/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ // Provides control sap.m.ColorPalette sap.ui.define([ 'sap/ui/core/Control', 'sap/ui/Device', 'sap/ui/base/DataType', 'sap/ui/core/library', 'sap/ui/core/delegate/ItemNavigation', './Button', './Dialog', './library', './ColorPaletteRenderer', "sap/ui/dom/containsOrEquals", "sap/ui/events/KeyCodes", "sap/ui/thirdparty/jquery" ], function( Control, Device, DataType, coreLibrary, ItemNavigation, Button, Dialog, library, ColorPaletteRenderer, containsOrEquals, KeyCodes, jQuery ) { "use strict"; // shortcut to CSSColor of the core library var CSSColor = coreLibrary.CSSColor; // shortcut to ColorPicker (lazy initialized) var ColorPicker; // shortcut to ColorPickerMode (lazy initialized) var ColorPickerMode; // shortcut to the ButtonType enumeration var ButtonType = library.ButtonType; // reference to the boolean data type in the core var BooleanType = DataType.getType("boolean"); // The name of the class, corresponding to a single color item var CSS_CLASS_SWATCH = "sapMColorPaletteSquare"; // Defines the exact count of swatches per row var SWATCHES_PER_ROW = 5; // Min amount of swatches when app.developer sets colors var MIN_COLORS = 2; // Max amount of swatches when app.developer sets colors var MAX_COLORS = 15; // get resource translation bundle; var oLibraryResourceBundle = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.m"); /** * Constructor for a new ColorPalette. * * @param {string} [sId] ID for the new control, generated automatically if no ID is given * @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control * * @class * Represents a predefined range of colors for easier selection. * *


* The ColorPalette provides the users with a range of predefined colors. * * You can customize them with the use of the colors property. * You can specify a defaultColor and display a "Default color" button * for the user to choose directly. You can display a "More colors..." button * that opens an additional color picker for the user to choose specific colors * that are not present in the predefined range. * *


* * The palette is intended for users, who don't want to check and remember the * different values of the colors and spend large amount of time to configure the * right color through the color picker. * * The control can be embedded in a form or can be opened as popover (by use of thin * wrapper control sap.m.ColorPalettePopover). * @see {@link sap.m.ColorPalettePopover} * * Note: The {@link sap.ui.unified.ColorPicker} is used internally only if the ColorPicker * is opened (not used for the initial rendering). If the sap.ui.unified library is not loaded * before the ColorPicker is opened, it will be loaded upon opening. This could lead to a waiting * time when the ColorPicker is opened for the first time. To prevent this, apps using the * ColorPalette should also load the sap.ui.unified library. * * @extends sap.ui.core.Control * @version 1.60.23 * * @constructor * @public * @since 1.54 * @alias sap.m.ColorPalette * @ui5-metamodel This control/element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel */ var ColorPalette = Control.extend("sap.m.ColorPalette", /** @lends sap.m.ColorPalette.prototype */ { metadata: { library: "sap.m", properties: { /** * Defines the List of colors displayed in the palette. Minimum is 2 colors, maximum is 15 colors. */ colors: { type: "sap.ui.core.CSSColor[]", group: "Appearance", defaultValue: [ "gold", "darkorange", "indianred", "darkmagenta", "cornflowerblue", "deepskyblue", "darkcyan", "olivedrab", "darkslategray", "azure", "white", "lightgray", "darkgray", "dimgray", "black" ] } }, aggregations: { /* Reference to an optional button for activating default color. For private use. */ _defaultColorButton: {type: "sap.m.Button", multiple: false, visibility: "hidden"}, /* Reference to an optional button for activating more color selection. For private use. */ _moreColorsButton: {type: "sap.m.Button", multiple: false, visibility: "hidden"} }, events: { /** * Fired when the user selects a color. */ colorSelect: { parameters: { /** * The color that is returned when user chooses the "Default color" button. */ "value": {type: "sap.ui.core.CSSColor"}, /** * Denotes if the color has been chosen by selecting the "Default Color" button (true or false) */ "defaultAction": {type: "boolean"} } } } } }); ColorPalette.prototype.init = function () { // The default color. Private API. Allowed consumer is ColorPaletteAPI. this._oDefaultColor = null; // If the "Default color" button should be shown. Private API. Allowed consumer is ColorPaletteAPI. this._bShowDefaultColorButton = false; // If the "More colors" button should be shown. Private API. Allowed consumer is ColorPaletteAPI. this._bShowMoreColorsButton = false; // Reference to the dialog containing the internal "Color Picker". For private use. this._oMoreColorsDialog = null; // Reference to the item navigation this._oItemNavigation = null; }; ColorPalette.prototype.exit = function () { if (this._oMoreColorsDialog) { this._oMoreColorsDialog.destroy(); delete this._oMoreColorsDialog; } if (this._oItemNavigation) { this.removeDelegate(this._oItemNavigation); this._oItemNavigation.destroy(); delete this._oItemNavigation; } }; ColorPalette.prototype.setColors = function (aColors) { aColors = this.validateProperty("colors", aColors); if (aColors.length < MIN_COLORS || aColors.length > MAX_COLORS) { throw new Error("Cannot set property 'colors' - array must has minimum 2 and maximum 15 elements"); } return this.setProperty("colors", aColors); }; ColorPalette.prototype.ontap = function (oEvent) { var $Target = jQuery(oEvent.target), sColor, $Swatch; $Swatch = $Target.closest("." + CSS_CLASS_SWATCH); if (!$Swatch.length) { return; } sColor = $Swatch.attr("data-sap-ui-color"); this._fireColorSelect(sColor, false, oEvent); }; ColorPalette.prototype.onsaptabnext = ColorPalette.prototype.onsaptabprevious = function (oEvent) { var oElementInfo = this._getElementInfo(oEvent.target); if (oElementInfo.bIsMoreColorsButton) { this.fireEvent("_colorNotSelected", {_originalEvent: oEvent}); return; } if (oElementInfo.bIsDefaultColorButton) { this._fireColorSelect(this._getDefaultColor(), true, oEvent); return; } ColorPalette.prototype.ontap.apply(this, arguments); }; ColorPalette.prototype.onsapenter = ColorPalette.prototype.ontap; ColorPalette.prototype.onkeyup = function (oEvent) { if (oEvent.which === KeyCodes.SPACE) { oEvent.preventDefault(); ColorPalette.prototype.ontap.apply(this, arguments); } }; ColorPalette.prototype.onsaphome = ColorPalette.prototype.onsapend = function(oEvent) { // Home and End keys on ColorPalette buttons should do nothing. If event occurs on the swatch, see ItemNavigationHomeEnd). var oElemInfo = this._getElementInfo(oEvent.target); if (oElemInfo.bIsDefaultColorButton || oElemInfo.bIsMoreColorsButton) { oEvent.preventDefault(); oEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(true); // does not allow the ItemNavigationHomeEnd delegate to receive it } }; ColorPalette.prototype.onAfterRendering = function () { this._ensureItemNavigation(); }; // Private methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColorPalette.prototype._createDefaultColorButton = function () { return new Button(this.getId() + "-btnDefaultColor", { width: "100%", type: ButtonType.Transparent, text: oLibraryResourceBundle.getText("COLOR_PALETTE_DEFAULT_COLOR"), visible: this._getShowDefaultColorButton(), press: function (oEvent) { this._fireColorSelect(this._getDefaultColor(), true, oEvent); }.bind(this) }); }; // Default color ColorPalette.prototype._getDefaultColor = function () { return this._oDefaultColor; }; /** * Sets a default color. * @param {sap.ui.core.CSSColor} color the color * @private * @return {sap.m.ColorPalette} this for method chaining */ ColorPalette.prototype._setDefaultColor = function (color) { if (!CSSColor.isValid(color)) { throw new Error("Cannot set internal property '_defaultColor' - invalid value: " + color); } this._oDefaultColor = color; return this; }; ColorPalette.prototype._getShowDefaultColorButton = function () { return this._bShowDefaultColorButton; }; ColorPalette.prototype._setShowDefaultColorButton = function (bValue) { if (!BooleanType.isValid(bValue)) { throw new Error("Cannot set internal property 'showDefaultColorButton' - invalid value: " + bValue); } this._bShowDefaultColorButton = bValue; //lazy loading check if (bValue && !this._getDefaultColorButton()) { this.setAggregation("_defaultColorButton", this._createDefaultColorButton()); } if (this._getDefaultColorButton()) { /* still button may not be there */ this._getDefaultColorButton().setVisible(bValue); } return this; }; ColorPalette.prototype._getDefaultColorButton = function () { return this.getAggregation("_defaultColorButton"); }; // More Colors... ColorPalette.prototype._createMoreColorsButton = function () { return new Button(this.getId() + "-btnMoreColors", { width: "100%", type: ButtonType.Transparent, text: oLibraryResourceBundle.getText("COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS"), visible: this._getShowMoreColorsButton(), press: this._openColorPicker.bind(this) }); }; ColorPalette.prototype._getShowMoreColorsButton = function () { return this._bShowMoreColorsButton; }; ColorPalette.prototype._setShowMoreColorsButton = function (bValue) { if (!BooleanType.isValid(bValue)) { throw new Error("Cannot set internal property 'showMoreColorsButton' - invalid value: " + bValue); } this._bShowMoreColorsButton = bValue; //lazy loading check if (bValue && !this._getMoreColorsButton()) { this.setAggregation("_moreColorsButton", this._createMoreColorsButton()); } if (this._getMoreColorsButton()) { /* still button may not be there */ this._getMoreColorsButton().setVisible(bValue); } return this; }; ColorPalette.prototype._getMoreColorsButton = function () { return this.getAggregation("_moreColorsButton"); }; /** * Opens a color picker in a Dialog. * The function assumes that there is a "more colors.." button visible. * @return void * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._openColorPicker = function () { this.fireEvent("_beforeOpenColorPicker"); //hook for program consumers (i.e. ColorPalettePopover) this._ensureMoreColorsDialog().open(); }; /** * Ensure a dialog wrapping the ColorPicker exists (creates new if is not created yet). * @return {sap.m.Dialog} the dialog. * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._ensureMoreColorsDialog = function () { if (!this._oMoreColorsDialog) { this._oMoreColorsDialog = this._createMoreColorsDialog(); } return this._oMoreColorsDialog; }; /** * Creates a dialog that wraps the ColorPicker * @return {sap.m.Dialog} the dialog containing the ColorPicker * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._createMoreColorsDialog = function () { var oDialog = new Dialog(this.getId() + "-moreColorsDialog", { stretch: !!Device.system.phone, title: oLibraryResourceBundle.getText("COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_TITLE") }).addStyleClass("CPDialog"); this._ensureUnifiedLibrary(); // keep explicit reference to the picker attached to the parent dialog oDialog.addContent(oDialog._oColorPicker = new ColorPicker({ mode: ColorPickerMode.HSL })); // OK button oDialog.setBeginButton(new Button({ text: oLibraryResourceBundle.getText("COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_CONFIRM"), press: function (oEvent) { oDialog.close(); if (oDialog._oColorPicker.getColorString()) { this._fireColorSelect(oDialog._oColorPicker.getColorString(), false, oEvent); } }.bind(this) })); // Cancel button oDialog.setEndButton(new Button({ text: oLibraryResourceBundle.getText("COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_CANCEL"), press: function () { oDialog.close(); } })); return oDialog; }; // Other // Ensure that the sap.ui.unified library and sap.ui.unified.ColorPicker are both loaded ColorPalette.prototype._ensureUnifiedLibrary = function () { var oUnifiedLib; if (!ColorPicker) { sap.ui.getCore().loadLibrary("sap.ui.unified"); oUnifiedLib = sap.ui.require("sap/ui/unified/library"); ColorPicker = sap.ui.requireSync("sap/ui/unified/ColorPicker"); ColorPickerMode = oUnifiedLib.ColorPickerMode; } }; /** * Focuses the first available element in the palette. * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._focusFirstElement = function () { var oFirstSwatchElement = this._getShowDefaultColorButton() ? this._getDefaultColorButton().getDomRef() : this._getAllSwatches()[0]; oFirstSwatchElement.focus(); }; /** * Helper function to fire the event "colorSelect" * @param {sap.ui.core.CSSColor} color the color * @param {boolean} [defaultAction=false] if the selection is performed via "Default color" button * @param {jQuery.Event} oOriginalEvent original event * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._fireColorSelect = function (color, defaultAction, oOriginalEvent) { this.fireColorSelect({value: color, defaultAction: defaultAction, _originalEvent: oOriginalEvent}); }; /** * Handles creation or update of the ItemNavigation. * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._ensureItemNavigation = function () { var aDomRefs = []; if (!this._oItemNavigation) { this._oItemNavigation = new ItemNavigationHomeEnd(this); this._oItemNavigation.setColumns(SWATCHES_PER_ROW); this._oItemNavigation.setCycling(false); this.addDelegate(this._oItemNavigation); this._oItemNavigation.attachEvent(ItemNavigation.Events.BorderReached, this._onSwatchContainerBorderReached, this); } // all currently available swatches aDomRefs = aDomRefs.concat(this._getAllSwatches()); this._oItemNavigation.setRootDomRef(this.getDomRef("swatchCont")); this._oItemNavigation.setItemDomRefs(aDomRefs); }; /** * Handles navigation from within the swatch container to the outside where the end-user navigates through the * swatch container and reaches its border (ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirectionBackward or * ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirectionForward). * * The buttons Default Color and More colors are handled as color palette items, these are also part of the * arrow key navigation. * * If the user is on the last swatch item and presses [Down] or [Right] keyboard key * (ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirectionForward), the focus should go into one of the * following elements (in the provided order): *
  1. More Colors button if such is available. If not, the focus should go to
  2. *
  3. Default color button if such is available. If not, the focus should go to
  4. *
  5. The first swatch item in the swatch container (there is always such)
  6. *
* * If the user is on the first swatch item inside the swatch container and presses [Up] or [Down] keyboard keys * (ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirectionBackward) the focus should go into one of the * following elements (in the provided order): *
  1. Default color button if such is available. If not, the focus should go to
  2. *
  3. More Colors button if such is available. If not, the focus should go to
  4. *
  5. The first swatch item in the last row of the swatch container (there is always such)
  6. *
* * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent the keyboard event * @return {Element|sap.m.Button} the element that the focus has been moved on. * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._onSwatchContainerBorderReached = function(oEvent) { var vNextElement, aSwatches, bHomeOrEnd = ["saphome","sapend"].indexOf(oEvent.getParameter("event").type) > -1; if (oEvent.getParameter(ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirection) === ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirectionForward) { if (this._getShowMoreColorsButton()) { vNextElement = this._getMoreColorsButton(); } else if (!bHomeOrEnd && this._getShowDefaultColorButton()) {// Default Color, but excluding "home" and "end" vNextElement = this._getDefaultColorButton(); } else if (!bHomeOrEnd) { // swatch, but not due to "home" and "end" keys vNextElement = this._getAllSwatches()[0]; } } else { // Backward if (this._getShowDefaultColorButton()) { vNextElement = this._getDefaultColorButton(); } else if (!bHomeOrEnd && this._getShowMoreColorsButton()) {// More Colors, but excluding "home" and "end" vNextElement = this._getMoreColorsButton(); } else if (!bHomeOrEnd) { // swatch, but not due to "home" and "end" keys aSwatches = this._getAllSwatches(); vNextElement = aSwatches[this._oItemNavigation._getIndexOfTheFirstItemInLastRow()]; } } if (vNextElement) { vNextElement.focus(); } return vNextElement; }; /** * Handles forward navigation when the user is either on Default Color or More Colors buttons. * * If the user is on Default Color, focus should go to the first item in the swatch container. * If the user is on More Colors, focus should go on the Default Color button if such exists, otherwise on the * the first item in the swatch container. * * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent the keyboard event */ ColorPalette.prototype.onsapnext = function (oEvent) { var vNextElement, oElementInfo = this._getElementInfo(oEvent.target); if (!(oElementInfo.bIsDefaultColorButton || oElementInfo.bIsMoreColorsButton)) { return; } oEvent.preventDefault(); oEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(true); //also prevents ItemNavigation handler if (oElementInfo.bIsDefaultColorButton) { vNextElement = this._getAllSwatches()[0]; } else { // More Colors... vNextElement = this._getShowDefaultColorButton() ? this._getDefaultColorButton() : this._getAllSwatches()[0]; } vNextElement.focus(); }; /** * Handles backward navigation when user is either on Default Color or More Colors buttons. * * If the user is on Default Color, focus should go to the More Colors button if such exists, otherwise, * on the first item in the last row of the swatch container. * If user is on More Colors, focus should go on: * - the first item in the last row of the swatch container if sapprevious is fired due to * [Up] key, otherwise * - the last item in the swatch container (the possible keycodes is: [Left] (in ltr) or [Right] (rtl). * * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent the keyboard event */ ColorPalette.prototype.onsapprevious = function (oEvent) { var vNextElement, oFocusInfo = this._getElementInfo(oEvent.target), aAllSwatches; if (!(oFocusInfo.bIsDefaultColorButton || oFocusInfo.bIsMoreColorsButton)) { return; } oEvent.preventDefault(); oEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(true);//also prevents ItemNavigation handler aAllSwatches = this._getAllSwatches(); if (oFocusInfo.bIsMoreColorsButton) { vNextElement = oEvent.keyCode === KeyCodes.ARROW_UP ? aAllSwatches[this._oItemNavigation._getIndexOfTheFirstItemInLastRow()] : aAllSwatches[aAllSwatches.length - 1]; } else { // Default Color Button vNextElement = this._getShowMoreColorsButton() ? this._getMoreColorsButton() : aAllSwatches[this._oItemNavigation._getIndexOfTheFirstItemInLastRow()]; } vNextElement.focus(); }; // DOM related private helpers /** * Returns all swatches/squares * @return {Element[]} returns all swatch container items in an array of DOM elements. * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._getAllSwatches = function () { return this.$().find("." + CSS_CLASS_SWATCH).get(); }; /** * Analyzes if given DOM element is one of the ColorPalette artifacts (Default Color, More Colors, * swatch color). * @param {Element} oElement DOM Element * @return {{bIsDefaultColorButton: *, bIsMoreColorsButton: boolean|*, bIsASwatch: boolean|*}} result * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._getElementInfo = function (oElement) { var bIsDefaultColorButton = this._getShowDefaultColorButton() && containsOrEquals(oElement, this._getDefaultColorButton().getDomRef()), bIsMoreColorsButton = !bIsDefaultColorButton && this._getShowMoreColorsButton() && containsOrEquals(oElement, this._getMoreColorsButton().getDomRef()), bIsASwatch = !bIsMoreColorsButton && !bIsDefaultColorButton && jQuery(oElement).hasClass(CSS_CLASS_SWATCH); return { bIsDefaultColorButton: bIsDefaultColorButton, bIsMoreColorsButton: bIsMoreColorsButton, bIsASwatch: bIsASwatch }; }; /** * Extension of sap.ui.core.delegate.ItemNavigation to support custom keyboard handling for: * - [Home] (overrides onsaphome, * - [End] (overrides onsapend), * - [Up] (overrides onsapprevious), * - [Down] (overrides onsapnext). * * When using [Up] or [Down] keys, the focus moves up one row or down one row. * If the next row has less items than the currently focused row, and the focus is above whitespace, the use of * the [Down] arrow key moves the focus to the last item of the next row (-> also changes column). When using [Up] now, * the focus moves one row up, onto the same column. * * ItemNavigation's event BorderReached is enhanced. It used to be fired by [Right] * (respectively [Left]) key on the last (respectively the first) item. Now, the same event is fired also when * [Down] (respectively [Up]) key is used. * * If the [Home] key is pressed, it moves the focus according to the following order: * - to the first item in the current row. If already on it * - to the first item in the whole container. If already on it * - fires a BorderReached event * * Respectively, if the [End] key is pressed, it moves the focus according to the following order: * - to the last item in the current row. If already on it * - to the last item in the whole container. If already on it * - fires a BorderReached event * * @private */ var ItemNavigationHomeEnd = ItemNavigation.extend("sap.m.ItemNavigationHomeEnd", { constructor: function () { ItemNavigation.apply(this, arguments); this.setHomeEndColumnMode(true); // overrides fireEvent in order to enhance it with the parameter 'direction' this.fireEvent = function(sName, oEventParams) { var sDirection; if (sName === ItemNavigation.Events.BorderReached) { sDirection = ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirectionBackward; if (["sapnext", "sapend"].indexOf(oEventParams.event.type) > -1) { // last item sDirection = ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirectionForward; } oEventParams[ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirection] = sDirection; } ItemNavigation.prototype.fireEvent.apply(this, arguments); }; } }); // Custom Event Parameter to enhance ItemNavigation.BorderReached event with the direction of reach. ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirection = "direction"; ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirectionForward = "BorderReachedDirectionForward"; ItemNavigationHomeEnd.BorderReachedDirectionBackward = "BorderReachedDirectionBackward"; /** * Returns the number of columns defined. * @return {*} */ ItemNavigationHomeEnd.prototype.getColumns = function() { return this.iColumns; }; /** * Handles the backward navigation in case the [Up] key is used on the first swatch item. * Otherwise, delegates the event to the ItemNavigation. * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent the keyboard event */ ItemNavigationHomeEnd.prototype.onsapprevious = function (oEvent) { var bIsOnItem = containsOrEquals(this.getRootDomRef(), oEvent.target), bArrowUpOnFirstItem = oEvent.keyCode === KeyCodes.ARROW_UP && this.getFocusedIndex() === 0; if (!bIsOnItem) { return; } if (!bArrowUpOnFirstItem) { ItemNavigation.prototype.onsapprevious.apply(this, arguments); return; } oEvent.preventDefault(); // browser's scrolling should be prevented this.fireEvent(ItemNavigation.Events.BorderReached, { index: 0, event: oEvent }); }; /** * Handles the forward navigation when the [Down] key is used in the following cases: * - on the last swatch item * - on an upper row item when moving on the same column of the next row will hit an empty/whitespace swatch item. * Otherwise delegates the event to the ItemNavigation. * * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent the keyboard event */ ItemNavigationHomeEnd.prototype.onsapnext = function (oEvent) { var bIsOnItem = containsOrEquals(this.getRootDomRef(), oEvent.target), aItemDomRefs, iCurrentIndex, oItemInfo; if (!bIsOnItem) { return; } if (oEvent.keyCode !== KeyCodes.ARROW_DOWN) { ItemNavigation.prototype.onsapnext.apply(this, arguments); return; } iCurrentIndex = this.getFocusedIndex(); oItemInfo = this._getItemInfo(iCurrentIndex); if (oItemInfo.bIsLastItem && oItemInfo.bIsInTheLastColumn) { oEvent.preventDefault(); //browser's scrolling should be prevented this.fireEvent(ItemNavigation.Events.BorderReached, {// Arrow down on last item should fire the event "BorderRŠµached" index: iCurrentIndex, event: oEvent }); return; } // Whitespace handler if (oItemInfo.bNextRowExists && !oItemInfo.bItemSameColumnNextRowExists) { oEvent.preventDefault(); //browser's scrolling should be prevented aItemDomRefs = this.getItemDomRefs(); aItemDomRefs[aItemDomRefs.length - 1].focus(); return; } ItemNavigation.prototype.onsapnext.apply(this, arguments); }; ItemNavigationHomeEnd.prototype.onsaphome = function(oEvent) { var bIsOnItem = containsOrEquals(this.getRootDomRef(), oEvent.target), oItemInfo; if (!bIsOnItem) { return; } oItemInfo = this._getItemInfo(this.getFocusedIndex()); if (!oItemInfo.bIsInTheFirstColumn) { // delegate to the parent, which should move the focus to the first item in the row ItemNavigation.prototype.onsaphome.apply(this, arguments); return; } oEvent.preventDefault(); // browser's scrolling should be prevented if (oItemInfo.bIsFirstItem) { this.fireEvent(ItemNavigation.Events.BorderReached, { index: 0, event: oEvent }); } else { //first item in the row, move the focus to the first item in the whole container this.getItemDomRefs()[0].focus(); } }; ItemNavigationHomeEnd.prototype.onsapend = function(oEvent) { var bIsOnItem = containsOrEquals(this.getRootDomRef(), oEvent.target), oItemInfo; if (!bIsOnItem) { return; } oItemInfo = this._getItemInfo(this.getFocusedIndex()); if (!(oItemInfo.bIsLastItem || oItemInfo.bIsInTheLastColumn)) { // delegate to the parent, which should move the focus to the last item in the row ItemNavigation.prototype.onsapend.apply(this, arguments); return; } oEvent.preventDefault(); // browser's scrolling should be prevented if (oItemInfo.bIsLastItem) { this.fireEvent(ItemNavigation.Events.BorderReached, { index: this.getItemDomRefs().length - 1, event: oEvent }); } else { // last item in the row, move the focus to the last item in the whole container this.getItemDomRefs()[this.getItemDomRefs().length - 1].focus(); } }; /** * Analyzes the given item and produces information about its position. * @param {number} iIndex the item given by its position * @return {{bIsLastItem: boolean, bIsInTheLastColumn: boolean, bNextRowExists: boolean|*, bItemSameColumnNextRowExists: boolean|*}} * @private */ ItemNavigationHomeEnd.prototype._getItemInfo = function(iIndex) { var iItemsCount = this.getItemDomRefs().length, bItemIsLast = iIndex === (iItemsCount - 1), iLastVisibleColumn = iItemsCount > this.getColumns() ? this.getColumns() : iItemsCount, bItemIsInTheFirstColumn = iIndex % this.getColumns() === 0, bItemIsInTheLastColumn = (iIndex + 1) % iLastVisibleColumn === 0, iCurrentRow = Math.floor(iIndex / this.getColumns()) + 1, //1 based bNextRowExists, bItemSameColumnNextRowExists; bNextRowExists = iCurrentRow * this.getColumns() < iItemsCount; bItemSameColumnNextRowExists = bNextRowExists && (iIndex + this.getColumns()) < iItemsCount; return { bIsFirstItem: iIndex === 0, bIsLastItem: bItemIsLast, bIsInTheLastColumn: bItemIsInTheLastColumn, bIsInTheFirstColumn: bItemIsInTheFirstColumn, bNextRowExists: bNextRowExists, bItemSameColumnNextRowExists: bItemSameColumnNextRowExists }; }; /** * Calculates the index of the first item in the last row. * @return {int} the index(zero based) of the first/last item in the row. * @private */ ItemNavigationHomeEnd.prototype._getIndexOfTheFirstItemInLastRow = function () { return Math.floor((this.getItemDomRefs().length - 1) / this.getColumns()) * this.getColumns(); }; /** * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._ItemNavigation = ItemNavigationHomeEnd; /** * Private Color map helper * @private */ ColorPalette.prototype._ColorsHelper = { RGB_TO_NAMED_COLORS_MAP: { "#FFB200": "gold", "#FF8C00": "darkorange", "#CD5C5C": "indianred", "#8B008B": "darkmagenta", "#6495ED": "cornflowerblue", "#00BFFF": "deepskyblue", "#008B8B": "darkcyan", "#6B8E23": "olivedrab", "#2F4F4F": "darkslategray", "#F0FFFF": "azure", "#FFFFFF": "white", "#D3D3D3": "lightgray", "#A9A9A9": "darkgray", "#696969": "dimgray", "#000000": "black" }, NAME_COLORS_TO_RGB_MAP: { "gold": "#FFB200", "darkorange": "#FF8C00", "indianred": "#CD5C5C", "darkmagenta": "#8B008B", "cornflowerblue": "#6495ED", "deepskyblue": "#00BFFF", "darkcyan": "#008B8B", "olivedrab": "#6B8E23", "darkslategray": "#2F4F4F", "azure": "#F0FFFF", "white": "#FFFFFF", "lightgray": "#D3D3D3", "darkgray": "#A9A9A9", "dimgray": "#696969", "black": "#000000" }, /** * Returns a named color for given color. For example - "gold" for input "#FFB200". * @param {string} sColor the given color * @return {string|undefined} The named color, if such can really corresponds to the input color, or undefined otherwise. */ getNamedColor: function (sColor) { var sHexColor = ""; if (!sColor || sColor.toLowerCase().indexOf("hsl") !== -1) { return undefined; } // named color if (sColor.indexOf("#") === -1) { return this.NAME_COLORS_TO_RGB_MAP[sColor.toLowerCase()] ? sColor.toLowerCase() : undefined; } //HEX value if (sColor.length === 4) { sHexColor = ["#", sColor[1], sColor[1], sColor[2], sColor[2], sColor[3], sColor[3]].join(""); } else { sHexColor = sColor; } sHexColor = sHexColor.toUpperCase(); return this.RGB_TO_NAMED_COLORS_MAP[sHexColor]; } }; return ColorPalette; } );