var vows = require("vows"), load = require("../load"), assert = require("../assert"); var suite = vows.describe("d3.text"); suite.addBatch({ "text": { topic: load("xhr/text").expression("d3.text").document(), "on a sample file": { topic: function(text) { text("test/data/sample.txt", this.callback); }, "invokes the callback with the loaded text": function(text) { assert.equal(text, "Hello, world!\n"); }, "does not override the mime type by default": function(text) { assert.isUndefined(XMLHttpRequest._last._info.mimeType); } }, "with a custom mime type": { topic: function(text) { text("test/data/sample.txt", "text/plain+sample", this.callback); }, "observes the optional mime type": function(text) { assert.equal(XMLHttpRequest._last._info.mimeType, "text/plain+sample"); } }, "on a file that does not exist": { topic: function(text) { var callback = this.callback; text("//does/not/exist.txt", function(error, text) { callback(null, text); }); }, "invokes the callback with undefined when an error occurs": function(text) { assert.isUndefined(text); } } } }); suite.export(module);