# frozen_string_literal: true module Steppy # Steppy instance methods that will be added. module InstanceMethods attr_reader :steppy_cache def steppy(attributes = {}, cache = {}) steppy_initialize_cache({ attributes: attributes, prefix: :step }.merge(cache)) step_run_callbacks(:before, :all, attributes) result = if steppy_cache.key?(:block) instance_exec(&steppy_cache[:block]) else steppy_run(steppy_cache) end step_run_callbacks(:after, :all, attributes, result) result rescue StandardError => exception steppy_rescue exception, steppy_cache[:rescues] end def step_set(*sets) steppy_sets(sets) end def step(method = nil, args = {}, &block) steppy_run_step Steppy.parse_step(method: method, args: args, block: block) end alias step_return step def step_if_else(condition_block, step_steps, args = {}) if_step, else_step = step_steps steppy_run_step Steppy.parse_step( method: if_step, args: { if: condition_block, }.merge(args) ) steppy_run_step Steppy.parse_step( method: else_step, args: { unless: condition_block, }.merge(args) ) end def step_if(condition, &block) steppy_run_condition_block condition, block end def step_unless(condition, &block) steppy_run_condition_block -> { !steppy_run_condition(condition) }, block end def step_rescue(*) raise '#step_rescue can not be used in a block, please just add rescue to the #steppy block.' end protected def steppy_run(steps:, sets:, **) steppy_sets(sets) steppy_steps(steps) end def steppy_sets(sets) sets.each { |key, value| steppy_set(key, value || steppy_attributes[key]) } end def steppy_set(set_key, value) return unless set_key if set_key.is_a? Array set_key.each_with_index do |key, index| steppy_set(key, value[index]) end else instance_variable_set("@#{set_key}", value) end end def steppy_steps(steps) steps.each do |step| condition = step[:condition] steppy_cache[:result] = if condition steppy_run_condition_block(condition, step[:block]) else steppy_run_step(step) end end steppy_result end def steppy_rescue(exception, rescues) exception_class = exception.class has_exception = exception_class == SteppyError || rescues.empty? raise exception if has_exception rescues.each do |exceptions:, block:| if !exceptions || (exceptions && !exceptions.include?(exception_class)) steppy_cache[:result] = instance_exec(steppy_attributes, &block) end end steppy_result end def steppy_run_condition_block(condition, block) steppy_run(steppy_cache_from_block(block)) if steppy_run_condition(condition) end def steppy_run_condition(condition) return true unless condition if condition.arity > 0 instance_exec(steppy_attributes, &condition) else instance_exec(&condition) end end def steppy_run_step(method:, args:, block:) if !steppy_run_condition(args[:condition]) || (steppy_cache[:prefix] != args[:prefix]) return steppy_result end step_run_callbacks(:before, method, args) result = if block instance_exec(steppy_attributes, &block) else steppy_run_method(method, steppy_attributes) end steppy_set(args[:set], result) step_run_callbacks(:after, method, args, result) result end def step_run_callbacks(type, method, args, result = nil) callbacks = step_callbacks[type] method_callbacks = callbacks[method] || [] if method != :all callbacks[:each].each do |callback| instance_exec(args, result, &callback) end end method_callbacks.each do |callback| instance_exec(args, result, &callback) end end def steppy_run_method(method_name, attributes) method = "#{steppy_cache[:prefix]}_#{method_name}" if method(method).arity > 0 public_send(method, attributes) else public_send(method) end end def step_callbacks steppy_cache[:callbacks] end def steppy_cache_from_block(block) Class.new { include Steppy }.instance_exec(&block).steppy_cache end def steppy_initialize_cache(cache) @steppy_cache = SteppyCache.new( self.class.steppy_cache.to_h.merge(result: nil).merge(cache) ) end def steppy_attributes steppy_cache[:attributes] end def steppy_result steppy_cache[:result] end end end