subject.gist.should be_nil end it "should not create a gist" do! subject.gist.should be_nil end end describe "validation" do before { subject.valid? } it "should require title" do subject.errors[:title].should include("can't be blank") end it "should require content" do subject.errors[:content].should include("can't be blank") end it "should enforce uniqueness of title" do create :post post = build :post post.valid? post.errors[:title].should include("has already been taken") end end describe "creation" do it "should return the post" do Mist::Post.create!(attributes_for :post).should be_kind_of(Mist::Post) end it "should not be a new record" do Mist::Post.create!(attributes_for :post).should_not be_new_record end end describe "new valid record" do subject { build :post } it { should_not be_persisted } it { should be_new_record } it { should be_changed } describe "after saving" do before {! } it { should be_persisted } it { should_not be_new_record } it { should_not be_changed } it "should increase count" do Mist::Post.count.should == 1 end it "should have created an attribute file" do File.should be_file(subject.path) end it "should have created a commit" do Mist.log.size.should == 1 end it "should load the content in a separate query" do Mist::Post.find( == subject.content end end end describe "an existing record" do subject { create :post } describe "destroying" do before { subject.destroy } it "should not be found" do Mist::Post.find( be_nil end it "should produce a commit" do Mist.log.size.should == 2 end it "should reduce count" do Mist::Post.count.should == 0 end end describe "changing its content" do before { subject.content = "changed";! } it "should create a commit" do Mist.log.size.should == 2 end it "should load the new content in a separate query" do Mist::Post.find( == "changed" end end describe "changing its subject" do before do @old_path = subject.path subject.title = "changed"! end it "should create a commit" do Mist.log.size.should == 2 end it "should have changed the content path" do @old_path.should_not == subject.path end it "should have removed the old content path" do File.should_not exist(@old_path) end it "should hvae created a new content path" do File.should be_file(subject.path) end end describe "changing its subject and its content simultaneously" do before do @old_path = subject.path subject.title = "changed" subject.content = "changed"! end it "should create a commit" do Mist.log.size.should == 2 end it "should have changed the content path" do @old_path.should_not == subject.path end it "should have removed the old content path" do File.should_not exist(@old_path) end it "should have created a new content path" do File.should be_file(subject.path) end it "should load the new content in a separate query" do Mist::Post.find( == "changed" end end end describe "active model lint tests" do # make sure we didn't break them include Test::Unit::Assertions include ActiveModel::Lint::Tests def model @model ||= do def "TestModel" end end # to_s is to support ruby-1.9{|m| m.to_s}.grep(/^test/).each do |m| example m.gsub('_',' ') do send m end end end end