require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. helper]) describe Calais::Response, :new do it 'accepts an rdf string to generate the response object' do lambda { }.should_not raise_error end end describe Calais::Response, :new do before :all do @response = end it 'should extract document information' do @response.language.should == 'English' @response.submission_date.should be_a_kind_of(DateTime) @response.signature.should == 'digestalg-1|iCEVI2NK1nAAvP+p5uaqnHISxdo=|U3QC5z6ZN1DLUJrqiP6gpTuxrdAxOaVOrjUQVuarCmb+zoqbm2fypA==' @response.submitter_code.should == '4a388fbc-9897-def9-9233-efddbfbca363' @response.request_id.should == '896ffd83-ad5f-4e4b-892b-4cc337a246af' @response.doc_title.should == 'Record number of bicycles sold in Australia in 2006' @response.doc_date.should be_a_kind_of(Date) end it 'should extract entities' do entities = @response.entities { |e| e.type }.sort.uniq.should == %w[City Continent Country IndustryTerm Organization Person ProvinceOrState] end it 'should extract relations' do relations = @response.relations { |e| e.type }.sort.uniq.should == %w[GenericRelations PersonAttributes PersonProfessional Quotation] end it 'should extract geographies' do geographies = @response.geographies { |e| }.sort.uniq.should == %w[Australia Hobart,Tasmania,Australia Tasmania,Australia] end it 'should extract relevances' do @response.instance_variable_get("@relevances").size.should == 10 end it 'should assign a floating-point relevance to each entity' do @response.entities.each {|e| e.relevance.class.should == Float } end it 'should assign the correct relevance to each entity' do correct_relevances = { "84a34c48-25ac-327f-a805-7b81fd570f7d" => 0.725, "9853f11e-5efa-3efc-90b9-0d0450f7d673" => 0.396, "9fa3fb8a-f517-32c7-8a46-3c1506ea3a70" => 0.156, "ed0e83f9-87e8-3da6-ab46-cd6be116357c" => 0.291, "e05f3d33-1622-3172-836c-b48637a156d3" => 0.316, "d0ca04b6-9cf5-3595-ad4b-7758a0b57997" => 0.156, "0bb9cdb4-3cb7-342a-9901-6d1f12b32f6a" => 0.31, "3979e581-0823-3e84-9257-1ca36db4665e" => 0.228, "0c3d5340-106f-390e-92d3-a4aa18004fb8" => 0.158, "3bcf2655-ff2a-3a80-8de4-558b9626ad21" => 0.644 } @response.entities.each {|e| correct_relevances[e.hash.value].should == e.relevance } end it 'should find the correct document categories returned by OpenCalais' do {|c| }.sort.should == %w[Business_Finance Technology_Internet] end it 'should find the correct document category scores returned by OpenCalais' do {|c| c.score }.should == [1.0, 1.0] end it 'should find instances for each entity' do @response.entities.each {|e| e.instances.size.should > 0 } end it 'should find instances for each relation' do @response.relations.each {|r| r.instances.size.should > 0 } end it 'should find the correct instances for each entity' do ## This currently tests only for the "Australia" entity's ## instances. A more thorough test that tests for the instances ## of each of the many entities in the sample doc is desirable in ## the future. australia = {|e| e.attributes["name"] == "Australia" }.first australia.instances.size.should == 3 instances = australia.instances.sort{|a,b| a.offset <=> b.offset } instances[0].prefix.should == "number of bicycles sold in " instances[0].exact.should == "Australia" instances[0].suffix.should == " in 2006<\/title>\n<date>January 4," instances[0].offset.should == 67 instances[0].length.should == 9 instances[1].prefix.should == "4, 2007<\/date>\n<body>\nBicycle sales in " instances[1].exact.should == "Australia" instances[1].suffix.should == " have recorded record sales of 1,273,781 units" instances[1].offset.should == 146 instances[1].length.should == 9 instances[2].prefix.should == " the traditional company car,\" he said.\n\n\"Some of " instances[2].exact.should == "Australia" instances[2].suffix.should == "'s biggest corporations now have bicycle fleets," instances[2].offset.should == 952 instances[2].length.should == 9 end it 'should find the correct instances for each relation' do ## This currently tests only for one relation's instances. A more ## thorough test that tests for the instances of each of the many other ## relations in the sample doc is desirable in the future. rel = {|e| e.hash.value == "8f3936d9-cf6b-37fc-ae0d-a145959ae3b5" }.first rel.instances.size.should == 1 rel.instances.first.prefix.should == " manufacturers.\n\nThe Cycling Promotion Fund (CPF) " rel.instances.first.exact.should == "spokesman Ian Christie said Australians were increasingly using bicycles as an alternative to cars." rel.instances.first.suffix.should == " Sales rose nine percent in 2006 while the car" rel.instances.first.offset.should == 425 rel.instances.first.length.should == 99 end end