module RDF::JSON ## # RDF/JSON extensions for [RDF.rb]( core classes # and mixins. # # Classes are extended with two new instance methods: # # * `#to_rdf_json` returns the RDF/JSON representation as a `Hash` object. # * `#to_rdf_json.to_json` returns the serialized RDF/JSON representation as a string. # # @example Serializing blank nodes into RDF/JSON format # # # @example Serializing URI references into RDF/JSON format #"").to_rdf_json.to_json # # @example Serializing plain literals into RDF/JSON format #"Hello, world!").to_rdf_json.to_json # # @example Serializing language-tagged literals into RDF/JSON format #"Hello, world!", :language => 'en-US').to_rdf_json.to_json # # @example Serializing datatyped literals into RDF/JSON format # #'true', :datatype => RDF::XSD.boolean).to_rdf_json.to_json # # @example Serializing statements into RDF/JSON format #, p, o).to_rdf_json.to_json # # @example Serializing enumerables into RDF/JSON format # [, p, o)].extend(RDF::Enumerable).to_rdf_json.to_json # module Extensions ## # @private def self.install! self.constants.each do |klass| RDF.const_get(klass).send(:include, self.const_get(klass)) end end ## # RDF/JSON extensions for `RDF::Node`. module Node ## # Returns the RDF/JSON representation of this blank node. # # @return [Hash] def to_rdf_json {:type => :bnode, :value => to_s} end end # Node ## # RDF/JSON extensions for `RDF::URI`. module URI ## # Returns the RDF/JSON representation of this URI reference. # # @return [Hash] def to_rdf_json {:type => :uri, :value => to_s} end end # URI ## # RDF/JSON extensions for `RDF::Literal`. module Literal ## # Returns the RDF/JSON representation of this literal. # # @return [Hash] def to_rdf_json case when has_datatype? {:type => :literal, :value => value.to_s, :datatype => datatype.to_s} when has_language? {:type => :literal, :value => value.to_s, :lang => language.to_s} else {:type => :literal, :value => value.to_s} end end end # Literal ## # RDF/JSON extensions for `RDF::Statement`. module Statement ## # Returns the RDF/JSON representation of this statement. # # @return [Hash] def to_rdf_json {subject.to_s => {predicate.to_s => [object.to_rdf_json]}} end end # Statement ## # RDF/JSON extensions for `RDF::Enumerable`. module Enumerable ## # Returns the RDF/JSON representation of this object. # # @return [Hash] def to_rdf_json json = {} each_statement do |statement| s = statement.subject.to_s p = statement.predicate.to_s o = statement.object.is_a?(RDF::Value) ? statement.object : json[s] ||= {} json[s][p] ||= [] json[s][p] << o.to_rdf_json end json end end # Enumerable ## # RDF/JSON extensions for `RDF::Graph`. module Graph include Enumerable end # Graph ## # RDF/JSON extensions for `RDF::Repository`. module Repository include Enumerable end # Repository ## # RDF/JSON extensions for `RDF::Transaction`. module Transaction ## # Returns the serialized RDF/JSON representation of this object. # # @return [Hash] def to_rdf_json json = options.dup.to_hash rescue {} json.merge!({ :graph => graph ? graph.to_uri.to_s : nil, :delete => deletes.to_rdf_json, :insert => inserts.to_rdf_json, }) end end # Transaction end # Extensions Extensions.install! end # RDF::JSON