# (c) Copyright 2017 Ribose Inc. # require "active_model" require "uri" require "active_support/core_ext" require "net/http" require "resolv" module UriFormatValidator module Validators # # TODO: documentation # class UriFormatValidator < ::ActiveModel::EachValidator SCHEMES = %w[ aaa aaas about acap acct cap cid coap coaps crid data dav dict dns example file ftp geo go gopher h323 http https iax icap im imap info ipp ipps iris iris.beep iris.lwz iris.xpc iris.xpcs jabber ldap mailto mid msrp msrps mtqp mupdate news nfs ni nih nntp opaquelocktoken pkcs11 pop pres reload rtsp rtsps rtspu service session shttp sieve sip sips sms snmp soap.beep soap.beeps stun stuns tag tel telnet tftp thismessage tip tn3270 turn turns tv urn vemmi vnc ws wss xcon xcon-userid xmlrpc.beep xmlrpc.beeps xmpp z39.50r z39.50s ].freeze # Examples: http://www.rubular.com/r/Xy4iNY2ztf RESERVED_DOMAINS = %r{ (\.(test|example|invalid|localhost)$)| ((^|\.)example\.(...?)(\...)?$) }x def initialize(options) @schemes = case options[:scheme] when :all then SCHEMES when nil then %w[http https] else options[:scheme] end options[:message] ||= I18n.t("errors.messages.invalid_uri") super(options) end def validate_each(record, attribute, value) success = catch(STOP_VALIDATION) do do_checks(value.to_s) true end success || set_failure_message(record, attribute) end private STOP_VALIDATION = Object.new.freeze def do_checks(uri_string) uri = string_to_uri(uri_string) fail_unless uri if accept_relative_uris? validate_domain_absense(uri) else validate_domain(uri_string) validate_against_options(uri, :authority, :scheme, :retrievable) end validate_against_options(uri, :path, :query, :fragment) end # Warning! The +URI+ method behaviour is inconsistent across VMs. # For instance, Rubinius allows leading and trailing spaces. Non-nil # return value doesn't guarantee that URI is indeed well-formed. def string_to_uri(uri_string) URI(uri_string) rescue URI::InvalidURIError nil end def set_failure_message(record, attribute) record.errors[attribute] << options[:message] end def fail_if(condition) throw STOP_VALIDATION if condition end def fail_unless(condition) fail_if !condition end def validate_domain(uri) fail_unless uri =~ regexp end def validate_against_options(uri, *option_keys_list) option_keys_list.each do |option_name| next unless options.key?(option_name) send(:"validate_#{option_name}", options[option_name], uri) end end def validate_scheme(_option, uri) scheme = uri.scheme if @schemes.is_a?(Regexp) fail_if scheme !~ @schemes else fail_unless @schemes.include?(scheme) end end def validate_path(option, uri) path = uri.path fail_if option == true && path == "/" || path == "" fail_if option == false && path != "/" && path != "" fail_if option.is_a?(Regexp) && path !~ option end def validate_query(option, uri) fail_unless uri.query.present? == option end def validate_fragment(option, uri) fail_unless uri.fragment.present? == option end def validate_authority(option, uri) fail_if option.is_a?(Regexp) && uri.host !~ option fail_if option.is_a?(Array) && !option.include?(uri.host) if option.is_a?(Hash) && option[:allow_reserved] == false check_reserved_domains(uri) end end def validate_retrievable(option, uri) fail_unless Reacher.new(uri).retrievable? if option end def accept_relative_uris? options.key?(:authority) && options[:authority] == false end def validate_domain_absense(uri) fail_if uri.host.present? end def check_reserved_domains(uri) fail_if uri.host =~ RESERVED_DOMAINS end def regexp protocol = if @schemes.is_a?(Regexp) "(#{@schemes.source})://" else "(#{@schemes.join('|')})://" end %r{^#{ protocol }[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(([0-9]{1,5})?\/.*)?$}iux end end end end