= Grooveshark API Unofficial grooveshark API ruby library gives your ability to search and stream songs, manage playlists, media library and favorites. API was discovered using http proxy and does not pretend to be always valid due to website API changes. = Installation gem install grooveshark = Getting Started Lets first create a session. Grooveshark session is a regular PHP session with expiration date of 7 days. require 'rubygems' require 'grooveshark' client = Grooveshark::Client.new To get session key just call session = client.session You can store this key for 7 days after creation and use it like this: client = Grooveshark::Client.new(SESSION_KEY) Now we can find some songs: songs = client.search_songs('Nirvana') songs.each do |s| s.id # Song ID s.name # Song name s.artist # Song artist name s.album # Song album name s.duration # Song duration in seconds (not always present, 0 by default) end We got collection of songs. Check Song object for additional attributes. In order to stream song we need to get the authorization song = songs.first url = client.get_song_url(song) Given url is valid only for current session and cannot be shared or stored permanently. Also, it probably violates terms of service. = User Authentication To get your user account you need to provide username and password. If username or password is not valid InvalidAuthentication exception will be raised. client = Grooveshark::Client.new begin user = client.login('username', 'password') rescue InvalidAuthentication puts "Oooops! Wrong username or password" end = Playlists and favorites Get all user playlists user.playlists.each do |p| p.id # Playlist ID p.name # Playlist name p.about # Playlist description (empty by default) end Get user playlist playlist = user.get_playlist(PLAYLIST_ID) Get all playlist songs playlist = user.get_playlist(ID) playlist.load_songs songs = playlist.songs Rename existing playlist playlist = user.get_playlist(ID) playlist.rename('NEW NAME', 'NEW DESCRIPTION') Delete existing user playlist playlist = user.get_playlist(ID) playlist.delete Create a new playlist. First parameter is mandatory, description and songs are optional. For songs you can provide array of Song objects or array of IDs. songs = client.search_songs('Joe Satriani') p = user.create_playlist('NAME', 'DESCRIPTION', songs) Get user favorite songs songs = user.favorites Add song to favorites user.add_favorite(song) # Song object or song ID Remove song from favorites user.remove_favorite(song) # Song object or song ID = User library Get all songs from library as a collection of Song objects songs = user.library Add songs to library songs = client.search_songs('The Beatles') user.library_add(songs) Remove selected songs from library. Unfortunately mass-deletion is not supported by Grooveshark API. You will have to delete each song via separate method call. song = user.library.first # Lest pick a first song in the library user.library_remove(song) = Explore community Get all recently active users client.recent_users Find user by ID client.get_user_by_id('ID') Find user by username client.get_user_by_username('username') Fetch recent user activity user = client.get_user_by_username('user') user.feed = Known issues * Communication token gets rejected after some time. This timeframe is always different. Additional research didnt show any results. = TODO * Testing * Library management coverage * More methods = Credits * Dan Sosedoff - http://github.com/sosedoff * Daniel Lamando - http://github.com/danopia