Rev.pullInto(this) 'Lipsum', 'TabBlock', 'TabsAccordion', 'Button', 'Panel' Rev.pullInto(this) 'StatelessTabs', 'Tabs', 'StatelessTabContent' Rev.registerExample 'Tabs & Such', getInitialState: -> state = contentActiveKey: 'one' onTabChange: (e) -> alert "Changing active tab to key `#{e.activeTab?.key or null}`" render: ->


StatelessTabs takes its marching orders about what content to show from props. This particular instance will default to the second tab. On tab click, it will show an alert but not switch content.

alert "I refuse to change!"}> One}> Two}>


StatelessTabsContent shows only the content from a tab area, not the tabs themselves. It is useful for implementing components which behave like tabbed areas, but do not have automatically associated tabs.

One}> Two}>
These buttons actually control the content area.


One}> Two}> Three}> One}> Two}> Three}>


One}> Two}> Three}>