FAILURE-GEM ============ This is the Repository for the Failuregem. **Failuregem** aims to be a timesafer for railsapp. It includes couple of usefull Gems to start rightaway with Rails programming. **Failregem** Includes following GEMs: * Bootstrap * Jquery-rails * Simple-Form * Paperclip * Active_link_to INFO: This GEM use every App on []( , if you programm a new Rails App for Failure please use this GEM. ## Installation Add it to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'failuregem' ``` Run the following command to install it: ```console bundle install ``` Finally done! ### Bootstrap **Failuregem** has the newest Bootstrap version included but you have still import it to your application.scss To do that you have to rewrite application.css to application.scss ```console $ mv app/assets/stylesheets/application.css app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss ``` ```scss // Import Bootstrap in application.scss @import "bootstrap"; ``` Add Bootstrap dependencies and Bootstrap to your `application.js`: ```js //= require jquery3 //= require popper //= require bootstrap-sprockets ``` While `bootstrap-sprockets` provides individual Bootstrap components for ease of debugging, you may alternatively require the concatenated `bootstrap` for faster compilation: ```js //= require jquery3 //= require popper //= require bootstrap ``` ### Simple Form **Simple Form** can be easily integrated to the [Bootstrap]( To do that you have to use the `bootstrap` option in the install generator, like this: ```console rails generate simple_form:install --bootstrap ``` ### Now you good to go!