AllCops: Exclude: - data_builder.gemspec - test/*.rb - spec/**/* # Removing need for frozen string literal comment. Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Enabled: false # Removing the preference for string single quotes. Style/StringLiterals: Enabled: false # Missing top-level module documentation comment. Style/Documentation: Enabled: false # Prefer reduce over inject. Style/CollectionMethods: PreferredMethods: reduce: 'inject' # Use each_with_object instead of inject. Style/EachWithObject: Enabled: false # Prefer fail over raise. Style/SignalException: Enabled: false # This never works for validations. Layout/AlignHash: EnforcedLastArgumentHashStyle: ignore_implicit # Align multi-line params with previous line. Layout/AlignParameters: EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation # Indent `when` clause one step from `case`. Layout/CaseIndentation: IndentOneStep: true # Don't force bad var names for reduce/inject loops. Style/SingleLineBlockParams: Enabled: false # For method chains, keep the dot with the method name. Layout/DotPosition: EnforcedStyle: leading # Stop nesting so hard. Metrics/BlockNesting: Max: 2 # Encourage short methods. Metrics/MethodLength: Max: 10 # Encourage fewer parameters. Metrics/ParameterLists: Max: 4