#!/bin/bash # print commands in this script as they're invoked #set -x # fail if any command fails set -e . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" #rvm 1.9.3 if [ "x$BUILD_NUMBER" == "x" ]; then echo '$BUILD_NUMBER is undefined' echo 'setting $BUILD_NUMBER to alpha' BUILD_NUMBER=alpha fi SHA1=`git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1` echo "building gem for commit $SHA1" if [[ `gem list jeweler | grep [j]eweler | wc -l` -eq 1 ]]; then echo "detected jeweler. skipping install" else gem install jeweler --no-ri --no-rdoc fi # setup a gems directory as a work area for artifacts rm -rf gems/ mkdir gems # an identifier including the hudson build number and the git sha1 # FIXME: don't include the $SHA1 since some of our builds systems are confused # by this. #BUILD_ID="$SHA1.$BUILD_NUMBER" #.$SHA1 BUILD_ID="$BUILD_NUMBER" #.$SHA1 # rewrite the version file, setting the patch identifier to include the # BUILD_ID perl -p -i -e "s#BUILD *= *.*\$#BUILD = '$BUILD_ID'#" lib/new_relic/version.rb # generate the gemspec rake gemspec # build the gem gem build *.gemspec # move artifacts to the gems directory cp *.gemspec gems/ mv *.gem gems/ cd gems # create a tarfile including the gem and the gemspec gem_version=`ls *.gem | sed 's/\.gem$//' | sed 's/newrelic_rpm-//'` tar czvf newrelic_rpm_agent-${gem_version}.tar.gz *