require 'yaml' require_relative 'v-store.rb' module Buy def weapon(item) system 'clear' puts "Hephy's Forge -> Weapons Menu -> Weapon Purchase" + "\n" + "=" * 40 + "\n"*2 player = YAML.load("m-playerdata.yml")) weap_stats = YAML.load("m-weap_stats.yml")) gold = weapon = player.weapon hp = player.hp str = player.str int = agi = player.agi dex = player.dex lck = player.lck cost = weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:cost).to_i if cost > gold ::Store.deficit else if weapon != nil str += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerStr) - weap_stats.fetch(weapon).fetch(:playerStr) agi += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerAgi) - weap_stats.fetch(weapon).fetch(:playerAgi) int += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerInt) - weap_stats.fetch(weapon).fetch(:playerInt) dex += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerDex) - weap_stats.fetch(weapon).fetch(:playerDex) lck += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerLck) - weap_stats.fetch(weapon).fetch(:playerLck) puts "You threw away your #{weapon} and picked up the gleaming #{item}!" else str += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerStr) agi += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerAgi) int += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerInt) dex += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerDex) lck += weap_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerLck) puts "You give your new #{item} a flourish. It'll be good to stop hitting things with your bare knuckles." end gold -= cost weapon = item end = gold player.weapon = weapon player.str = str player.agi = agi player.dex = dex = int player.lck = lck'm-playerdata.yml', 'w') {|file| File.write('m-playerdata.yml', player.to_yaml)} sleep(3) end def armour(item) system 'clear' puts "Hephy's Forge -> Armours Menu -> Armour Purchase" + "\n" + "=" * 40 + "\n"*2 player = YAML.load("m-playerdata.yml")) arm_stats = YAML.load("m-arm_stats.yml")) gold = armour = player.armour hp = player.hp str = player.str int = agi = player.agi dex = player.dex lck = player.lck cost = arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:cost).to_i if cost > gold ::Store.deficit else if armour != nil hp += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerHP) - arm_stats.fetch(armour).fetch(:playerHP) str += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerStr) - arm_stats.fetch(armour).fetch(:playerStr) agi += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerAgi) - arm_stats.fetch(armour).fetch(:playerAgi) int += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerInt) - arm_stats.fetch(armour).fetch(:playerInt) dex += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerDex) - arm_stats.fetch(armour).fetch(:playerDex) lck += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerLck) - arm_stats.fetch(armour).fetch(:playerLck) puts "You discarded your #{armour} and put on the shiny #{item}!" else hp += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerHP) str += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerStr) agi += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerAgi) int += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerInt) dex += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerDex) lck += arm_stats.fetch(item).fetch(:playerLck) puts "You put on the #{item}. It's good to be less naked!" end gold -= cost armour = item end = gold player.armour = armour player.hp = hp player.str = str player.agi = agi player.dex = dex = int player.lck = lck'm-playerdata.yml', 'w') {|file| File.write('m-playerdata.yml', player.to_yaml)} sleep(3) end module_function :weapon, :armour end