package SectLabel::Controller; ### # This package is used to pull together various citation processing # modules in the SectLabel distribution, serving as a script for # handling the entire citation processing control flow. # # The ExtractSection subroutine should be the only needed API element # to return XML output. # # Luong Minh Thang 25 May, 09. # Adopted from Parscit Controller Isaac Councill, 07/23/07 ### require ''; use strict; # Dependencies use File::Basename; my $dir = dirname(__FILE__); my $parscitHome = "$dir/../../"; # Local libraries use SectLabel::Config; use SectLabel::Tr2crfpp; use SectLabel::PostProcess; use CSXUtil::SafeText qw(cleanXML); my $generic_sect_path = $parscitHome . "bin/sectLabel/genericSectExtract.rb"; ### # Main API method for generating an XML document including all # section data. Returns a reference XML document. ### sub ExtractSection { my ($text_file, $is_xml_output, $model_file, $dict_file, $func_file, $config_file, $is_xml_input, $is_debug, $for_parscit) = @_; if (!defined $model_file || $model_file eq "") { die "Die in SectLabel::Controller::extractSection - need to specify modelFile\n"; } if (!defined $config_file || $config_file eq "") { die "Die in SectLabel::Controller::extractSection - need to specify configFile\n"; } # Classify section if (! $for_parscit) { my ($status, $msg, $xml, $aut_lines, $aff_lines) = ExtractSectionImpl( $text_file, $is_xml_output, $model_file, $dict_file, $func_file, $config_file, $is_xml_input, $is_debug, $for_parscit ); if ($status > 0) { return (\$xml, $aut_lines, $aff_lines); } else { my $error = "Error: " . $msg; return (\$error, undef, undef); } } else { my ($all_text, $cit_lines) = ExtractSectionImpl( $text_file, $is_xml_output, $model_file, $dict_file, $func_file, $config_file, $is_xml_input, $is_debug, $for_parscit ); return ($all_text, $cit_lines); } } ### # Main script for actually walking through the steps of document processing. # Returns a status code (0 for failure), an error message (may be blank if # no error), a reference to an XML document. # # $is_token_level: flag to enable previous token-level model (for performance # comparison) # # TODO: catch errors and return $status < 0 ### sub ExtractSectionImpl { my ($text_file, $is_xml_output, $model_file, $dict_file, $func_file, $config_file, $is_xml_input, $is_debug, $for_parscit) = @_; if ($is_debug) { print STDERR "Model File = " . $model_file . "\n"; print STDERR "Config File = " . $config_file . "\n"; } my ($status, $msg) = (1, ""); if (!open (IN, "<:utf8", $text_file)) { return (-1, "Could not open text file $text_file: $!"); } my @text_lines = (); my %blank_lines = (); my $line_id = -1; while () { chomp; # Remove ^M character at the end of the file if any s/\cM$//; $line_id++; # Skip blank lines if (/^\s*$/) { if ($is_debug) { print STDERR "#! Warning blank line at line id " . $line_id . "\n"; } $blank_lines{ $line_id } = 1; next; } else { push(@text_lines, $_); } } close IN; # Run tr2crfpp to prepare feature files my $tmp_file = undef; if ($is_debug) { print STDERR "\n# Extracting test features ... "; } $tmp_file = SectLabel::Tr2crfpp::ExtractTestFeatures(\@text_lines, $text_file, $dict_file, $func_file, $config_file, $is_debug); if ($is_debug) { print STDERR " Done! Output to " . $tmp_file . "\n"; } # Run crf_test, output2xml my $out_file = $tmp_file . "_dec"; my $xml = ""; if ($is_debug) { print STDERR "\n# Decoding " . $tmp_file . " ... "; } if (SectLabel::Tr2crfpp::Decode($tmp_file, $model_file, $out_file)) { if ($is_debug) { print STDERR " Done! Output to " . $out_file . "\n"; } my %section_headers = (); $section_headers{ "header" } = (); # Array of section headers $section_headers{ "lineId" } = (); # Array of corresponding line ids (0-based) if (!$is_xml_output) { $xml = SectLabel::PostProcess::WrapDocument($out_file, \%blank_lines); } else { $xml = SectLabel::PostProcess::WrapDocumentXml($out_file, \%section_headers); # Array of generic headers $section_headers{ "generic" } = (); GetGenericHeaders( $section_headers{ "header" }, \@{ $section_headers{ "generic" } }); $xml = InsertGenericHeaders($xml, $section_headers{ "header" }, $section_headers{ "generic" }, $section_headers{ "lineId" }); } } ### # Huydhn: provide input for parscit ### if ($for_parscit) { my ($all_text, $cit_lines) = SectLabel::PostProcess::GenerateParscitInput($out_file); unlink($tmp_file); unlink($out_file); return ($all_text, $cit_lines); } else { my ($aut_lines, $aff_lines) = SectLabel::PostProcess::GenerateAuthorAffiliation($out_file); unlink($tmp_file); unlink($out_file); return ($status, $msg, $xml, $aut_lines, $aff_lines); } } ### # Thang v100401: method to get generic headers give a list of headers ### sub GetGenericHeaders { my ($headers, $generic_headers) = @_; # Huydhn # Found no header if (! defined $headers) { return; }; my $num_headers = scalar(@{ $headers }); # Put the list of headers to file my $header_file = NewTmpFile(); $generic_sect_path = UntaintPath($generic_sect_path); open(OF, ">:utf8", $header_file); for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_headers; $i++) { print OF $headers->[$i] . "\n"; } close OF; # Get a list of generic headers my $cmd = $generic_sect_path . " " . $header_file . " " . $header_file . ".out"; system($cmd); open(IF, "<:utf8", $header_file . ".out"); my $generic_count = 0; while() { chomp; my $generic_header = $_; # Temporarily add in, to be removed once Emma's code updated if($generic_header eq "related_works") { $generic_header = "related_work"; } push @{ $generic_headers }, $generic_header; $generic_count++; } close IF; if ($num_headers != $generic_count) { die "Die: SectLabel::Controller::getGenericHeaders different in number of headers $num_headers vs. the number of generic headers $generic_count\n"; } unlink($header_file); unlink($header_file . ".out"); } ### # Thang v100401: method to insert generic headers into previous label XML output (ids given for checking purpose) ### sub InsertGenericHeaders { my ($xml, $headers, $generics, $line_ids) = @_; my @lines = split(/\n/, $xml); my $num_lines = scalar( @lines ); my $text_id = -1; my $header_count = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_lines; $i++) { my $line = $lines[$i]; # Header line if ($line =~ /^$/) { my $confidence = $1; # Header line $line = $lines[ ++$i ]; # Sanity check # After increase, $text_id is the current line id (base 0) $text_id++; if ($line_ids->[ $header_count ] != $text_id) { die "Die in SectLabel::Controller::insertGenericHeaders - different text ids " . $line_ids->[ $header_count ] . " != " . $text_id . "\n"; } my $generic_header = $generics->[ $header_count ]; $lines[ $i - 1 ] = ""; # After increase, $headerCount is the number of header lines read $header_count++; # Finish reading all header lines (incase of multiple line header # A text line while ($lines[$i+1] !~ /^<[\/\?]?[a-zA-Z]+/) { $i++; $header_count++; $text_id++; } } # A text line elsif ($line !~ /^<[\/\?]?[a-zA-Z]+/) { $text_id++; } } return join("\n", @lines); } ### # Thang v100401 ### sub UntaintPath { my ($path) = @_; if ( $path =~ /^([-_\/\w\.\d: ]+)$/ ) { $path = $1; } else { die "Bad path " . $path . "\n"; } return $path; } ### # Thang v100401 method to generate tmp file name ### sub NewTmpFile { my $tmpfile = `date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-$$'`; chomp($tmpfile); $tmpfile = UntaintPath($tmpfile); my $tmpdir = $ENV{'PARSCIT_TMPDIR'} || "/tmp"; return "$tmpdir/$tmpfile"; } 1;