# This is a common set of Formtastic overrides needed to build a filter form # that lets you select from a set of search methods for a given attribute. # # Your class must declare available filters for this module to work. # Those filters must be recognizable by Ransack. For example: # # class FilterNumericInput < ::Formtastic::Inputs::NumberInput # include FilterBase # include FilterBase::SearchMethodSelect # # filter :equals, :greater_than, :less_than # end # module ActiveAdmin module Inputs module Filters module Base module SearchMethodSelect def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods attr_reader :filters def filter(*filters) (@filters ||= []).push *filters end end def wrapper_html_options opts = super (opts[:class] ||= '') << ' select_and_search' unless seems_searchable? opts end def to_html input_wrapping do label_html << # your label select_html << # the dropdown that holds the available search methods input_html # your input field end end def input_html builder.text_field current_filter, input_html_options end def select_html template.select_tag '', template.options_for_select(filter_options, current_filter) end def filters options[:filters] || self.class.filters end def current_filter @current_filter ||= begin methods = filters.map{ |f| "#{method}_#{f}" } methods.detect{ |m| @object.public_send m } || methods.first end end def filter_options filters.collect do |filter| [I18n.t("active_admin.filters.predicates.#{filter}"), "#{method}_#{filter}"] end end end end end end end