require "clockwork_web/version" # dependencies require "clockwork" require "robustly" # engine require "clockwork_web/engine" module ClockworkWeb LAST_RUNS_KEY = "clockwork:last_runs" DISABLED_KEY = "clockwork:disabled" HEARTBEAT_KEY = "clockwork:heartbeat" class << self attr_accessor :clock_path attr_accessor :redis attr_accessor :monitor end self.monitor = true def self.enable(job) if redis redis.srem(DISABLED_KEY, job) true else false end end def self.disable(job) if redis redis.sadd(DISABLED_KEY, job) true else false end end def self.enabled?(job) if redis !redis.sismember(DISABLED_KEY, job) else true end end def self.disabled_jobs if redis else end end def self.last_runs if redis Hash[ redis.hgetall(LAST_RUNS_KEY).map{|job, timestamp| [job,] }.sort_by{|job, time| [time, job] } ] else {} end end def self.set_last_run(job) if redis redis.hset(LAST_RUNS_KEY, job, end end def self.last_heartbeat if redis timestamp = redis.get(HEARTBEAT_KEY) if timestamp end end end def self.heartbeat if redis heartbeat = if heartbeat % 10 == 0 prev_heartbeat = redis.getset(HEARTBEAT_KEY, heartbeat).to_i if heartbeat == prev_heartbeat # TODO debounce # TODO try to surface hostnames when this condition is detected # TODO hook to take action redis.setex("clockwork:status", 20, "multiple") end end end end def self.running? last_heartbeat && last_heartbeat > 60.seconds.ago end def self.multiple? redis && redis.get("clockwork:status") == "multiple" end end module Clockwork on(:before_tick) do ClockworkWeb.heartbeat if ClockworkWeb.monitor true end on(:before_run) do |event, t| run = true safely do run = ClockworkWeb.enabled?(event.job) if run ClockworkWeb.set_last_run(event.job) else manager.log "Skipping '#{event}'" event.last = event.convert_timezone(t) end end run end end