# Redimap Redimap provides a simple executable for polling mailboxes within an IMAP account. It keeps track of what it's seen using Redis. For new messages, the mailbox and uid are queued in Redis. The format used should be compatible with Resque. More sleep lost by [tiredpixel](http://www.tiredpixel.com). ## Installation Install using: $ gem install redimap ## Usage Ensure that you are setting the required environment variables, perhaps using Foreman. You'll probably want to at least set: IMAP_HOST=imap.gmail.com IMAP_USERNAME=username@example.com IMAP_PASSWORD=ssssshhhhhhh IMAP_MAILBOXES=["INBOX","Sent"] Check and queue new messages and quit: $ bundle exec redimap Check and queue new messages but run for eternity using crude polling: $ bundle exec redimap 1 ## Contributions Contributions are embraced with much love and affection! Please fork the repository and wizard your magic, ensuring that any tests are not broken by the changes. Then send a pull request. Simples! If you'd like to discuss what you're doing or planning to do, or if you get stuck on something, then just wave. :) Do whatever makes you happy. We'll probably still like you. :) ## Blessing May you find peace, and help others to do likewise. ## Licence © [tiredpixel](http://www.tiredpixel.com) 2013. It is free software, released under the MIT License, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in `LICENSE`.