!!! 5 %html %head %meta{ :charset => "UTF-8" } %title= TurnipFormatter::Template.project_name + ' report' = TurnipFormatter::Template.render_stylesheet_links %style= TurnipFormatter::Template.render_stylesheet_codes %script{ src: 'http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js' } %script{ src: 'http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js' } %script{ src: 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery.tablesorter/2.17.0/jquery.tablesorter.min.js' } = TurnipFormatter::Template.render_javascript_links %script= TurnipFormatter::Template.render_javascript_codes %body %header#report .container .page-header %h1= TurnipFormatter::Template.project_name + ' Report' %section#status_display_switch %label{ for: 'passed_check' } %input#passed_check{ type: 'checkbox' } Passed %label{ for: 'failed_check' } %input#failed_check{ type: 'checkbox', checked: 'checked' } Failed %label{ for: 'pending_check' } %input#pending_check{ type: 'checkbox' } Pending %section.result %p %span#total_count&= scenarios.size Scenario ( %span#failed_count&= failed_count failed %span#pending_count&= pending_count pending). %p Finished in %span#total_time&= total_time.to_s + ' sec' #main.container{ role: 'main' } %ul#statistics{ class: 'nav nav-tabs' } %li.active %a{ href: '#steps-statistics', data: { toggle: 'tab' } } Steps %li %a{ href: '#speed-statistics', data: { toggle: 'tab' } } Speed Statistics %li %a{ href: '#feature-statistics', data: { toggle: 'tab' } } Feature Statistics %li %a{ href: '#tag-statistics', data: { toggle: 'tab' } } Tag Statistics .tab-content #steps-statistics{ class: 'tab-pane active' } .checkbox %label %input#scenario_display_check{ type: 'checkbox', checked: 'checked' } Folding #scenarios.panel-group - scenario_files.each do |f| = File.read(f) #feature-statistics.tab-pane %h4 The results for the feature: = TurnipFormatter::Printer::TabFeatureStatistics.print_out(scenarios) #tag-statistics.tab-pane %h4 The results for the tab: = TurnipFormatter::Printer::TabTagStatistics.print_out(scenarios) #speed-statistics.tab-pane %h4 Ranking of running time of each successfully scenario: = TurnipFormatter::Printer::TabSpeedStatistics.print_out(scenarios) %footer %p Generated by %a{ href: 'https://rubygems.org/gems/turnip_formatter'} turnip_formatter = TurnipFormatter::VERSION %p Powered by %a{ href: 'http://jquery.com/' } jQuery 1.11.0 and %a{ href: 'http://mottie.github.io/tablesorter/' } tablesorter 2.17.0