module Boson # Runs Boson from the commandline. Usage for the boson shell command looks like this: # boson [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [COMMAND] [ARGS] [COMMAND OPTIONS] # # The boson executable comes with these global options: # [:help] Gives a basic help of global options. When a command is given the help shifts to a command's help. # [:verbose] Using this along with :help option shows more help. Also gives verbosity to other actions i.e. loading. # [:index] Updates index. This should be called in the unusual case that Boson doesn't detect new commands # and libraries. # [:execute] Like ruby -e, this executes a string of ruby code. However, this has the advantage that all # commands are available as normal methods, automatically loading as needed. This is a good # way to call commands that take non-string arguments. # [:console] This drops Boson into irb after having loaded default commands and any explict libraries with # :load option. This is a good way to start irb with only certain libraries loaded. # [:load] Explicitly loads a list of libraries separated by commas. Most useful when used with :console option. # Can also be used to explicitly load libraries that aren't being detected automatically. # [:render] Pretty formats the results of commands without options. Handy for commands that return arrays. class BinRunner < Runner GLOBAL_OPTIONS = { :verbose=>{:type=>:boolean, :desc=>"Verbose description of loading libraries or help"}, :index=>{:type=>:boolean, :desc=>"Updates index for libraries and commands"}, :execute=>{:type=>:string, :desc=>"Executes given arguments as a one line script"}, :console=>{:type=>:boolean, :desc=>"Drops into irb with default and explicit libraries loaded"}, :help=>{:type=>:boolean, :desc=>"Displays this help message or a command's help if given a command"}, :load=>{:type=>:array, :values=>all_libraries, :enum=>false, :desc=>"A comma delimited array of libraries to load"}, :render=>{:type=>:boolean, :desc=>"Renders a Hirb view from result of command without options"} } #:nodoc: class <@options[:verbose]) elsif @options[:execute] Boson.main_object.instance_eval @options[:execute] else execute_command end rescue Exception print_error_message (@command && !Boson.can_invoke?(@command[/\w+/])) ? "Error: Command '#{@command}' not found" : "Error: #{$!.message}" end # Loads the given command. def init super Index.update(:verbose=>true) if @options[:index] if @options[:load] Manager.load @options[:load], load_options elsif @options[:execute] define_autoloader else load_command_by_index end end #:stopdoc: def print_error_message(message) message += "\nActual error: #{$!}\n" + $!.backtrace.inspect if @options && @options[:verbose] $stderr.puts message end def load_command_by_index Index.update(:verbose=>@options[:verbose]) if !@options[:index] && Boson.can_invoke?(@command) && !@options[:help] if !Boson.can_invoke?(@command) && ((lib = Index.find_library(@command)) || (Index.update(:verbose=>@options[:verbose]) && (lib = Index.find_library(@command)))) Manager.load lib, load_options end end def default_libraries super + (Boson.repo.config[:bin_defaults] || []) end def execute_command command, subcommand = @command.include?('.') ? @command.split('.', 2) : [@command, nil] dispatcher = subcommand ? Boson.invoke(command) : Boson.main_object render_output dispatcher.send(subcommand || command, *@args) rescue ArgumentError # for the rare case it's raise outside of boson raise unless $!.backtrace.first.include?('boson/') print_error_message "'#{@command}' was called incorrectly." Boson.invoke(:usage, @command) end def parse_args(args) @option_parser = options = @option_parser.parse(args.dup, :opts_before_args=>true) new_args = @option_parser.non_opts [new_args.shift, options, new_args] end def render_output(output) if Scientist.global_options && !Scientist.rendered && !View.silent_object?(output) puts output.inspect elsif !Scientist.global_options && @options[:render] View.render(output, :silence_booleans=>true) end end def print_usage puts "boson [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [COMMAND] [ARGS] [COMMAND OPTIONS]\n\n" puts "GLOBAL OPTIONS" View.enable @option_parser.print_usage_table if @options[:verbose] Manager.load [Boson::Commands::Core] puts "\n\nDEFAULT COMMANDS" Boson.invoke :commands, "", :fields=>["name", "usage", "description"], :description=>false end end #:startdoc: end end end