%%{ machine common; action comment_begin { fcall comment_tail; } action comment_exit { fret; } # RFC5322: address_lists, date_time, message_ids, phrase_lists, received obs_NO_WS_CTL = 0x01..0x08 | 0x0b | 0x0c | 0x0e..0x1f | 0x7f; LF = "\n"; CR = "\r"; CRLF = "\r\n"; WSP = 0x09 | 0x20; obs_ctext = obs_NO_WS_CTL; VCHAR = 0x21..0x7e; obs_qp = "\\" (0x00 | obs_NO_WS_CTL | LF | CR); obs_FWS = (CRLF? WSP)+; ctext = 0x21..0x27 | 0x2a..0x5b | 0x5d..0x7e | obs_ctext; quoted_pair = ("\\" (VCHAR | WSP)) | obs_qp; FWS = (WSP* CRLF WSP+) | (CRLF WSP+) | obs_FWS; ALPHA = [a-zA-Z]; DIGIT = [0-9]; DQUOTE = '"'; obs_qtext = obs_NO_WS_CTL; atext = ALPHA | DIGIT | "!" | "#" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "'" | "*" | "+" | "-" | "/" | "=" | "?" | "^" | "_" | "`" | "{" | "|" | "}" | "~"; qtext = 0x21 | 0x23..0x5b | 0x5d..0x7e | obs_qtext; obs_dtext = obs_NO_WS_CTL | quoted_pair; qcontent = qtext | quoted_pair; # Handle recursive comments ccontent = ctext | quoted_pair | "(" @comment_begin; comment_tail := ((FWS? ccontent)* >comment_s) FWS? ")" @comment_exit; comment = "(" @comment_begin %comment_e; CFWS = ((FWS? comment)+ FWS?) | FWS; quoted_string = CFWS? (DQUOTE (((FWS? qcontent)* FWS?) >qstr_s %qstr_e) DQUOTE) CFWS?; atom = CFWS? atext+ CFWS?; word = atom | quoted_string; # phrase_lists obs_phrase = (word | "." | "@")+; phrase = (obs_phrase | word+) >phrase_s %phrase_e; phrase_lists = phrase ("," FWS* phrase)*; # address_lists # local_part: domain_text = (DQUOTE (FWS? qcontent)+ FWS? DQUOTE) | atext+; local_dot_atom_text = ("."* domain_text "."*)+; local_dot_atom = CFWS? (local_dot_atom_text >local_dot_atom_s %local_dot_atom_pre_comment_e) CFWS?; obs_local_part = word ("." word)*; local_part = (local_dot_atom >local_dot_atom_s %local_dot_atom_e | (quoted_string %local_quoted_string_e) | obs_local_part); # Treetop parser behavior was to ignore addresses missing '@' inside of angle # brackets. This construction preserves that behavior. local_part_no_capture = (local_dot_atom | quoted_string | obs_local_part); # domain: dot_atom_text = "."* domain_text ("."* domain_text)*; dtext = 0x21..0x5a | 0x5e..0x7e | obs_dtext; dot_atom = CFWS? dot_atom_text (CFWS? >(comment_after_address,1)); domain_literal = CFWS? "[" (FWS? dtext)* FWS? "]" CFWS?; obs_domain = atom ("." atom)*; domain = (dot_atom | domain_literal | obs_domain) >domain_s %domain_e; # addr_spec: # The %(end_addr,N) priority resolves uncertainty when whitespace # after an addr_spec could cause it to be interpreted as a # display name: "bar@example.com ,..." addr_spec_in_angle_brackets = (local_part "@" domain) %(end_addr,1) | local_part_no_capture %(end_addr,0); addr_spec_no_angle_brackets = (local_part "@" domain) %(end_addr,1) | local_part %(end_addr,0); # angle_addr: obs_domain_list = (CFWS | ",")* "@" domain ("," CFWS? ("@" domain)?)*; obs_route = (obs_domain_list ":") >obs_domain_list_s %obs_domain_list_e; obs_angle_addr = CFWS? "<" obs_route? addr_spec_in_angle_brackets ">" CFWS?; angle_addr = CFWS? ("<" >angle_addr_s) addr_spec_in_angle_brackets ">" CFWS? | obs_angle_addr; # Address display_name = phrase; name_addr = display_name? %(end_addr,2) angle_addr; mailbox = (name_addr | addr_spec_no_angle_brackets) >address_s %address_e; obs_mbox_list = (CFWS? ",")* mailbox ("," (mailbox | CFWS)?)*; mailbox_list = (mailbox (("," | ";") mailbox)*) | obs_mbox_list; obs_group_list = (CFWS? ",")+ CFWS?; group_list = mailbox_list | CFWS | obs_group_list; group = (display_name >group_name_s %group_name_e) ":" (group_list?) ";" CFWS?; address = group | mailbox; #obs_addr_list = (CFWS? ",")* address ("," (address | CFWS)?)*; address_lists = address? %(comment_after_address,0) (FWS* ("," | ";") FWS* address?)*; # message_ids obs_id_left = local_part; id_left = dot_atom_text | obs_id_left; # id_right modifications to support multiple '@' in msg_id. msg_id_atext = ALPHA | DIGIT | "!" | "#" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "'" | "*" | "+" | "-" | "/" | "=" | "?" | "^" | "_" | "`" | "{" | "|" | "}" | "~" | "@"; msg_id_dot_atom_text = (msg_id_atext+ "."?)+; obs_id_right = domain; no_fold_literal = "[" (dtext)* "]"; id_right = msg_id_dot_atom_text | no_fold_literal | obs_id_right; msg_id = (CFWS)? (("<" id_left "@" id_right ">") >msg_id_s %msg_id_e) (CFWS)?; message_ids = msg_id (CFWS? msg_id)*; include date_time "date_time.rl"; date_time = (day_of_week ",")? (date >date_s %date_e) <: (time >time_s %time_e) CFWS?; # Added CFWS? to increase robustness # (qmail likes to include a comment style string...?) received_token = word | angle_addr | addr_spec_no_angle_brackets | domain; received = ((CFWS? received_token*) >received_tokens_s %received_tokens_e) ";" date_time; # RFC2045: mime_version, content_type, content_transfer_encoding mime_version = CFWS? (DIGIT+ >major_digits_s %major_digits_e) comment? "." comment? (DIGIT+ >minor_digits_s %minor_digits_e) CFWS?; token = 0x21..0x27 | 0x2a..0x2b | 0x2c..0x2e | 0x30..0x39 | 0x41..0x5a | 0x5e..0x7e; value = (quoted_string | (token -- '"' | 0x3d)+) >param_val_s %param_val_e; attribute = (token+) >param_attr_s %param_attr_e; parameter = CFWS? attribute "=" value CFWS?; ietf_token = token+; custom_x_token = 'x'i "-" token+; extension_token = ietf_token | custom_x_token; discrete_type = 'text'i | 'image'i | 'audio'i | 'video'i | 'application'i | extension_token; composite_type = 'message'i | 'multipart'i | extension_token; iana_token = token+; main_type = (discrete_type | composite_type) >main_type_s %main_type_e; sub_type = (extension_token | iana_token) >sub_type_s %sub_type_e; content_type = main_type "/" sub_type (((CFWS? ";"+) | CFWS) parameter CFWS?)*; encoding = ('7bits' | '8bits' | '7bit' | '8bit' | 'binary' | 'quoted-printable' | 'base64' | ietf_token | custom_x_token) >encoding_s %encoding_e; content_transfer_encoding = CFWS? encoding CFWS? ";"? CFWS?; # RFC2183: content_disposition # TODO: recognize filename, size, creation date, etc. disposition_type = 'inline'i | 'attachment'i | extension_token | ''; content_disposition = (disposition_type >disp_type_s %disp_type_e) (CFWS? ";" parameter CFWS?)*; # Envelope From ctime_date = day_name " "+ month " "+ day " " time_of_day " " year; envelope_from = (addr_spec_no_angle_brackets) >address_s %address_e " " (ctime_date >ctime_date_s %ctime_date_e); # content_location location = quoted_string | ((token | 0x3d)+ >token_string_s %token_string_e); content_location = CFWS? location CFWS?; }%%