## English
# Tramway::Landing
It uses [Material Design Bootstrap](https://mdbootstrap.com/) by default
Want to upgrade gem version?
Don't forget to look at [migration doc](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/migrations_to_version.md)
## Description
Tramway-landing provides several types of blocks for main page.
List of blocks:
* Header
* Header with form
* Footer
* Block with text and image
* Block with text, image and button
* Cards
* Features list
* Contacts, also Contacts without map
* View
* Just text
* Link to the object
All block's previews you can see at the bottom of this Readme
## Installation
#### 1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tramway-landing'
#### 2. Then run:
rails g tramway:landing:install
rails db:migrate
#### 3. Add landing blocks to the initializer
Tramway.set_available_models ::Tramway::Landing::Block, project: #{project_name_which_you_use_in_the_application}
Tramway.navbar_structure ::Tramway::Landing::Block
#### 4. Add `PhotoVersions` to middleware (will be removed soon)
module Tramway
class LandingMiddleware
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
PhotoUploader.include Tramway::Landing::PhotoVersions
require_relative '../lib/middleware/tramway/landing_middleware'
module YourApplication
class Application < Rails::Application
config.middleware.use = ::Tramway::LandingMiddleware
#### 5. Run server `rails s`
#### 6. Open `localhost:3000/admin`
#### 7. Click on `Blocks`, add new block with type `Header`
#### 8. Click `Show` in the block menu
#### 9. Then create your main page controller `rails g controller web/welcome`
class Web::WelcomeController < ApplicationController
before_action :application
layout 'tramway/landing/application'
def index
@blocks = ::Tramway::Landing::BlockDecorator.decorate ::Tramway::Landing::Block.on_main_page
def application
@application = ::Tramway.application_object
#### 10. Add new controller to the routes
# ...
root to: 'web/welcome#index'
# ...
#### 11. Add view for the new landing
= content_for :title do
-# your content for
= content_for :application_name do
-# your content for h1
= content_for :application_tagline do
-# tagline in the header type block
= content_for :address do
-# main address info
= content_for :phone do
-# main phone info
= content_for :footer_links do
-# list of footer links
= content_for :footer_logo do
-# list of footer logos
= content_for :latitude do
-# latitude for contacts block type map
= content_for :longtitude do
-# longtitude for contacts block type map
-# everything you want on the main page
## Head Content
### Tramway::Landing 2.x
It will push this content to `` tag in every landing page. Including public page in `tramway-event`, `tramway-sport_school`, `tramway-conference`, `tramway-news`, `tramway-page` gems.
::Tramway::Landing.head_content = lambda do
concat javascript_include_tag :application
concat stylesheet_link_tag :application
# don't forget to use `concat` method here
### Tramway::Landing 1.x
It will push this content to `` tag only on main page. You aren't able to manage head tag in other gems and pages.
= content_for :head_content do
-# your content for
Then all your showing blocks will be on the main page.
## Migrate from tramway-landing 2.x to tramway-landing 3.x
#### 1. Add tramway-page gem to the Gemfile
gem 'tramway-page', '>= 1.4.1'
#### 2. Run install generator of tramway-page gem
rails g tramway:page:install
#### 3. Run upgraded generator of tramway-landing gem
rails g tramway:landing:install
#### 4. Create new Tramway::Page::Page object for main page
$> rails c
Tramway::Page::Page.create! title: 'Main page', page_type: :main
#### 5. Associate every Tramway::Landing::Block with the main page
$> rails c
Tramway::Landing::Block.update_all page_id: Tramway::Page::Page.last.id
## Blocks docs
How create blocks you can find here
* [Header](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/header/main.md)
* Header with form
* [Footer](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/footer/main.md)
* [Block with text and image](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/block_with_text_and_image/main.md)
* [Block with text, image and button](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/block_with_text_image_and_button/main.md)
* [Cards](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/cards/main.md)
* [Features list](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/features/main.md)
* [Contacts](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/contacts/main.md)
* Contacts without map
* [View](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/view/main.md)
* [Just text](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/just_text/main.md)
* Link to object
## Tools
### Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Yandex Metrika
#### 1. Add landing tools to the initializer
project: #{project_name_which_you_use_in_the_application}
#### 2. Click on `Tools`, create new tool with type `[Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Yandex Metrika]` and add account_id for your profile in this tool.
#### 3. Add to `WelcomeController` query to get `@tools`
class Web::WelcomeController < ApplicationController
before_action :application
layout 'tramway/landing/application'
def index
@blocks = ::Tramway::Landing::BlockDecorator.decorate ::Tramway::Landing::Block.on_main_page
@tools = ::Tramway::Landing::Tool.active
def application
@application = ::Tramway.application_object
And now all we need to integrate tool to your web page will be integrated automatically. **Enjoy!**
## Contributing
Contribution directions go here.
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
## Русский
Инструкцию по созданию блоков, Вы можете посмотреть здесь
* [Начальный (Header)](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/header/main.md#%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9)
* Начальный блок с формой (Header)
* [Подвал (Footer)](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/footer/main.md#%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9)
* [Свободный блок (картинка+текст)](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/block_with_text_and_image/main.md)
* [Свободный блок с кнопкой (картинка + текст + кнопка)](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/block_with_text_image_and_button/main.md)
* [Карточки (выводит опредеделенный набор карточек)-программируется](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/cards/main.md)
* [Список возможностей-программируется](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/features/main.md)
* [Блок с контактами](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/contacts/main.md#%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9)
* Представление
* [Просто текст](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/just_text/main.md)
* Ссылка на объект