class Marty::ApiLogView < Marty::Grid include Marty::Extras::Layout has_marty_permissions read: :admin, update: :admin DATE_OP_MAP = { 'eq' => '=', 'gt' => '>', 'lt' => '<' } @@attrs = [ :timestamp_custom, :script, :node, :attrs, :input, :output, :error, :remote_ip, :auth_name, :start_time, :end_time, ] def configure(c) super c.editing = :in_form c.paging = :pagination c.title = 'Api Log View' c.model = Marty::Log c.attributes = @@attrs c.scope = {message_type: 'api'} c.store_config.merge!(sorters: [{property: :timestamp, direction: 'DESC'}]) end component :edit_window do |c| super(c) c.width = 1200 end def default_form_items [ :script, :node, :attrs, :start_time, :end_time, textarea_field(:input).merge!({height: 300}), textarea_field(:output).merge!({height: 300}), :error, :remote_ip, :auth_name, ] end @@attrs.each do |a| attribute a do |c| c.filterable = true c.read_only = true c.getter = lambda {|r| r.details[a.to_s] } c.sorting_scope = lambda { |r, dir| r.order("details->>'#{a.to_s}'" + dir.to_s) } c.filter_with = lambda { |r, v, op| r.where("details->>'#{a.to_s}' #{op} '#{v}%'") } unless [:start_time, :endtime].include?(a) case a when :start_time, :end_time c.type = :datetime c.format = 'Y-m-d h:i:s' c.getter = lambda {|r|[a.to_s])} c.filter_with = lambda { |r, v, op| r.where("(details->>'#{a.to_s}')::date #{DATE_OP_MAP[op]} '#{v}%'") } when :input, :output c.getter = lambda { |r| r.details[a.to_s].pretty_inspect } c.width = 900 c.read_only = true c.filter_with = lambda { |r, v, op| r.where("(details->>'#{a.to_s}')::text #{op} '%#{v}%'") } end end end [:input, :output].each do |a| column a do |c| c.width = 250 c.getter = lambda { |r| r.details[a.to_s].to_json } end end #copied from log_view.rb attribute :timestamp_custom do |c| c.text = I18n.t("log_grid.timestamp") c.width = 200 c.read_only = true c.filterable = true c.xtype = :datecolumn c.format = 'Y-m-d h:i:s.u' c.field_config = { xtype: :displayfield, } c.getter = lambda { |r| } c.sorting_scope = lambda {|r, dir| r.order("timestamp " + dir.to_s)} # FIXME?: The UI AR/PG DateTime workaround requires the timestamp to be cast # to text in order to compare filter input using the LIKE operator. # Otherwise it will fail. '<' and '>' functionality is missing. c.filter_with = lambda {|r, v, op| r.where("timestamp::text #{op} '#{v}%'")} end end ApiLogView = Marty::ApiLogView