require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' shared_examples_for 'controller with scheduled draft promotion' do dataset :users before :each do create_user "Publisher", :publisher => true # controller.cache.clear @klass = controller.class.model_class @model_symbol = @object = mock_model(controller.class.model_class, :promote_draft! => nil, :save => true, :url => '') @object.errors.stub!(:full_messages).and_return([]) @klass.stub!(:find).and_return(@object) login_as :admin end describe "common actions" do def do_post(options={}) post(:schedule_draft_promotion, {:id => '1', :commit => @klass.promote_now_text}.merge(options)) end it "should load the model" do @klass.should_receive(:find).with('1').and_return(@object) @object.should_receive(:display_name) login_as :admin do_post assigns[@model_symbol].should == @object end it "should redirect back to the edit screen" do do_post response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(:action => "edit") end [:admin, :publisher].each do |user| describe "#{user} user" do before :each do login_as user #request.session[:user_id] = user_id(user) end it "should allow #{user}" do @object.should_receive(:display_name) do_post response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(:action => "index") flash[:error].should be_blank end end end [:designer, :existing].each do |user| before :each do login_as user end it "should deny #{user}" do do_post response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(:action => "edit") flash[:error].should == 'You must have publisher privileges to execute this action.' end end end describe "promoting/publishing now" do def do_post post :schedule_draft_promotion, :id => '1', :commit => @klass.promote_now_text end it "should promote the draft" do @object.should_receive(:promote_draft!) @object.should_receive(:display_name) do_post end it "should set the flash message" do @object.should_receive(:display_name) do_post flash[:notice].should match(/published|promoted/) end end describe "scheduling draft promotion" do def do_post post :schedule_draft_promotion, :id => '1', @model_symbol => @post_attrs, :commit => @klass.schedule_promotion_text end before :each do @post_attrs = {'draft_promotion_scheduled_at' => 3.days.from_now} @object.stub!(:update_attributes) @object.stub!(:draft_promotion_scheduled_at).and_return(3.days.from_now) end it "should not promote the draft" do @object.should_not_receive(:promote_draft!) do_post end it "should not cancel the draft" do @object.should_not_receive(:cancel_draft!) do_post end it "should set the flash notice message when the scheduled time is valid" do @object.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(@post_attrs).and_return(true) @object.should_receive(:display_name) do_post flash[:notice].should match(/will be promoted/) end it "should set the flash error message when the scheduled time is invalid" do @object.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(@post_attrs).and_return(false) do_post flash[:error].should be end end describe "cancelling promotion" do def do_post @object.should_receive(:display_name) post :schedule_draft_promotion, :id => '1', :commit => @klass.cancel_promotion_text end before :each do @object.stub!(:cancel_promotion!) end it "should cancel the draft promotion" do @object.should_receive(:cancel_promotion!) do_post end it "should set the flash message" do do_post flash[:notice].should match(/cancelled/) end end describe "promotion in conjunction with saving" do before :each do controller.class.skip_before_filter :filter_chain @klass.stub!(:find_by_id).and_return(@object) controller.stub!(:handle_new_or_edit_post_without_promotion).and_return(false) end def redirects_to_index response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(:action => :index) end it "should promote the draft when the 'Save & Promote Now' button was pushed" do @object.should_receive(:promote_draft!).once @object.should_receive(:update_attributes!).once @object.should_receive(:index).once put :update, :id => 1, :promote => 'Save & Promote Now' redirects_to_index end it "should not promote the draft when the 'Save & Promote Now' button was not pushed" do @object.should_not_receive(:promote_draft!) @object.should_receive(:update_attributes!).once @object.should_receive(:index).once put :update, :id => 1 redirects_to_index end end after :each do logout end end describe Admin::PagesController, "with concurrent_draft functions" do it_should_behave_like 'controller with scheduled draft promotion' end describe Admin::SnippetsController, "with concurrent_draft functions" do it_should_behave_like 'controller with scheduled draft promotion' end describe Admin::LayoutsController, "with concurrent_draft functions" do it_should_behave_like 'controller with scheduled draft promotion' end