This report allows you to filter website traffic by visit kind, site, action kind, and time period to better understand how visitors are using your site(s).
<%= content_tag('li', "Clicks represent button clicks.") if @kinds.include? 'clicks' -%>
<%= content_tag('li', "Conversions are lead forms that are submitted.") if @kinds.include? 'conversions' -%>
<%= content_tag('li', "Scrolls are page scrolls performed by visitors.") if @kinds.include? 'scrolls' -%>
<%= content_tag('li', "Clicks represent button clicks.") if @kinds.include? 'clicks' -%>
<%= content_tag('li', "Mouseovers represent mouseover events and may indicate that a user considered pressing a button, for example.") if @kinds.include? 'mouseovers' -%>
<%= content_tag('li', "Clickthroughs are clicks on links to other sites.") if @kinds.include? 'clickthroughs' -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- if @sites.size == 1 || @kinds.blank? -%>
No web traffic action data has been gathered yet. Please try again later.