#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Facter do it "should have a version" do Facter.version.should =~ /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$/ end it "should have a method for returning its collection" do Facter.should respond_to(:collection) end it "should cache the collection" do Facter.collection.should equal(Facter.collection) end it "should delegate the :flush method to the collection" do Facter.collection.expects(:flush) Facter.flush end it "should delegate the :fact method to the collection" do Facter.collection.expects(:fact) Facter.fact end it "should delegate the :list method to the collection" do Facter.collection.expects(:list) Facter.list end it "should load all facts when listing" do Facter.collection.expects(:load_all) Facter.collection.stubs(:list) Facter.list end it "should delegate the :to_hash method to the collection" do Facter.collection.expects(:to_hash) Facter.to_hash end it "should load all facts when calling :to_hash" do Facter.collection.expects(:load_all) Facter.collection.stubs(:to_hash) Facter.to_hash end it "should delegate the :value method to the collection" do Facter.collection.expects(:value) Facter.value end it "should delegate the :each method to the collection" do Facter.collection.expects(:each) Facter.each end it "should load all facts when calling :each" do Facter.collection.expects(:load_all) Facter.collection.stubs(:each) Facter.each end it "should yield to the block when using :each" do Facter.collection.stubs(:load_all) Facter.collection.stubs(:each).yields "foo" result = [] Facter.each { |f| result << f } result.should == %w{foo} end describe "when provided code as a string" do it "should execute the code in the shell" do Facter.add("shell_testing") do setcode "echo yup" end Facter["shell_testing"].value.should == "yup" end end describe "when asked for a fact as an undefined Facter class method" do describe "and the collection is already initialized" do it "should return the fact's value" do Facter.collection Facter.ipaddress.should == Facter['ipaddress'].value end end describe "and the collection has been just reset" do it "should return the fact's value" do Facter.reset Facter.ipaddress.should == Facter['ipaddress'].value end end end describe "when passed code as a block" do it "should execute the provided block" do Facter.add("block_testing") { setcode { "foo" } } Facter["block_testing"].value.should == "foo" end end describe Facter[:hostname] do it "should have its ldapname set to 'cn'" do Facter[:hostname].ldapname.should == "cn" end end describe Facter[:ipaddress] do it "should have its ldapname set to 'iphostnumber'" do Facter[:ipaddress].ldapname.should == "iphostnumber" end end # #33 Make sure we only get one mac address it "should only return one mac address" do Facter.value(:macaddress).should_not be_include(" ") end it "should have a method for registering directories to search" do Facter.should respond_to(:search) end it "should have a method for returning the registered search directories" do Facter.should respond_to(:search_path) end it "should have a method to query debugging mode" do Facter.should respond_to(:debugging?) end it "should have a method to warn" do Facter.should respond_to(:warn) end describe "when warning" do it "should warn if debugging is enabled" do Facter.debugging(true) Kernel.stubs(:warn) Kernel.expects(:warn).with('foo') Facter.warn('foo') end it "should not warn if debugging is enabled but nil is passed" do Facter.debugging(true) Kernel.stubs(:warn) Kernel.expects(:warn).never Facter.warn(nil) end it "should not warn if debugging is enabled but an empyt string is passed" do Facter.debugging(true) Kernel.stubs(:warn) Kernel.expects(:warn).never Facter.warn('') end it "should not warn if debugging is disabled" do Facter.debugging(false) Kernel.stubs(:warn) Kernel.expects(:warn).never Facter.warn('foo') end it "should warn for any given element for an array if debugging is enabled" do Facter.debugging(true) Kernel.stubs(:warn) Kernel.expects(:warn).with('foo') Kernel.expects(:warn).with('bar') Facter.warn( ['foo','bar']) end end describe "when setting debugging mode" do it "should have debugging enabled using 1" do Facter.debugging(1) Facter.should be_debugging end it "should have debugging enabled using true" do Facter.debugging(true) Facter.should be_debugging end it "should have debugging enabled using any string except off" do Facter.debugging('aaaaa') Facter.should be_debugging end it "should have debugging disabled using 0" do Facter.debugging(0) Facter.should_not be_debugging end it "should have debugging disabled using false" do Facter.debugging(false) Facter.should_not be_debugging end it "should have debugging disabled using the string 'off'" do Facter.debugging('off') Facter.should_not be_debugging end end describe "when registering directories to search" do after { Facter.instance_variable_set("@search_path", []) } it "should allow registration of a directory" do Facter.search "/my/dir" end it "should allow registration of multiple directories" do Facter.search "/my/dir", "/other/dir" end it "should return all registered directories when asked" do Facter.search "/my/dir", "/other/dir" Facter.search_path.should == %w{/my/dir /other/dir} end end end