default: context: lang: 'en' visitor: 'ant' node: 'status' src: "simple text" tem: "simple text" res: "simple text" #----------- fixed up to here show_author_short: src: "
SI - 05.12
" tem: "
<%= %> - <%= format_date(@node.version.updated_at, :format => \"%m.%d\") %>
" res: "
SI - 04.11
" show_author_large: src: "" tem: "/posted by.**traduction by.**else.*modified by.**on.*@node.version.updated_at, \"%m.%d\"/" res: "posted by Solenopsis Invicta on 04.11." each_traductions: src: "" tem: "<% if list1 = @node.traductions(:conditions=>\"lang != 'en'\") %><% end %>" res: "" each_traductions_except_list: src: "" res: "" each_traductions_only_list: src: "" res: "" each_alternate_class: context: node: 'cleanWater' src: "
" res: "
  1. crocodiles
  2. status title
  3. Kill the bugs
" each_alternate_class_reverse: context: node: 'cleanWater' src: "
" res: "
  1. crocodiles
  2. status title
" each_alternate_class_two: context: node: 'collections' src: "
" res: "
  1. art
  2. menu
  3. news
  4. wikiSkin
" each_alternate_class_ajax: context: node: 'cleanWater' src: "
" res: "/
  • crocodiles<\/li>
  • status/" each_else: context: node: 'opening' src: "
    has pages ()no pages
    " tem: "/<% if var1.* %>
    has pages \(<% var1.each_with_index .* %><%= var2.prop\['title'\] %><% end %>\)
    <% elsif true %>
    no pages
    <% end %>/" res: "
    no pages
    " simple_each: src: "" tem: "/.*if var1.*each.*var2.prop\['title'\]/" res: "" each_join: context: node: 'wiki' src: "" res: "bird, flower" each_join_if: context: node: 'status' src: "" res: "/projects, skinsstatustalk, track/" set_attribute: src: "
    " res: "
    " set_attribute_with_stored: src: "
    " res: "
    " set_node_param: src: "

    " tem: "

    " res: "

    " set_node_param_main_other_class: src: "

    " res: "

    " set_attribute_with_inner: src: "

    some blah blah

    " res: "

    status title

    " set_in_ztag: src: "" res: "
    status title
    " set_attribute_stored_node: src: "


    " res: "

    Clean Water project

    " set_attribute_main_node: src: "


    " res: "

    Clean Water project

    " set_attribute_in_list: context: node: 'projects' src: "


    " tem: /var1.first/ res: "


    " set_attribute_with_namespace: src: ".." res: ".." each_join_html: context: node: 'wiki' src: "" res: "bird
    flower" each_join_nasty_erb: context: node: 'wiki' src: "" res: "bird<% puts 'nasty' -%>flower" test_children_plural: tem: "<%= 'children'.pluralize %>" res: "children" each_do: context: node: 'wiki' src: "" res: "bird, flower" parent_do: context: node: 'wiki' src: "" res: "projects list" do_each: context: node: 'wiki' src: "" res: "birdflower" do_with_inner: context: node: 'wiki' src: "
    " res: "
    • bird
    • flower
    " do_each_do: context: node: 'wiki' src: "
      " res: "" ignore: src: "I think this is notcool!" res: "cool!" do_ignore: context: node: 'wiki' src: "
      " res: "" content_for_layout: src: "blah blah" tem: "<% if content_for_layout = yield %><%= content_for_layout %><% else %>blah blah<% end %>" res: "blah blah" title_for_layout: src: "blah blih" res: "zena/projects-list/Clean-Water-project/status" tada: context: node: 'opening' src: |

      Super project

      • sample tag
      • life
      • ruby

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer elit....

      some title

      res: |

      parc opening

      We are glad to announce the opening of our new project !

      You are all invited to Romanel for a great party this weekend.

      summary: context: node: 'zena' src: "" res: "
      " summary_exists: src: "" res: "

      status summary

      " empty_summary: src: "" res: "
      " summary_or_text_has_summary: src: "" res: "

      status summary

      " summary_or_text_no_summary: context: node: 'zena' old_src: "" src: "
      " tem: "/@node.prop\['summary'\] or @node.prop\['text'\]/" res: "

      This is the root of your peaceful tests.

      " summary_in_div_with_id: src: "
      " res: "

      status summary

      " text: old_src: "" src: "" res: "

      status text

      " text_code: context: node: 'Project_zafu' src: "" res: "/\\A
      \\Z/" ztag_in_do: src: "
        no error
      " res: "
        no error
      " design_by: src: "
    • " res: "
    • hop, design by
    • " design_by_options: src: "
    • " res: "
    • dark, design by vador
    • " captcha: context: visitor: anon lang: 'fr' src: "" res: "/RecaptchaOptions .* theme : .clean./" paginate: context: pak: 2 src: "" res: "14,15,16" find_count: src: "" res: "3" link_page_next: context: pak: 2 src: " | | || " res: "1 | 2 | 3 || tiger,lion,myLife" link_page_next_with_block: src: "next" res: "next" link_page_list: context: pak: 2 src: "" tem: "/set_pak_page != set_pak.*zen_path\(@node,:pak.*elsif true.*set_pak_page/" res: "/1, 2, .*pak=3'>3.*pak=4'>4.*pak=5'>5/" # TODO: #link_page_list_single_page: # src: "" # res: "" # should not show single page link_page_list_page_count: context: pak: 3 src: "" res: "/2, 3, .*pak=4'>4\\Z/" paginate_with_or_clause: context: pak: 2 src: "
      pages ( nodes)
      " res: "
      3 pages (22 nodes)
      " paginate_with_where_clause: context: pak: 2 src: "
      pages ( nodes)
      " res: "
      18 nodes
      2 pages (18 nodes)
      " paginate_with_group_clause: context: pak: 2 src: "
      pages ( nodes)
      " res: "
      3 nodes
      2 pages (3 nodes)
      " link_page_previous_else_page1: src: "noprev" res: "noprev" link_page_previous_else_page2: context: pak: 2 src: "noprev" res: "1" link_page_list_else: context: pak: 2 src: "[]" res: "/, [2], /" debug_params: context: foo: 'bar' dev: true src: "DEBUG: " tem: "DEBUG:

      no idea for a title

      <%= params.inspect %>
      <%= %>
      " res: "/DEBUG:

      no idea for a title

      status title
      /" debug_params_not_in_dev_mode: context: foo: 'bar' src: "DEBUG: " tem: 'DEBUG: ' res: 'DEBUG: ' expand_with_host: context: node: 'projects' src: "relative: absolute:" tem: "/relative:.*zen_path\(@node\).*absolute:.*zen_path\(@node, :host => \"\"\)/" res: "relative:projects list absolute:projects list" expand_with_set_host: context: node: 'projects' src: "relative: absolute:" tem: "/relative:.*zen_path\(@node\).*absolute:.*zen_path\(@node, :host => \"#\{\}\"/" res: "relative:projects list absolute:projects list"