require 'hanami/utils' require 'hanami/utils/class_attribute' require 'hanami/utils/escape' require 'hanami/helpers/html_helper/empty_html_node' require 'hanami/helpers/html_helper/html_node' require 'hanami/helpers/html_helper/html_fragment' require 'hanami/helpers/html_helper/text_node' module Hanami module Helpers module HtmlHelper # HTML Builder # # @since 0.1.0 class HtmlBuilder # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength # HTML5 content tags # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private # # @see Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper::HtmlNode # @see CONTENT_TAGS = %w[ a abbr address article aside audio b bdi bdo blockquote body button canvas caption cite code colgroup data datalist del details dialog dfn div dl dt dd em fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header hgroup i iframe ins kbd label legend li main map mark math menu meter nav noscript object ol optgroup option output p pre progress q rp rt rtc ruby s samp script section select slot small span strong style sub summary sup svg table tbody td template textarea tfoot th thead time title tr u ul var video ].freeze # HTML5 empty tags # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private # # @see Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper::EmptyHtmlNode # @see EMPTY_TAGS = %w[ area base br col embed hr img input keygen link menuitem meta param source track wbr ].freeze # New line separator # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private NEWLINE = "\n".freeze CONTENT_TAGS.each do |tag| class_eval %{ def #{tag}(content = nil, attributes = nil, &blk) @nodes <<{tag}, blk || content, attributes || content, options) self end } end EMPTY_TAGS.each do |tag| class_eval %{ def #{tag}(attributes = nil) @nodes <<{tag}, attributes) self end } end include Utils::ClassAttribute class_attribute :html_node self.html_node = ::Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper::HtmlNode # Initialize a new builder # # @return [Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper::HtmlBuilder] the builder # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def initialize @nodes = [] end # @api private def options end # Define a custom tag # # @param name [Symbol,String] the name of the tag # @param content [String,Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper::HtmlBuilder,NilClass] the optional content # @param attributes [Hash,NilClass] the optional tag attributes # @param blk [Proc] the optional nested content espressed as a block # # @return [self] # # @since 0.1.0 # @api public # # @see Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper # # @example # html.tag(:custom) # => # # html.tag(:custom, 'foo') # => foo # # html.tag(:custom, html.p('hello')) # =>


# # html.tag(:custom) { 'foo' } # # => # # # # foo # # # # html.tag(:custom) do # p 'hello' # end # # => # # # #


# #
# # html.tag(:custom, 'hello', id: 'foo', 'data-xyz': 'bar') # => hello # # html.tag(:custom, id: 'foo') { 'hello' } # # => # # # # hello # # def tag(name, content = nil, attributes = nil, &blk) @nodes <<, blk || content, attributes || content, options) self end # Define a HTML fragment # # @param blk [Proc] the optional nested content espressed as a block # # @return [self] # # @since 0.2.6 # @api public # # @see Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper # # @example # html.fragment('Hanami') # => Hanami # # html do # p 'hello' # p 'hanami' # end # # => #




def fragment(&blk) @nodes << self end # Defines a custom empty tag # # @param name [Symbol,String] the name of the tag # @param attributes [Hash,NilClass] the optional tag attributes # # @return [self] # # @since 0.1.0 # @api public # # @see Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper # # @example # html.empty_tag(:xr) # => # # html.empty_tag(:xr, id: 'foo') # => # # html.empty_tag(:xr, id: 'foo', 'data-xyz': 'bar') # => def empty_tag(name, attributes = nil) @nodes <<, attributes) self end # Defines a plain string of text. This particularly useful when you # want to build more complex HTML. # # @param content [String] the text to be rendered. # # @return [self] # # @see Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper # @see Hanami::Helpers::HtmlHelper::TextNode # # @example # # <%= # html.label do # text "Option 1" # radio_button :option, 1 # end # %> # # # def text(content) @nodes << self end # @since 0.2.5 # @api private alias + text # Resolves all the nodes and generates the markup # # @return [Hanami::Utils::Escape::SafeString] the output # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private # # @see def to_s end # Encode the content with the given character encoding # # @param encoding [Encoding,String] the encoding or its string representation # # @return [String] the encoded string # # @since 0.2.5 # @api private def encode(encoding) to_s.encode(encoding) end # Check if there are nested nodes # # @return [TrueClass,FalseClass] the result of the check # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def nested? @nodes.any? end if !Utils.jruby? # Resolve the context for nested contents # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def resolve(&blk) @context = blk.binding.receiver instance_exec(&blk) end else # Resolve the context for nested contents # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def resolve(&blk) @context = eval 'self', blk.binding instance_exec(&blk) end end # Forward missing methods to the current context. # This allows to access views local variables from nested content blocks. # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def method_missing(m, *args, &blk) @context.__send__(m, *args, &blk) end end end end end