@layer utilities { @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { /** * Color overrides **/ .bg-primary-900 { /* TODO We can't really do this. We need to just append a transparency class to these elements. */ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); } .bg-light-gradient { &:before { background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, var(--dark-gradient-from), var(--dark-gradient-to) 100%); } } /** * General **/ .button { @apply ring-offset-darkPrimary-700; } .table { th { @apply text-darkPrimary-400; } tbody { @apply border-gray-500; tr { border-top: 1px solid theme('colors.darkPrimary.500'); } td { @apply text-gray-400; a, input[type="submit"] { @apply text-darkAccent-200; } } } } /** * Form components **/ .button-secondary { @apply text-darkAccent-200; } .button-alternative { @apply bg-black-400 border-black-400 text-white; &:hover { @apply bg-black-300 border-black-200 text-white; } } /** * Custom components **/ /* Color picker */ .pcr-app { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 border border-solid border-darkPrimary-900; .pcr-interaction .pcr-result { @apply text-darkPrimary-300 border border-solid border-darkPrimary-900 bg-darkPrimary-800; &:focus { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px theme('colors.primary.500'), 0 0 0 3px theme('colors.primary.500'); } } } /* Date range picker */ .daterangepicker { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 border-darkPrimary-900; &::before { border-bottom-color: theme('colors.darkPrimary.900'); } &::after { border-bottom-color: theme('colors.darkPrimary.800'); } .calendar-table { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 text-darkPrimary-300; /* navigation arrows */ .available { span { @apply border-primary-500; } } } /* Clear and Apply buttons wrapper */ .drp-buttons { border-top-color: theme('colors.darkPrimary.900'); @apply text-darkPrimary-300; } th { &.available:hover { @apply bg-darkPrimary-600; } } td { &.off { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 text-white; } &.available:hover { @apply bg-darkPrimary-600; } } .hourselect, .minuteselect, .ampmselect { @apply text-darkPrimary-300 border-darkPrimary-900 bg-darkPrimary-800 !important; } } /* Phone field */ .iti__country-list { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 border border-solid border-darkPrimary-900; } /* Select2 */ .select2-container { .select2-selection__rendered { @apply text-darkPrimary-300 !important; } .select2-dropdown { @apply bg-darkPrimary-700; } .select2-search__field { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 border-darkPrimary-900 !important; } .select2-selection--multiple, .select2-selection--single { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 focus:ring-primary-500 border-darkPrimary-900 !important; @apply text-darkPrimary-300; } /* For the selected options in the multiple select2 component */ .select2-selection__choice { @apply bg-primary-500 border-primary-500 !important; @apply text-white; .select2-selection__choice__remove { @apply text-white; &:hover { @apply text-white; } } } .select2-results__option { @apply text-darkPrimary-300; } } /* Trix Editor */ trix-editor { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 border-darkPrimary-900 !important; &:focus, &:active { @apply border-primary-500 !important; } } trix-toolbar { .trix-button-group, .trix-button { @apply border-darkPrimary-900 !important; } } .tribute-container { ul { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 border-darkPrimary-900 !important; } } .trix-dialogs { @apply bg-darkPrimary-800 border-darkPrimary-900 !important; } .trix-content a[href^="bullettrain://"] { @apply text-white bg-darkPrimary-500; } /* CKEditor */ .ck { --ck-color-base-background: theme('colors.darkPrimary.800'); --ck-color-base-border: theme('colors.darkPrimary.900'); --ck-color-toolbar-background: theme('colors.darkPrimary.800'); --ck-color-toolbar-border: theme('colors.darkPrimary.900'); --ck-color-text: theme('colors.darkPrimary.300'); .ck-editor__editable:not(.ck-editor__nested-editable) { @apply shadow-none; &.ck-focused { @apply shadow-none; } } } } }