<%- title 'Traffic Explorer' -%> <%= Seer::init_visualization -%> <%- unless @sessions -%>

This report allows you to filter website traffic by visit kind, site, action kind, and time period to better understand how visitors are using your site(s).

<%- end -%> <%- if @sites.size == 1 || @kinds.blank? -%>

No web traffic action data has been gathered yet. Please try again later.

<%= link_to 'Back', :back, :class => 'button' -%> <%- else -%>
<%= legend_tag "Data Explorer Criteria" -%>
How many <%= select_tag "visit_kind", options_for_select((TrackableSession::KINDS | ["total"]), params[:visit_kind] == 'all' ? 'total' : params[:visit_kind] ) -%> visits to <%= select_tag "site", options_for_select(@sites, params[:site] || "all sites") -%> resulted in <%= select_tag "action_kind", options_for_select(@kinds, params[:action_kind]) -%> in the <%= select_tag "time_period", options_for_select(@time_periods, params[:time_period]) -%> ?

<%- if @sessions -%> <%- unless @sessions.blank? -%> <%= render "traffic_summary_all" if params[:traffic_kind] == 'total' -%> <%= render "traffic_summary_by_kind" if params[:traffic_kind] != 'all' -%> <%= render 'visits_graph' -%> <%= render 'keywords_graph' unless @keywords_series.blank? -%> <%= render "top_referrers" unless @referrers_series.blank? -%> <%- end -%> <%= page_break -%>
<%= legend_tag pluralize(@sessions.count, "Recent Matching Visit"), :help => 'Shown below are a sample of the most recent visits matching your report criteria. Click on the "Details" link next to a visit for more detailed information.' -%> <%= render 'sessions' -%>
<%= render 'print_buttons' -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%>