require 'helper' class TestParser < Test::Unit::TestCase P = include Tickly::Emitter should "parse a single int as a stack with a string" do assert_kind_of Tickly::LiteralExpr, P.parse('2') assert_equal le("2"), P.parse('2') end should "parse a single int and discard whitespace" do p = P.parse(' 2 ') assert_kind_of Tickly::LiteralExpr, p assert_equal le("2"), p assert_equal "{2}", Tickly.to_tcl(p) end should "parse multiple ints and strings as a stack of subexpressions" do assert_kind_of Tickly::LiteralExpr, P.parse('2 foo bar baz') assert_equal le("2", "foo", "bar", "baz"), P.parse('2 foo bar baz') end should "parse and expand a string in double quotes" do p = P.parse('"This is a string literal with spaces"') assert_equal le("This is a string literal with spaces"), p p = P.parse('"This is a string literal \"escaped\" with spaces"') assert_equal le("This is a string literal \"escaped\" with spaces"), p end should "parse a string expression" do p = P.parse("[1 2 3]") assert_kind_of Tickly::LiteralExpr, p assert_equal 1, p.length assert_kind_of Tickly::StringExpr, p[0] end should "parse multiple string expressions" do p = P.parse("[1 2 3] [3 4 5 foo]") assert_equal le(se("1", "2", "3"), se("3", "4", "5", "foo")), p end should "parse multiline statements as literal expressions" do p = P.parse("2\n2") assert_equal "{{2} {2}}", Tickly.to_tcl(p) end should 'parse expression' do expr = '{4 + 5}' p = P.parse(expr) assert_equal le(le("4", "+", "5")), p end should 'parse a Nuke node' do f = + "/nukenode.txt") p = P.parse(f) script = le( le("set", "cut_paste_input", se("stack", "0")), le("version", "6.3", "v4"), le("push", "$cut_paste_input"), le("Blur", le( le("size", le( le("curve", "x1", "0", "x20", "1.7", "x33", "3.9") ) ), le("name", "Blur1"), le("label", "With \"Escapes\""), le("selected", "true"), le("xpos", "-353"), le("ypos", "-33") ) ) ) assert_equal script, p end should 'parse a simple Nuke script and internalize the RotoPaint in it' do f = + "/three_nodes_and_roto.txt") p = P.parse(f) # Should pass through the rotopaint node and get to the blur properly blur = le("Blur", le( le("size", le( le("curve", "i", "x1", "0", "x20", "1.7", "x33", "3.9") ) ), le("name", "Blur1"), le("label", "With \"Escapes\""), le("selected", "true"), le("xpos", "-212"), le("ypos", "-24") ) ) assert_equal blur, p[4] end should 'parse a Nuke script with indentations' do f = + "/nuke_group.txt") p = P.parse(f) grp = le( le("set", "cut_paste_input", se("stack", "0")), le("version", "6.3", "v4"), le("Group", le( le("inputs", "0"), le("name", "Group1"), le("selected", "true") ) ), le("CheckerBoard2", le( le("inputs", "0"), le("name", "CheckerBoard1") ) ), le("Blur", le( le("size", "42.5"), le("name", "Blur1") ) ), le("Output", le("name", "Output1") ), le("end_group") ) assert_equal grp, p end end