# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'shared/protocol_msgbus_behaviour' describe Ably::Realtime::Presence do let(:channel) { double('Ably::Realtime::Channel').as_null_object } subject do Ably::Realtime::Presence.new(channel) end describe 'callbacks' do specify 'are supported for valid STATE events' do state = nil subject.on(:initialized) { state = :entered } expect { subject.emit(:initialized) }.to change { state }.to(:entered) end specify 'fail with unacceptable STATE event names' do expect { subject.on(:invalid) }.to raise_error KeyError expect { subject.emit(:invalid) }.to raise_error KeyError expect { subject.off(:invalid) }.to raise_error KeyError end end context 'msgbus', :api_private do let(:message) do Ably::Models::PresenceMessage.new({ 'action' => 0, 'connection_id' => random_str, }, protocol_message: instance_double('Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage')) end let(:msgbus) { subject.__incoming_msgbus__ } specify 'supports messages' do received = 0 msgbus.subscribe(:presence) { received += 1 } expect { msgbus.publish(:presence, message) }.to change { received }.to(1) end specify 'fail with unacceptable STATE event names' do expect { msgbus.subscribe(:invalid) }.to raise_error KeyError expect { msgbus.publish(:invalid) }.to raise_error KeyError expect { msgbus.unsubscribe(:invalid) }.to raise_error KeyError end end context 'subscriptions' do let(:message_history) { Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = 0 } } let(:enter_action) { Ably::Models::PresenceMessage::ACTION.Enter } let(:clone) { instance_double('Ably::Models::PresenceMessage', member_key: random_str, connection_id: random_str) } let(:enter_message) do instance_double('Ably::Models::PresenceMessage', action: enter_action, connection_id: random_str, decode: true, member_key: random_str, shallow_clone: clone) end let(:leave_message) do instance_double('Ably::Models::PresenceMessage', action: Ably::Models::PresenceMessage::ACTION.Leave, connection_id: random_str, decode: true, member_key: random_str, shallow_clone: clone) end let(:update_message) do instance_double('Ably::Models::PresenceMessage', action: Ably::Models::PresenceMessage::ACTION.Update, connection_id: random_str, decode: true, member_key: random_str, shallow_clone: clone) end context '#subscribe' do specify 'without a block raises an invalid ArgumentError' do expect { subject.subscribe }.to raise_error ArgumentError end specify 'with no action specified subscribes the provided block to all action' do subject.subscribe { |message| message_history[:received] += 1} subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, enter_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(1) end specify 'with a single action argument subscribes that block to matching actions' do subject.subscribe(enter_action) { |message| message_history[:received] += 1 } subject.subscribe(:leave) { |message| message_history[:received] += 1 } subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, enter_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(1) end specify 'with a multiple action arguments subscribes that block to all of those actions' do subject.subscribe(:leave, enter_action) { |message| message_history[:received] += 1 } subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, enter_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(1) subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, leave_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(2) # This message should be ignored as subscribed to :leave and :enter subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, update_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(2) end specify 'with a multiple duplicate action arguments subscribes that block to all of those unique actions once' do subject.subscribe(enter_action, enter_action) { |message| message_history[:received] += 1 } subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, enter_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(1) end end context '#unsubscribe' do let(:callback) do lambda { |message| message_history[:received] += 1 } end before do subject.subscribe(enter_action, &callback) end specify 'with no action specified unsubscribes that block from all events' do subject.unsubscribe(&callback) subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, enter_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(0) end specify 'with a single action argument unsubscribes the provided block with the matching action' do subject.unsubscribe(enter_action, &callback) subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, enter_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(0) end specify 'with multiple action arguments unsubscribes each of those matching actions with the provided block' do subject.unsubscribe(:update, :leave, enter_action, &callback) subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, enter_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(0) end specify 'with a non-matching action argument has no effect' do subject.unsubscribe(:leave, &callback) subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, enter_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(1) end specify 'with no block argument unsubscribes all blocks for the action argument' do subject.unsubscribe(enter_action) subject.__incoming_msgbus__.publish(:presence, enter_message) expect(message_history[:received]).to eql(0) end end end end