module CassandraObject module FinderMethods extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def find(key, opts={}) # kludge to play nice ActiveRecord association opts.assert_valid_keys(:conditions) raise(ArgumentError, "unexpected conditions") if opts[:conditions].present? raise(ArgumentError, "invalid key: #{key}") if key.blank? || ! parse_key(key) if (attributes = ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("get.cassandra_object", column_family: column_family, key: key) { connection.get(column_family, key) }) && !attributes.empty? instantiate(key, attributes) else raise CassandraObject::RecordNotFound end end def find_by_id(key) find(key) rescue CassandraObject::RecordNotFound nil end def get_counter(key, column) result = ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("get_counter.cassandra_object", column_family: column_family, key: key, column: column) do connection.get(column_family, key, column) end if result result else raise CassandraObject::RecordNotFound end end def all(options = {}) limit = options[:limit] || 100 results = ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("get_range.cassandra_object", column_family: column_family, key_count: limit) do connection.get_range(column_family, key_count: limit, consistency: thrift_read_consistency) end do |k, v| v.empty? ? nil : instantiate(k, v) end.compact end def first(options = {}) all(options.merge(:limit => 1)).first end def find_with_ids(*ids) expects_array = ids.first.kind_of?(Array) return ids.first if expects_array && ids.first.empty? ids = ids.dup ids.flatten! ids.compact! ids.collect!(&:to_s) ids.uniq! #raise RecordNotFound, "Couldn't find #{} without an ID" if ids.empty? results = multi_get(ids).values.compact results.size <= 1 && !expects_array ? results.first : results end def find_all_by_expression(expression, options={}) multi_get_by_expression(expression, options).values end # Selecting a slice of a super column is not supported by default with the cassandra gem # TODO: move this to Cassandra gem. def get_slice(key, start, finish, opts={}) parent = => column_family) predicate = CassandraThrift::SlicePredicate. new(:slice_range => => start, :finish => finish, :count => opts[:count] || 100, :reversed => opts[:reversed] || false)) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("get_slice.cassandra_object", column_family: column_family, key: key, start: start, finish: finish) do {}.tap do |result| connection.send(:client).get_slice(key, parent, predicate, opts[:consistency] || Cassandra::Consistency::ONE).each do |column| result[] = _columns_to_hash(column.counter_super_column.columns) end end end end private def _columns_to_hash(columns) {}.tap do |hsh| columns.each { |column| hsh[] = column.value } end end def instantiate_many(attribute_results) attribute_results.inject({}) do |memo, (key, attributes)| if attributes.empty? memo[key] = nil else memo[parse_key(key)] = instantiate(key, attributes) end memo end end def multi_get(keys, options={}) attribute_results = ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("multi_get.cassandra_object", column_family: column_family, keys: keys) do connection.multi_get(column_family,, consistency: thrift_read_consistency) end instantiate_many(attribute_results) end def multi_get_by_expression(expression, options={}) options = options.reverse_merge(:consistency => thrift_read_consistency) attribute_results = ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("multi_get_by_expression.cassandra_object", column_family: column_family, expression: expression) do intermediate_results = connection.get_indexed_slices(column_family, expression, options) connection.send(:multi_columns_to_hash!, column_family, intermediate_results) end instantiate_many(attribute_results) end def get(key, options={}) multi_get([key], options).values.first end end end end