## Walkthrough: Web Cluster Here's a very simple cluster: ```ruby Ironfan.cluster 'web_demo' do cloud(:ec2) do flavor 't1.micro' end role :base_role role :chef_client role :ssh # The database server facet :dbnode do instances 1 role :mysql_server cloud do flavor 'm1.large' backing 'ebs' end end # A throwaway facet for development. facet :webnode do instances 2 role :nginx_server role :awesome_webapp end end ``` This code defines a cluster named web_demo. A cluster is a group of servers united around a common purpose, in this case to serve a scalable web application. The web_demo cluster has two 'facets' -- dbnode and webnode. A facet is a subgroup of interchangeable servers that provide a logical set of systems: in this case, the systems that store the website's data and those that render it. The dbnode facet has one server, which will be named `web_demo-dbnode-0`; the webnode facet has two servers, `web_demo-webnode-0` and `web_demo-webnode-1`. Each server inherits the appropriate behaviors from its facet and cluster. All the servers in this cluster have the `base_role`, `chef_client` and `ssh` roles. The dbnode machines additionally house a MySQL server, while the webnodes have an nginx reverse proxy for the custom `web_demo_webapp`. As you can see, the dbnode facet asks for a different flavor of machine (`m1.large`) than the cluster default (`t1.micro`). Settings in the facet override those in the server, and settings in the server override those of its facet. You economically describe only what's significant about each machine. ### Cluster-level tools ``` $ knife cluster show web_demo +---------------------+-------+------------+-------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------+----------+--------------+------------+------------+ | Name | Chef? | InstanceID | State | Public IP | Private IP | Created At | Flavor | Image | AZ | SSH Key | +---------------------+-------+------------+-------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------+----------+--------------+------------+------------+ | web_demo-dbnode-0 | yes | i-43c60e20 | running | | | 20111029-204156 | t1.micro | ami-cef405a7 | us-east-1a | web_demo | | web_demo-webnode-0 | yes | i-1233aef1 | running | | | 20111029-204156 | t1.micro | ami-cef405a7 | us-east-1a | web_demo | | web_demo-webnode-1 | yes | i-0986423b | not running | | | | | | | | +---------------------+-------+------------+-------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------+----------+--------------+------------+------------+ ``` The commands available are: * list -- lists known clusters * show -- show the named servers * launch -- launch server * bootstrap * sync * ssh * start/stop * kill * kick -- trigger a chef-client run on each named machine, tailing the logs until the run completes ### Advanced clusters remain simple Let's say that app is truly awesome, and the features and demand increases. This cluster adds an [ElasticSearch server](http://elasticsearch.org) for searching, a haproxy loadbalancer, and spreads the webnodes across two availability zones. ```ruby Ironfan.cluster 'web_demo' do cloud(:ec2) do image_name "maverick" flavor "t1.micro" availability_zones ['us-east-1a'] end # The database server facet :dbnode do instances 1 role :mysql_server cloud do flavor 'm1.large' backing 'ebs' end volume(:data) do size 20 keep true device '/dev/sdi' mount_point '/data' snapshot_id 'snap-a10234f' attachable :ebs end end facet :webnode do instances 6 cloud.availability_zones ['us-east-1a', 'us-east-1b'] role :nginx_server role :awesome_webapp role :elasticsearch_client volume(:server_logs) do size 5 keep true device '/dev/sdi' mount_point '/server_logs' snapshot_id 'snap-d9c1edb1' end end facet :esnode do instances 1 role "elasticsearch_data_esnode" role "elasticsearch_http_esnode" cloud.flavor "m1.large" end facet :loadbalancer do instances 1 role "haproxy" cloud.flavor "m1.xlarge" elastic_ip "" end cluster_role.override_attributes({ :elasticsearch => { :version => '0.17.8', }, }) end ``` The facets are described and scale independently. If you'd like to add more webnodes, just increase the instance count. If a machine misbehaves, just terminate it. Running `knife cluster launch web_demo webnode` will note which machines are missing, and launch and configure them appropriately. Ironfan speaks naturally to both Chef and your cloud provider. The esnode's `cluster_role.override_attributes` statement will be synchronized to the chef server, pinning the elasticsearch version across the server and clients. Your chef roles should focus on specific subsystems; the cluster file lets you see the architecture as a whole. With these simple settings, if you have already [set up chef's knife to launch cloud servers](http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Launch+Cloud+Instances+with+Knife), typing `knife cluster launch web_demo --bootstrap` will (using Amazon EC2 as an example): * Synchronize to the chef server: - create chef roles on the server for the cluster and each facet. - apply role directives (eg the homebase's `default_attributes` declaration). - create a node for each machine - apply the runlist to each node * Set up security isolation: - uses a keypair (login ssh key) isolated to that cluster - Recognizes the `ssh` role, and add a security group `ssh` that by default opens port 22. - Recognize the `nfs_server` role, and adds security groups `nfs_server` and `nfs_client` - Authorizes the `nfs_server` to accept connections from all `nfs_client`s. Machines in other clusters that you mark as `nfs_client`s can connect to the NFS server, but are not automatically granted any other access to the machines in this cluster. Ironfan's opinionated behavior is about more than saving you effort -- tying this behavior to the chef role means you can't screw it up. * Launches the machines in parallel: - using the image name and the availability zone, it determines the appropriate region, image ID, and other implied behavior. - passes a JSON-encoded user_data hash specifying the machine's chef `node_name` and client key. An appropriately-configured machine image will need no further bootstrapping -- it will connect to the chef server with the appropriate identity and proceed completely unattended. * Syncronizes to the cloud provider: - Applies EC2 tags to the machine, making your console intelligible: ![AWS Console screenshot](https://github.com/infochimps-labs/ironfan/wiki/aws_servers.jpg) - Connects external (EBS) volumes, if any, to the correct mount point -- it uses (and applies) tags to the volumes, so they know which machine to adhere to. If you've manually added volumes, just make sure they're defined correctly in your cluster file and run `knife cluster sync {cluster_name}`; it will paint them with the correct tags. - Associates an elastic IP, if any, to the machine * Bootstraps the machine using knife bootstrap