Feature: Indexed Property In order to interact with recurring sequences of elements with an index Testers will need access and interrogation ability Background: Given I am on the indexed property page Scenario Outline: Locating indexed text fields in a table on the Page by id When I search for the elements for index "" And I type "I found it" into the table's indexed text field by id Then The table's indexed text field by id should contain "I found it" Examples: | index | | foo | | 123 | | 12test | Scenario Outline: Locating indexed text fields in a table on the Page by name When I search for the elements for index "" And I type "I found it" into the table's indexed text field by name Then The table's indexed text field by name should contain "I found it" Examples: | index | | foo | | 123 | | 12test | Scenario Outline: Locating indexed radio buttons in a table on the Page When I search for the elements for index "" And I select the indexed radio button Then The indexed radio button should be selected Examples: | index | | foo | | 123 | | 12test | Scenario Outline: Locating indexed checkboxes in a table on the Page When I search for the elements for index "" And I check the indexed checkbox Then The indexed checkbox should be checked Examples: | index | | foo | | 123 | | 12test | Scenario Outline: Locating indexed text areas in a table on the Page When I search for the elements for index "" And I type "I found it" into the table's indexed text area Then The table's indexed text area should contain "I found it" Examples: | index | | foo | | 123 | | 12test | Scenario Outline: Locating indexed buttons in a table on the Page When I search for the elements for index "" Then I should see that the indexed button exists And I should be able to click the indexed button Examples: | index | | foo | | 123 | | 12test | Scenario Outline: Locating indexed text fields outside a table on the Page When I search for the elements for index "" And I type "I found it" into the regular indexed text field by id Then The regular indexed text field by id should contain "I found it" Examples: | index | | foo | | 123 | | 12test | Scenario: Element on first indexed property but not second When I search for an element that is on an indexed property And I search for the element on another indexed property it is not on Then I should see that the element doesn't exist Scenario: Index on first indexed property but not on second When I search for an element by an index on an indexed property And I search using the index which is not on another indexed property Then I should see that the element doesn't exist for that index Scenario: Index on first indexed property and different on second When I search for an element with text by an index on an indexed property And I search using an index which is on another indexed property Then I should see the content of the element on the second indexed property