#!/usr/bin/env spec # encoding: utf-8 BEGIN { require 'pathname' require 'rbconfig' basedir = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent libdir = basedir + 'lib' archlib = libdir + Config::CONFIG['sitearch'] $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir.to_s ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( archlib.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( archlib.to_s ) } require 'pg' require 'rubygems' require 'spec' require 'spec/lib/helpers' describe PGresult do include PgTestingHelpers before( :all ) do @conn = setup_testing_db( "PGresult" ) end before( :each ) do @conn.exec( 'BEGIN' ) end it "should act as an array of hashes" do res = @conn.exec("SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b") res[0]['a'].should== '1' res[0]['b'].should== '2' end it "should insert nil AS NULL and return NULL as nil" do res = @conn.exec("SELECT $1::int AS n", [nil]) res[0]['n'].should == nil end it "should detect division by zero as SQLSTATE 22012" do sqlstate = nil begin res = @conn.exec("SELECT 1/0") rescue PGError => e sqlstate = e.result.result_error_field( PGresult::PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE).to_i end sqlstate.should == 22012 end it "should return the same bytes in binary format that are sent in binary format" do binary_file = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec/data', 'random_binary_data') bytes = File.open(binary_file, 'rb').read res = @conn.exec('VALUES ($1::bytea)', [ { :value => bytes, :format => 1 } ], 1) res[0]['column1'].should== bytes end it "should return the same bytes in binary format that are sent as inline text" do binary_file = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec/data', 'random_binary_data') in_bytes = File.open(binary_file, 'rb').read out_bytes = nil @conn.exec("SET standard_conforming_strings=on") res = @conn.exec("VALUES ('#{PGconn.escape_bytea(in_bytes)}'::bytea)", [], 1) out_bytes = res[0]['column1'] out_bytes.should == in_bytes end it "should return the same bytes in text format that are sent in binary format" do binary_file = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec/data', 'random_binary_data') bytes = File.open(binary_file, 'rb').read res = @conn.exec('VALUES ($1::bytea)', [ { :value => bytes, :format => 1 } ]) PGconn.unescape_bytea(res[0]['column1']).should== bytes end it "should return the same bytes in text format that are sent as inline text" do binary_file = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec/data', 'random_binary_data') in_bytes = File.open(binary_file, 'rb').read out_bytes = nil @conn.exec("SET standard_conforming_strings=on") res = @conn.exec("VALUES ('#{PGconn.escape_bytea(in_bytes)}'::bytea)", [], 0) out_bytes = PGconn.unescape_bytea(res[0]['column1']) out_bytes.should == in_bytes end it "should return the parameter type of the specified prepared statment parameter" do query = 'SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE user = $1::name AND current_query = $2::text' @conn.prepare( 'queryfinder', query ) res = @conn.describe_prepared( 'queryfinder' ) @conn.exec( 'SELECT format_type($1, -1)', [res.paramtype(0)] ).getvalue( 0, 0 ). should == 'name' @conn.exec( 'SELECT format_type($1, -1)', [res.paramtype(1)] ).getvalue( 0, 0 ). should == 'text' end it "should raise an exception when a negative index is given to #fformat" do res = @conn.exec('SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity') expect { res.fformat( -1 ) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError, /column number/i ) end it "should raise an exception when a negative index is given to #fmod" do res = @conn.exec('SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity') expect { res.fmod( -1 ) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError, /column number/i ) end it "should raise an exception when a negative index is given to #[]" do res = @conn.exec('SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity') expect { res[ -1 ] }.to raise_error( IndexError, /-1 is out of range/i ) end # PQfmod it "can return the type modifier for a result column" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE fmodtest ( foo varchar(33) )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM fmodtest' ) res.fmod( 0 ).should == 33 + 4 # Column length + varlena size (4) end it "should raise an exception when an invalid index is passed to PGresult#fmod" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE fmodtest ( foo varchar(33) )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM fmodtest' ) expect { res.fmod(1) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError ) end it "should raise an exception when an invalid (negative) index is passed to PGresult#fmod" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE fmodtest ( foo varchar(33) )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM fmodtest' ) expect { res.fmod(-11) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError ) end it "shouldn't raise an exception when a valid index is passed to PGresult#fmod for a column with no typemod" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE fmodtest ( foo text )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM fmodtest' ) res.fmod( 0 ).should == -1 # and it shouldn't raise an exception, either end # PQftable it "can return the oid of the table from which a result column was fetched" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE ftabletest ( foo text )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM ftabletest' ) res.ftable( 0 ).should == be_nonzero() end it "should raise an exception when an invalid index is passed to PGresult#ftable" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE ftabletest ( foo text )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM ftabletest' ) expect { res.ftable(18) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError ) end it "should raise an exception when an invalid (negative) index is passed to PGresult#ftable" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE ftabletest ( foo text )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM ftabletest' ) expect { res.ftable(-2) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError ) end it "shouldn't raise an exception when a valid index is passed to PGresult#ftable for a " + "column with no corresponding table" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE ftabletest ( foo text )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT foo, LENGTH(foo) as length FROM ftabletest' ) res.ftable( 1 ).should == PGresult::InvalidOid # and it shouldn't raise an exception, either end # PQftablecol it "can return the column number (within its table) of a column in a result" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE ftablecoltest ( foo text, bar numeric )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM ftablecoltest' ) res.ftablecol( 0 ).should == 1 res.ftablecol( 1 ).should == 2 end it "should raise an exception when an invalid index is passed to PGresult#ftablecol" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE ftablecoltest ( foo text, bar numeric )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM ftablecoltest' ) expect { res.ftablecol(32) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError ) end it "should raise an exception when an invalid (negative) index is passed to PGresult#ftablecol" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE ftablecoltest ( foo text, bar numeric )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT * FROM ftablecoltest' ) expect { res.ftablecol(-1) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError ) end it "shouldn't raise an exception when a valid index is passed to PGresult#ftablecol for a " + "column with no corresponding table" do @conn.exec( 'CREATE TABLE ftablecoltest ( foo text )' ) res = @conn.exec( 'SELECT foo, LENGTH(foo) as length FROM ftablecoltest' ) res.ftablecol(1).should == 0 # and it shouldn't raise an exception, either end after( :each ) do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) end after( :all ) do teardown_testing_db( @conn ) end end