require 'config/requirements' begin require 'hanna/rdoctask' rescue LoadError => e require "rake/rdoctask" end require 'config/jeweler' # setup gem configuration Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |rake| load rake } desc "Clean tmp directory" task :clean_tmp do |t| FileUtils.rm_rf("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/Manifest.txt") if ::File.exists?("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/Manifest.txt") FileUtils.touch("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/Manifest.txt") %w(logs tmp).each do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{dir}") if ::File.exists?("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{dir}") end end desc "Remove the pkg directory" task :clean_pkg do |t| %w(pkg).each do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{dir}") if ::File.exists?("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{dir}") end end namespace :gem do task(:build).prerequisites.unshift :gemspec # Prepend the gemspec generation desc "Build the gem only if the tests pass" task :test_then_build => [:test, :build] desc "Build and install the gem only if the tests pass" task :test_then_install => [:test, :install] end # Generate documentation do |rd| rd.main = "README.rdoc" rd.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc", "lib/**/*.rb") rd.rdoc_dir = "rdoc" # rd.template = "hanaa" end