#! /usr/bin/ruby $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' require 'test/unit' require 'ole/storage' require 'digest/sha1' require 'stringio' require 'tempfile' require 'zlib' begin require 'base64' rescue LoadError # for 1.9 compatability - for now. not sure what # advised migration is module Base64 module_function def decode64(str) str.unpack("m")[0] end end end # # = TODO # # These tests could be a lot more complete. # # should test resizeable and migrateable IO. class TestStorageRead < Test::Unit::TestCase TEST_DIR = File.dirname __FILE__ def setup @ole = Ole::Storage.open "#{TEST_DIR}/test_word_6.doc", 'rb' end def teardown @ole.close end def test_header # should have further header tests, testing the validation etc. assert_equal 17, @ole.header.to_a.length assert_equal 117, @ole.header.dirent_start assert_equal 1, @ole.header.num_bat assert_equal 1, @ole.header.num_sbat assert_equal 0, @ole.header.num_mbat end def test_new_without_explicit_mode open "#{TEST_DIR}/test_word_6.doc", 'rb' do |f| assert_equal false, Ole::Storage.new(f).writeable end end def capture_warnings @warn = [] outer_warn = @warn old_log = Ole::Log begin old_verbose = $VERBOSE begin $VERBOSE = nil Ole.const_set :Log, Object.new ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end (class << Ole::Log; self; end).send :define_method, :warn do |message| outer_warn << message end yield ensure old_verbose = $VERBOSE begin $VERBOSE = nil Ole.const_set :Log, Object.new ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end end end def test_invalid assert_raises Ole::Storage::FormatError do Ole::Storage.open StringIO.new(0.chr * 1024) end assert_raises Ole::Storage::FormatError do Ole::Storage.open StringIO.new(Ole::Storage::Header::MAGIC + 0.chr * 1024) end capture_warnings do head = Ole::Storage::Header.new head.threshold = 1024 assert_raises NoMethodError do Ole::Storage.open StringIO.new(head.to_s + 0.chr * 1024) end end assert_equal ['may not be a valid OLE2 structured storage file'], @warn end def test_inspect assert_match(/#<Ole::Storage io=#<File:.*?test_word_6.doc> root=#<Dirent:"Root Entry">>/, @ole.inspect) end def test_fat # the fat block has all the numbers from 5..118 bar 117 bbat_table = [112] + ((5..118).to_a - [112, 117]) assert_equal bbat_table, @ole.bbat.reject { |i| i >= (1 << 32) - 3 }, 'bbat' sbat_table = (1..43).to_a - [2, 3] assert_equal sbat_table, @ole.sbat.reject { |i| i >= (1 << 32) - 3 }, 'sbat' end def test_directories assert_equal 5, @ole.dirents.length, 'have all directories' # a more complicated one would be good for this assert_equal 4, @ole.root.children.length, 'properly nested directories' end def test_utf16_conversion assert_equal 'Root Entry', @ole.root.name assert_equal 'WordDocument', @ole.root.children[2].name end def test_read # this data should probably be put elsewhere. not asserting # using hashes anymore, cause they were different on the mac. data = <<-end eJxjZGBgYkADAABKAAQ= eJxjZPj3n5mLgeE/EDBwMjGAwAEwyeAmAyR8M5OL8ovz00oUwvOLUhTM9Ax0 XfKzS3NT80oYuEDywSBxl/xkBgEgD8TWA3LA8npmYGMAKWQZqA== eJztVs9rE0EU/mZ32m5smyZtUlKQunhIezAV6knwYGoRxRLQBG89zCabdiE7 K9kJpt7Es1DwLxCsP+jJqycv/S/8I9SrmPgmuy0pK1ilNZd8MPt233zz7dud H+99OXBR+pziILgYgglkqaUvIYFs0pWEBSyzIfsHLKeA3Fl0Y6wTX4d2K7bH uEvP6i90zhuf6P21fxpp0C9nOMOvGuMcUQ1811ZuqOjSVWuzszm8eb52cFR+ K/k7yd9L/kHyV6OO8gJBezwT7/UVaj/xY9QRjXHhMDoM5rapZ39o/ntRZ2+0 sY3xv0C5xkhT1rXo7gHmBr5VWg7f+gbZqU23KTotSqaT5L+Ba2waDmjR1AsQ qZnf6BVRvv29/5rsUtkJhXpWqiohG6LdCOu7ba+pRFud5veuMBisiKl7rmh4 ckfn8jnkv2KxC4tNYpujfhk2NjKaZyNVo0PadoLGni4sMshDM3XlcD3D2DzL gW95oaJcmj3Rv6r174gnyguk1p9HvqtHpdmE/pTHDIUBb50VMHFfNlwS5Fig /ihKrcQH+wPoExCflMZJjWRSxZFf3Cd+zfPd0K64T+1HgS8kZshroLrnO0EL 00VNKbc90cKqpi9UPN/phBHXrgQ37a2EwpIelI6JVSFD4kQSGxQVs14WgCMK ZXcQ7WHtYxPWw5JupyuJqLLgeLHPEt5jz4r5CxXWcbY= eJzt0z1oU2EcRvE3rR+tWtGtOBQ3hS4tODgWKnQRlM5dHAoZCuIHaLcsBaGT hIBksQmlQ1wCTgF3Q+Z0cHN1lZBQQhL/N60fUEEKh5bK+cHleXlJw+2hHY5S yqXjsruvW++/HzzK3/jwdirN3/n4ZSHu2vspXY+9Gc/ro88txN107P3YK7EP Yq/GPo6diV2LvRabj52KfRl7IbYQeyn2Xezl2N3Yi7H12MnYT7ETsc3Yley+ ndIoZN9xN55n8eyM32F2/M6F9vHfYyTa3lm/wH/Ipjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzK synPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzK synPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzK synPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzK synPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzK synPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzK synPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzK synPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPpjyb8mzKsynPprx/NO33 +7VaLQ6VSqVUKpXL5cFg0Gq1Go1GtVptNpvFYrFer8dNp9M5lRc+B078dzoc Dnu93uGh2+3G+deNDvm/z7Mpz6Y8m/JsyrMpz6Y8m/JsyrMpz6a8vYmU0rdB SnOx2XkxnqX02/j8ZnXzb+fCrcr09r3Puexnc0efz84z8SznnzzfWH9x++HT V+s/7//8zEnOPwDhN6kw end expect = data.split(/\n\s*\n/).map { |chunk| Zlib::Inflate.inflate Base64.decode64(chunk) } # test the ole storage type type = 'Microsoft Word 6.0-Dokument' assert_equal type, (@ole.root/"\001CompObj").read[/^.{32}([^\x00]+)/m, 1] # i was actually not loading data correctly before, so carefully check everything here assert_equal expect, @ole.root.children.map { |child| child.read } end def test_dirent dirent = @ole.root.children.first assert_equal "\001Ole", dirent.name assert_equal 20, dirent.size assert_equal '#<Dirent:"Root Entry">', @ole.root.inspect # exercise Dirent#[]. note that if you use a number, you get the Struct # fields. assert_equal dirent, @ole.root["\001Ole"] assert_equal dirent.name_utf16, dirent[0] assert_equal nil, @ole.root.time assert_equal @ole.root.children, @ole.root.to_enum(:each_child).to_a dirent.open('r') { |f| assert_equal 2, f.first_block } dirent.open('w') { |f| } assert_raises Errno::EINVAL do dirent.open('a') { |f| } end end def test_delete dirent = @ole.root.children.first assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @ole.root.delete nil } assert_equal [dirent], @ole.root.children & [dirent] assert_equal 20, dirent.size @ole.root.delete dirent assert_equal [], @ole.root.children & [dirent] assert_equal 0, dirent.size end end class TestStorageWrite < Test::Unit::TestCase TEST_DIR = File.dirname __FILE__ def sha1 str Digest::SHA1.hexdigest str end # try and test all the various things the #flush function does def test_flush end # FIXME # don't really want to lock down the actual internal api's yet. this will just # ensure for the time being that #flush continues to work properly. need a host # of checks involving writes that resize their file bigger/smaller, that resize # the bats to more blocks, that resizes the sb_blocks, that has migration etc. def test_write_hash io = StringIO.open open("#{TEST_DIR}/test_word_6.doc", 'rb', &:read) assert_equal '9974e354def8471225f548f82b8d81c701221af7', sha1(io.string) Ole::Storage.open(io, :update_timestamps => false) { } # hash changed. used to be efa8cfaf833b30b1d1d9381771ddaafdfc95305c # thats because i know truncate the io, and am probably removing some trailing allocated # available blocks. assert_equal 'a39e3c4041b8a893c753d50793af8d21ca8f0a86', sha1(io.string) # add a repack test here Ole::Storage.open io, :update_timestamps => false, &:repack assert_equal 'c8bb9ccacf0aaad33677e1b2a661ee6e66a48b5a', sha1(io.string) end def test_plain_repack io = StringIO.open open("#{TEST_DIR}/test_word_6.doc", 'rb', &:read) assert_equal '9974e354def8471225f548f82b8d81c701221af7', sha1(io.string) Ole::Storage.open io, :update_timestamps => false, &:repack # note equivalence to the above flush, repack, flush assert_equal 'c8bb9ccacf0aaad33677e1b2a661ee6e66a48b5a', sha1(io.string) # lets do it again using memory backing Ole::Storage.open(io, :update_timestamps => false) { |ole| ole.repack :mem } # note equivalence to the above flush, repack, flush assert_equal 'c8bb9ccacf0aaad33677e1b2a661ee6e66a48b5a', sha1(io.string) assert_raises ArgumentError do Ole::Storage.open(io, :update_timestamps => false) { |ole| ole.repack :typo } end end def test_create_from_scratch_hash io = StringIO.new Ole::Storage.open(io) { } assert_equal '6bb9d6c1cdf1656375e30991948d70c5fff63d57', sha1(io.string) # more repack test, note invariance Ole::Storage.open io, :update_timestamps => false, &:repack assert_equal '6bb9d6c1cdf1656375e30991948d70c5fff63d57', sha1(io.string) end def test_create_dirent Ole::Storage.open StringIO.new do |ole| dirent = Ole::Storage::Dirent.new ole, :name => 'test name', :type => :dir assert_equal 'test name', dirent.name assert_equal :dir, dirent.type # for a dirent created from scratch, type_id is currently not set until serialization: assert_equal 0, dirent.type_id dirent.to_s assert_equal 1, dirent.type_id assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Ole::Storage::Dirent.new ole, :type => :bogus } end end end