# Chillout [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/chilloutio/chillout.png)](https://travis-ci.org/chilloutio/chillout) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/chilloutio/chillout.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/chilloutio/chillout) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/chillout.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/chillout) Chillout gem tracks your ActiveRecord models statistics. You can see the metrics for your application in a grafana dashboard. Please visit [get.chillout.io](http://get.chillout.io/) for more details. ## Installation Add this line to your Rails application's `Gemfile`: gem 'chillout' And then execute: $ bundle And add following line to `config/environments/production.rb` with your own `SECRET_KEY`: config.chillout = { secret: 'SECRET_KEY' } And that's all! ## Usage chillout gem is automatically tracking your model creations. Remember you have to be in `production` environment - otherwise chillout gem will NOT track your metrics. ### Custom metrics You can use `Chillout::Metric.track('custom_name')` to track a custom, phony metric. It's quite useful when you want to track a certain business process, like: ``` # in 'new': Chillout::Metric.track('RegistrationStarted') # in 'create': Chillout::Metric.track('RegistrationCompleted') ``` We encourage you to ship your own class (Adapter) which encapsulates this global constant and it's closer to your application's domain. ## Different strategy By default chillout uses a background thread to send metrics in a non-blocking way. However, if you prefer it can use `active_job` and the adapter you configured for it ie. sidekiq, resque, delayed_job, etc. ```ruby config.chillout = {secret: 'secret', strategy: :active_job} ``` This feature is available since Rails 4.2 ## Compatibility Chillout gem is tested using Travis CI. You can [check it](https://travis-ci.org/chilloutio/chillout) to get insight about which versions of Rails and Rubies are actually supported. We provide listeners for ActiveRecord. ## Development Running complete test suite: bundle install bundle exec rake bundle bundle exec rake test