$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib")) require 'blather' require 'minitest/spec' require 'mocha' require 'mocha/expectation_error' MiniTest::Unit.autorun module MiniTest require 'pathname' if MINI_DIR =~ %r{^./} module Assertions def assert_change(stmt, args = {}, msg = nil) msg ||= proc { m = "Expected #{stmt} to change" m << " by #{mu_pp args[:by]}" if args[:by] m << (args[:from] ? " from #{mu_pp args[:from]}" : '') + " to #{mu_pp args[:to]}" if args[:to] m }.call init_val = eval stmt yield new_val = eval stmt assert_equal(args[:by], (new_val - init_val), msg) if args[:by] assert_equal([args[:from], args[:to]], [(init_val if args[:from]), new_val], msg) if args[:to] refute_equal(init_val, new_val, msg) if args.empty? end def assert_nothing_raised(*args) self._assertions += 1 msg = Module === args.last ? nil : args.pop begin line = __LINE__; yield rescue Exception => e bt = e.backtrace as = e.instance_of?(MiniTest::Assertion) if as ans = /\A#{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}:#{line}:in /o bt.reject! {|ln| ans =~ ln} end if ((args.empty? && !as) || args.any? {|a| a.instance_of?(Module) ? e.is_a?(a) : e.class == a }) msg = message(msg) { "Exception raised:\n<#{mu_pp(e)}>" } raise MiniTest::Assertion, msg.call, bt else raise end end nil end end end class Object def must_change *args, &block return MiniTest::Spec.current.assert_change(*args, &self) end end def parse_stanza(xml) Nokogiri::XML.parse xml end