module Mac::Group include Beaker::CommandFactory # Gets a list of group names on the system # # @param [Proc] block Additional actions or insertions # # @return [Array<String>] The list of group names on the system def group_list(&block) execute('dscacheutil -q group') do |result| groups = [] result.stdout.each_line do |line| groups << line.split(': ')[1].strip if line =~ /^name:/ end yield result if block_given? groups end end # Gets the group information in /etc/group format # # @param [String] name Name of the group you want # @param [Proc] block Additional actions or insertions # # @yield [String] The actual mac dscacheutil output # @return [String] Group information in /etc/group format # @raise [FailTest] Raises an Assertion failure if it can't find the name # queried for in the returned block def group_get(name, &block) execute("dscacheutil -q group -a name #{name}") do |result| fail_test "failed to get group #{name}" unless result.stdout =~ /^name: #{name}/ gi = # group info result.stdout.each_line { |line| pieces = line.split(': ') gi[pieces[0].to_sym] = pieces[1].strip if pieces[1] != nil } answer = "#{gi[:name]}:#{gi[:password]}:#{gi[:gid]}" yield answer if block_given? end end # Gets the gid of the given group # # @param [String] name Name of the group # # @return [String] gid of the group def group_gid(name) gid = -1 execute("dscacheutil -q group -a name #{name}") do |result| result.stdout.each_line { |line| if line =~ /^gid:/ gid = (line[5, line.length - 5]).chomp break end } gid end end # Makes sure the group is present, creating it if necessary # # @param [String] name Name of the group # @param [Proc] block Additional actions or insertions def group_present(name, &block) group_exists = false execute("dscacheutil -q group -a name #{name}") do |result| group_exists = result.stdout =~ /^name: #{name}/ end return if group_exists gid = gid_next create_cmd = "dscl . create /Groups/#{name}" create_cmd << " && dscl . create /Groups/#{name} PrimaryGroupID #{gid}" execute(create_cmd) end # Makes sure the group is absent, deleting it if necessary # # @param [String] name Name of the group # @param [Proc] block Additional actions or insertions def group_absent(name, &block) execute("if dscl . -list /Groups/#{name}; then dscl . -delete /Groups/#{name}; fi", {}, &block) end # Gives the next gid not used on the system # # @return [Fixnum] The next gid not used on the system def gid_next gid_last = execute("dscl . -list /Groups PrimaryGroupID | sort -k 2 -g | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'") gid_last.to_i + 1 end end