# This is a sample application that uses the Vizi_tracker gem classes # # This application will read a text file for translation. # The sample text file is a index markdown file written in English; # The English markdown file provides content for Vizitrax's home page. # The translated file can be used to replace the English content with content for another language. # # Author:: Al Kivi require 'rubygems' ## require '~/appgems/vizi_translator/lib/vizi_translator.rb' # use this line for testing require 'vizi_translator' # test using installed gem require 'logger' syslog = Logger.new('./log/system.log',shift_age = 'weekly') p 'starting' syslog.info "Starting ... >>> "+Time.now.to_s # Set username and password. Username must be registered at Frengly ## username = "akivi" ## password = "welcome1234" # Set target language for translation targetlanguage = "fr" begin # Open test file for translation @test = File.read(Dir.pwd+'/data/index.md') p 'input file ...' p @test syslog.info @test # Initiate Translator class translator = Vizi::Translator.new # Get array with available language codes @langcodes = translator.getcodes p @langcodes # Get hashed list of languages and language codes @langlist = translator.getlist p @langlist # Call method to do the translation @testnew = translator.gettext(username, password, @test, targetlanguage) p 'output file ...' p @testnew syslog.info @testnew p 'ending' syslog.info "Ending ... >>> "+Time.now.to_s end