## Description A fork of ruby-debug19 that works on 1.9.3 and installs easily for rvm/rbenv rubies. 1.9.2 support coming... [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/cldwalker/debugger.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/cldwalker/log_buddy) ## Install $ gem install debugger # If install fails, try passing headers path $ gem install debugger -- --with-ruby-include=PATH_TO_HEADERS For Windows install instructions, see OLD\_README. ## Usage To use in your Rails app, drop in your Gemfile: gem 'debugger' Wherever you need a debugger, simply: ```ruby require 'debugger'; debugger ``` ## Reason for Fork * ruby-debug19 maintainer isn't maintaining: * Despite patches from ruby core, no gem release in 2+ years! - 9/1/09. * Requests to release a known working 1.9.3 version have been ignored. * Doesn't respond to rubyforge issues and doesn't have github issues open. * Current install is painful. Requires either [manually downloading gems from rubyforge]( http://blog.wyeworks.com/2011/11/1/ruby-1-9-3-and-ruby-debug) and installing with compiler flags or [recompiling ruby](http://blog.sj26.com/post/12146951658/updated-using-ruby-debug-on-ruby-1-9-3-p0). * We need a decent ruby debugger for future rubies! ## What's different from ruby-debug19 * Works on 1.9.3 but not 1.9.2 yet * Install painlessly for rvm and rbenv rubies i.e. no compiler flags needed * Tests are up on travis-ci * The gem name matches the module namespace, Debugger, and main required file, debugger. * Rake tasks have been updated * ruby-debug-base19 and ruby-debug19 are released as one gem * No downloading ruby source during install - was behavior of old ruby_core_source dependency * Fix LocalJumpError caused by using proc in extconf.rb ## Issues Please report them [on github](http://github.com/cldwalker/debugger/issues). ## Contributing [See here](http://tagaholic.me/contributing.html) for contribution policies. Let's keep this working for the ruby community! ## Credits * Thanks to the original authors: Kent Sibilev and Mark Moseley * Fork started on awesome @relevance fridays! ## TODO * Add back support for 1.9.2 * Doing something stupid simple i.e. copy latest ruby-debug19 that works and require as needed * Fix test/test-*.rb * Work with others willing to tackle jruby, rubinius or windows support * Clean up (merge) lib + cli as separate runtime paths for ruby-debug-base19 and ruby-debug19