Ruby-VPI is a platform for unit testing, rapid prototyping, and systems integration of Verilog modules through the "Ruby programming language": It lets you:
* Access the _entire_ "IEEE 1364-2005 Verilog VPI": interface from Ruby.
* Create complex Verilog test benches easily and wholly in Ruby.
* Apply agile software development practices to develop hardware.
* Perform "specification-driven functional verification": ("PDF version":
Ruby-VPI is "open source software": released under "this license":#intro.license.
<% section "Resources", "resources" do %>
<% paragraph "Records" do %>
* "What's new":history.html#<%= version.to_html_anchor %>
- release notes for version <%= version %>.
** "History":history.html
- a record of all release notes.
** "RSS feed":<%= RSS_URL %>
- keep track of new releases at your leisure.
* "Plans":memo.html
- pending tasks for future releases.
* "Talks":
- materials from presentations and seminars.
* "Papers":
- research publications.
<% end %>
<% paragraph "Documentation" do %>
* "Motivation":
- why was Ruby-VPI developed?
* "User manual":manual.html
- complete documentation for users.
** "Tutorial":manual.html#usage.tutorial
- learn how to use Ruby-VPI quickly.
* "Reference":../ref/
- API documentation for Ruby libraries and C extension.
<% end %>
<% paragraph "Facilities" do %>
* "Downloads":<%= downloadURL %>
- obtain release packages
* "Source code":<%= codeURL %>
- browse online or obtain with "Darcs":
* "Forums":<%= forumURL %>
- discuss things and ask questions.
* "Mailing list":<%= mailListURL %>
- discuss things and ask questions.
* "Bugs":<%= trackerURL %>
- report defects in the software.
* "Patches":<%= trackerURL %>
- submit patches to source code.
* "Requests":<%= trackerURL %>
- request new features or get support.
* "Project portal":<%= portalURL %>
- hosted generously by "RubyForge":
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% section "Features", "intro.features" do %>
<% paragraph "Portable" do %>
* Supports the _entire_ "IEEE 1364-2005 Verilog VPI": standard.
* Works with all <%= xref "intro.reqs", "major Verilog simulators" %> available today.
* Compiled _just once_ during "installation":manual.html#setup.inst and used forever!
<% end %>
<% paragraph "Agile" do %>
* Enables "agile practices": such as
** "test-driven": development
** "behavior-driven": development
** "rapid prototyping":manual.html#usage.tutorial.implement-proto for design exploration
* Eliminates unneccesary work:
** "Specifications":manual.html#usage.tutorial.specification are readable, portable, and _executable_.
** The "automated test generator" helps you accomodate design changes with _minimal_ effort.
** There is absolutely _no compiling_!
<% end %>
<% paragraph "Powerful" do %>
* Inherits the "power and elegance": of Ruby:
** Unlimited length integers
** Regular expressions
** Multi-threading
** System calls and I/O
** "_ad infinitum_":
* Uses "ruby-debug": for "interactive debugging":manual.html#usage.debugger.
* Uses "rcov": for test "coverage analysis and report generation":manual.html#usage.test-runner.env-vars.
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% section "Requirements", "intro.reqs" do %>
The following software is necessary in order to use Ruby-VPI.
<% paragraph "Verilog simulator" do %>
Ruby-VPI is known to work with the following simulators. However, you should be able to use it with any Verilog simulator that supports VPI.
* "Synopsys VCS":
- any version that supports the -load option is acceptable.
* "Mentor Modelsim":
- any version that supports the -pli option is acceptable.
* "Cadence NC-Sim":
- any version that supports the +loadvpi option should be acceptable. However, version 05.83-s003 is _mostly_ acceptable because you *will not* be able to "force values onto wires":manual.html#problem.ncsim.vpiForceFlag.
* "GPL Cver":
- version 2.11a or newer is acceptable.
* "Icarus Verilog":
- version 0.8 is _mostly_ acceptable because you *will not* be able to "access child handles through method calls":manual.html#Accessing_a_handle_s_relatives. The reason for this limitation is explained "in the user manual":manual.html#problems.ivl.vpi_handle_by_name.absolute-paths.
<% end %>
<% paragraph "Compilers" do %>
* "make":
- any flavor should be acceptable.
* C compiler
- the "GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)": is preferred, but any C compiler should be acceptable.
* "SWIG":
- version 1.3.29 or newer is necessary.
* "Ruby":
- version 1.8 or newer, including header and linkable object files for building extensions, is necessary. You can install Ruby by following "these instructions":
<% end %>
<% paragraph "Libraries" do %>
* "POSIX threads (pthreads)":
- header and linkable object files, and operating system support for this library are necessary.
* "RubyGems":
- any recent version should be acceptable. You can install RubyGems by following "these instructions":
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% section "Applications", "intro.applications" do %>
Examples of tasks that can be performed with Ruby-VPI are:
* From the second edition of "_The Verilog PLI Handbook_":
** C language bus-functional models
** Reading test vector files
** Delay calculation
** Custom output displays
** Co-simulation
** Design debug utilities
** Simulation analysis
* Adapted from "Pin Hong's": observations:
** Writing hardware models in Ruby
** Dumping or processing netlist data from Verilog database
** Dumping or processing simulation data
** Feeding dynamic simulation stimuli
** Back-annotating delay information
** Interactive logic simulation
** Building a distributed simulation
<% end %>
<% section "Appetizers", "intro.appetizers" do %>
Here is a tiny sampling of code to whet your appetite. See "the tutorial":manual.html#usage.tutorial for more samples.
* Assign the value 2^2048^ to a register:
bq. @your_register.intVal = 2 ** 2048@
* Check if all nets in a module are at high impedance:
bq. @your_module.all_net? { |net| net.z? }@
* See a register's path, width, and location (file & line number):
bq. @puts your_register@
* Access the first five elements in a memory:
bq. @your_memory.memoryWord_a[0..4]@
* Clear a memory by filling it with zeroes:
bq. @your_memory.each_memoryWord {|w| w.intVal = 0}@
<% end %>
<% section "License", "intro.license" do %>
<%= h('../LICENSE')).gsub(/^Copyright.*$/, '\&
') %>
<% end %>
<% section "Related works", "intro.related-works" do %>
* "JOVE": is a Java interface to VPI.
* "Teal": is a C++ interface to VPI.
* "ScriptEDA": is a Perl, Python, and Tcl interface to VPI.
* "RHDL": is a hardware description and verification language based on Ruby.
* "MyHDL": is a hardware description and verification language based on Python, which features conversion to Verilog and co-simulation.
<% section "Ye olde PLI", "intro.related-works.pli" do %>
The following projects utilize the archaic *tf* and *acc* PLI interfaces, which have been officially deprecated in IEEE Std 1364-2005.
* "ScriptSim": is a Perl, Python, and Tcl/Tk interface to PLI.
* "Verilog::Pli": is a Perl interface to PLI.
<% end %>
<% end %>