require 'sinatra/base' require 'builder' require 'haml' require 'sass' require File.expand_path('nesta', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path('cache', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path('config', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path('models', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path('navigation', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path('overrides', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path('path', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path('plugins', File.dirname(__FILE__)) Nesta::Plugins.load_local_plugins module Nesta class App < Sinatra::Base register Sinatra::Cache set :views, File.expand_path('../../views', File.dirname(__FILE__)) set :cache_enabled, Config.cache set :haml, { :format => :html5 } helpers Overrides::Renderers helpers Navigation::Renderers helpers do def set_from_config(*variables) variables.each do |var| instance_variable_set("@#{var}", Nesta::Config.send(var)) end end def set_from_page(*variables) variables.each do |var| instance_variable_set("@#{var}", @page.send(var)) end end def set_title(page) if page.respond_to?(:parent) && page.parent @title = "#{page.heading} - #{page.parent.heading}" else @title = "#{page.heading} - #{Nesta::Config.title}" end end def no_widow(text) text.split[0...-1].join(" ") + " #{text.split[-1]}" end def set_common_variables @menu_items = Nesta::Menu.for_path('/') @site_title = Nesta::Config.title set_from_config(:title, :subtitle, :google_analytics_code) @heading = @title end def url_for(page) File.join(base_url, page.path) end def base_url url = "http://#{}" request.port == 80 ? url : url + ":#{request.port}" end def absolute_urls(text) text.gsub!(/( 0 haml_tag :link, :href => "/css/#{name}.css", :rel => "stylesheet" end end end not_found do set_common_variables haml(:not_found) end error do set_common_variables haml(:error) end unless Nesta::App.environment == :development # If you want to change Nesta's behaviour, you have two options: # # 1. Create an app.rb file in your project's root directory. # 2. Make a theme or a plugin, and put the relevant code in there. # # You can add new routes, or modify the behaviour of any of the # default objects in app.rb, or replace any of the default view # templates by creating replacements of the same name in a ./views # folder situated in the root directory of the project for your # site. # # Your ./views folder gets searched first when rendering a template # or Sass file, then the currently configured theme is searched, and # finally Nesta will check if the template exists in the views # folder in the Nesta gem (which is where the default look and feel # is defined). # Overrides.load_local_app Overrides.load_theme_app get '/robots.txt' do content_type 'text/plain', :charset => 'utf-8' <<-EOF # robots.txt # See EOF end get '/css/:sheet.css' do content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8' cache sass(params[:sheet].to_sym) end get '/' do set_common_variables set_from_config(:title, :subtitle, :description, :keywords) @heading = @title @title = "#{@title} - #{@subtitle}" @articles = Page.find_articles[0..7] cache haml(:index) end get %r{/attachments/([\w/.-]+)} do file = File.join(Nesta::Config.attachment_path, params[:captures].first) send_file(file, :disposition => nil) end get '/articles.xml' do content_type :xml, :charset => 'utf-8' set_from_config(:title, :subtitle, :author) @articles = { |a| }[0..9] cache builder(:atom) end get '/sitemap.xml' do content_type :xml, :charset => 'utf-8' @pages = Page.find_all @last = { |page| page.last_modified }.inject do |latest, page| (page > latest) ? page : latest end cache builder(:sitemap) end get '*' do set_common_variables parts = params[:splat].map { |p| p.sub(/\/$/, '') } @page = Nesta::Page.find_by_path(File.join(parts)) raise Sinatra::NotFound if @page.nil? set_title(@page) set_from_page(:description, :keywords) cache haml(@page.template, :layout => @page.layout) end end end