require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' require 'virtualbox' module Instalatron VERSION = '0.1.2' def self.destroy_vm(vm_name) `VBoxManage controlvm '#{vm_name}' poweroff > /dev/null 2>&1` # dumb sleep 1 `VBoxManage unregistervm '#{vm_name}' --delete > /dev/null 2>&1` end def self.create_vm(params = {}) vm_name = params[:vm_name] || "instalatron_#{}" full_iso_file = params[:iso_file] if full_iso_file.nil? or not File.exist?(full_iso_file) raise"Invalid :iso_file parameter.") end os_type = params[:os_type] || 'RedHat_64' vboxcmd = params[:vboxcmd] || 'VBoxManage' vm_memory = params[:vm_memory] || 512 vm_cpus = params[:vm_cpus] || 1 # listing os types # do |os| # puts # end # make sure the VM does not exist vm=VirtualBox::VM.find(vm_name) if vm.nil? `#{vboxcmd} createvm --name '#{vm_name}' --ostype #{os_type} --register >/dev/null 2>&1` `#{vboxcmd} modifyvm #{vm_name} --ioapic on >/dev/null 2>&1` `#{vboxcmd} modifyvm #{vm_name} --pae on >/dev/null 2>&1` else exit 1 end vm=VirtualBox::VM.find(vm_name) vm.memory_size= vm_memory vm.os_type_id = os_type vm.cpu_count = vm_cpus = vm_name vm.boot_order[0]=:dvd vm.boot_order[1]=:hard_disk vm.boot_order[2]=:null vm.boot_order[3]=:null vm.validate # Create DISK place = `#{vboxcmd} list systemproperties|grep '^Default machine'|cut -d ':' -f 2|sed -e 's/^[ ]*//'`.strip.chomp disk_file = "#{place}/#{vm_name}/#{vm_name}.vdi" `#{vboxcmd} createhd --filename '#{disk_file}' --size 8192 --format VDI >/dev/null 2>&1` # Add IDE/Sata Controllers `#{vboxcmd} storagectl '#{vm_name}' --name 'SATA Controller' --add sata --hostiocache off >/dev/null 2>&1` `#{vboxcmd} storagectl '#{vm_name}' --name 'IDE Controller' --add ide >/dev/null 2>&1` # Attach disk `#{vboxcmd} storageattach '#{vm_name}' --storagectl 'SATA Controller' --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium '#{disk_file}' >/dev/null 2>&1` `#{vboxcmd} storageattach '#{vm_name}' --storagectl 'IDE Controller' --type dvddrive --port 1 --device 0 --medium '#{full_iso_file}' >/dev/null 2>&1` vm.start end def self.command_window(seq, vm_name, key_press_delay = 0) if seq.is_a? String seq = [seq] end seq.each do |str| keycodes = string_to_keycode str keycodes.split.each do |k| `VBoxManage controlvm #{vm_name} keyboardputscancode '#{k}' >/dev/null 2>&1` end #sleep key_press_delay end end def self.grab_screenshot(vm_name, dest_file = nil) if dest_file.nil? dest_file = vm_name + "_#{}.png" end `VBoxManage controlvm #{vm_name} screenshotpng #{dest_file} >/dev/null 2>&1` end def self.same_image?(ref_image, new_img, threshold = 1500) `file #{ref_image}` =~ /(\d+\sx\s\d+)/ geom1 = $1 `file #{new_img}` =~ /(\d+\sx\s\d+)/ geom2 = $1 # geometries are different return false if geom1 != geom2 tmp_img = "/tmp/diff_#{}.png" metric = `compare -metric RMSE #{ref_image} #{new_img} #{tmp_img} 2>&1`.strip.chomp.split[0].to_i FileUtils.rm tmp_img if File.exist?(tmp_img) if metric < threshold return true end false end def self.detect_screen(vm_name) new_img = '/tmp/' + vm_name + '_new.png' old_img = '/tmp/' + vm_name + '_old.png' loop do grab_screenshot(vm_name, old_img) sleep 0.5 grab_screenshot(vm_name, new_img) break if same_image?(old_img, new_img) end new_img end def self.string_to_keycode(thestring) k['1'] = '02 82' k['2'] = '03 83' k['3'] = '04 84' k['4'] = '05 85' k['5'] = '06 86' k['6'] = '07 87' k['7'] = '08 88' k['8'] = '09 89' k['9'] = '0a 8a' k['0'] = '0b 8b' k['-'] = '0c 8c' k['='] = '0d 8d' k['Tab'] = '0f 8f'; k['q'] = '10 90' ; k['w'] = '11 91' ; k['e'] = '12 92'; k['r'] = '13 93' ; k['t'] = '14 94' ; k['y'] = '15 95'; k['u']= '16 96' ; k['i']='17 97'; k['o'] = '18 98' ; k['p'] = '19 99' ; k['Q'] = '2a 10 aa' ; k['W'] = '2a 11 aa' ; k['E'] = '2a 12 aa'; k['R'] = '2a 13 aa' ; k['T'] = '2a 14 aa' ; k['Y'] = '2a 15 aa'; k['U']= '2a 16 aa' ; k['I']='2a 17 aa'; k['O'] = '2a 18 aa' ; k['P'] = '2a 19 aa' ; k['a'] = '1e 9e'; k['s'] = '1f 9f' ; k['d'] = '20 a0' ; k['f'] = '21 a1'; k['g'] = '22 a2' ; k['h'] = '23 a3' ; k['j'] = '24 a4'; k['k']= '25 a5' ; k['l']='26 a6'; k['A'] = '2a 1e aa 9e'; k['S'] = '2a 1f aa 9f' ; k['D'] = '2a 20 aa a0' ; k['F'] = '2a 21 aa a1'; k['G'] = '2a 22 aa a2' ; k['H'] = '2a 23 aa a3' ; k['J'] = '2a 24 aa a4'; k['K']= '2a 25 aa a5' ; k['L']='2a 26 aa a6'; k[';'] = '27 a7' ;k['"']='2a 28 aa a8';k['\'']='28 a8'; k['\\'] = '2b ab'; k['|'] = '2a 2b aa 8b'; k['[']='1a 9a'; k[']']='1b 9b'; k['<']='2a 33 aa b3'; k['>']='2a 34 aa b4'; k['$']='2a 05 aa 85'; k['+']='2a 0d aa 8d'; k['z'] = '2c ac'; k['x'] = '2d ad' ; k['c'] = '2e ae' ; k['v'] = '2f af'; k['b'] = '30 b0' ; k['n'] = '31 b1' ; k['m'] = '32 b2'; k['Z'] = '2a 2c aa ac'; k['X'] = '2a 2d aa ad' ; k['C'] = '2a 2e aa ae' ; k['V'] = '2a 2f aa af'; k['B'] = '2a 30 aa b0' ; k['N'] = '2a 31 aa b1' ; k['M'] = '2a 32 aa b2'; k[',']= '33 b3' ; k['.']='34 b4'; k['/'] = '35 b5' ;k[':'] = '2a 27 aa a7'; k['%'] = '2a 06 aa 86'; k['_'] = '2a 0c aa 8c'; k['&'] = '2a 08 aa 88'; k['('] = '2a 0a aa 8a'; k[')'] = '2a 0b aa 8b';; special['<Enter>'] = '1c 9c'; special['<Backspace>'] = '0e 8e'; special['<Spacebar>'] = '39 b9'; special['<Return>'] = '1c 9c' special['<Esc>'] = '01 81'; special['<Tab>'] = '0f 8f'; special['<KillX>'] = '1d 38 0e'; special['<Wait>'] = 'wait'; special['<Up>'] = '48 c8'; special['<Down>'] = '50 d0'; #special['<PageUp>'] = '01'; #special['<PageDown>'] = '01'; keycodes='' thestring.gsub!(/ /,"<Spacebar>") until thestring.length == 0 nospecial=true; special.keys.each { |key| if thestring =~ /^#{key}.*/i #take thestring #check if it starts with a special key + pop special string keycodes=keycodes+special[key]+' '; thestring=thestring.slice(key.length,thestring.length-key.length) nospecial=false; break; end } if nospecial code=k[thestring.slice(0,1)] if !code.nil? keycodes=keycodes+code+' ' else puts "no scan code for #{thestring.slice(0,1)}" end #pop one thestring=thestring.slice(1,thestring.length-1) end end return keycodes end end